TamaTalk News


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uhhhh i dont really mind if i said that it was just a reminder.
No offense if this personal information to you, but I know you can't log in the chatroom when your dad isn't here Meghanr told me, but this should be in the chatroom!

Estimated 4 times the most user active updated today I have to go to the movies please someone keep an eye on that for me.

No offense if this personal information to you, but I know you can't log in the chatroom when your dad isn't here Meghanr told me, but this should be in the chatroom!
Nooooooo,i can be in chat anytime i want i just cant talk 2 u when my dad is home when my dad isnt home i can talk 2 u

Nooooooo,i can be in chat anytime i want i just cant talk 2 u when my dad is home when my dad isnt home i can talk 2 u
There is something important in my the Tamatalk News Room in the chat, I will copy the chat still.

Here is the Newscast:

[G+J] 2:02 am: NEW ROOM! I created a new room called "Tamatalk News"

Welcome! You have entered [Tamatalk News] at 2:02 am

[Tamatalk News]: ashgirl90210 has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: so

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: waz up

[G+J] 2:02 am: Have any news?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: what newz do u have for me

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: well codes

[G+J] 2:02 am: Non

[G+J] 2:02 am: e!

I can

t find any.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: codes or news

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: i have codes but not really news

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Here.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: do u need codes

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ?

[G+J] 2:02 am: No

[G+J] 2:02 am: there are a lot of codes out there.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: yea i no

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: but i only have five or six

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: codes

[Tamatalk News]: alannatama has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[alannatama] 2:02 am: BREAKING NEWS:as i talk there are people killing theyre goldfish and tamagotchis

[Tamatalk News]: alannatama has left at 2:02 am

[shAwDy_1] 2:02 am: NEW ROOM! I created a new room called "people who dont kill tama's n animals!!!only!"

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: u still there

[G+J] 2:02 am: I talked to alannatama

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: and

[G+J] 2:02 am: he said soemone put one on a firework!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: oh my

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: who?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: !

[G+J] 2:02 am: I aksed him right now.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ok

[G+J] 2:02 am: zealik!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: why?

[G+J] 2:02 am: Just asked

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: he felt like it

[G+J] 2:02 am: No.

[G+J] 2:02 am: He hasn't answered.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: thats what he said

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: he answerd me

[G+J] 2:02 am: ALL BECAUSE IT WAS 99CENTS!!!!!

[G+J] 2:02 am: AND IT WAS A VERSION 1!!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ohhhh

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ki

[G+J] 2:02 am: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=11579

[G+J] 2:02 am: Sorry wrong thing.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[G+J] 2:02 am: [G+J] 2:02 am: Like that is News.

[alannatama] 2:02 am: the person has put

the tamagotchi on a firework

[G+J] 2:02 am: That that is REAL


[alannatama] 2:02 am: its horrible who

would do that

[G+J] 2:02 am: Who did it?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: zealik

[G+J] 2:02 am: Why?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: it was 99cents

[alannatama] 2:02 am: and a ver 1

[G+J] 2:02 am: So?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: i dont know

anything else apart from she did it multiple

time and the onionotchi has survived lots


[G+J] 2:02 am: f blowing up into the air and it is burnt

[G+J] 2:02 am: There was the interview.

[G+J] 2:02 am: or talk.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: K

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: THANX

[Tamatalk News]: Puppyluver has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[Tamatalk News]: wishes has entered at 2:02 am

[Tamatalk News]: Tamatricks has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[Tamatricks] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: not really

[Tamatalk News]: card has entered at 2:02 am

[card] 2:02 am:      

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[Tamatalk News]: Foxy girl has entered at 2:02 am

[card] 2:02 am: me

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: no

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: my tama evolved hi    

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: hi

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[card] 2:02 am: intop a what

[wishes] 2:02 am: hi

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: huh

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: nooo

[Tamatricks] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: u

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: waz up my peeps

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: !

[G+J] 2:02 am: Well I have to leave Bye!

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: tamagotchis

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye g+j

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: c ya

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: c ya

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: bye

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye

[card] 2:02 am: iv got a dog tamagotchi adualt

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: kool

[card] 2:02 am: yeah

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: have u got v2

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: yea

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am:     

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     i like roses

[card] 2:02 am: yeah 2 of then

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: one

[card] 2:02 am: 2

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: 1

[card] 2:02 am: 2

[wishes] 2:02 am: gentle breeze

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: 1


[Tamatalk News]: Mothra has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[wishes] 2:02 am: hello Mothra

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hey

[Mothra] 2:02 am: Hi room

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     hi

[Mothra] 2:02 am: tama news eh? got any?

[G+J] 2:02 am: I have to leave Bye!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: noo

Here is the Newscast:
[G+J] 2:02 am: NEW ROOM! I created a new room called "Tamatalk News"

Welcome! You have entered [Tamatalk News] at 2:02 am

[Tamatalk News]: ashgirl90210 has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: so

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: waz up

[G+J] 2:02 am: Have any news?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: what newz do u have for me

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: well codes

[G+J] 2:02 am: Non

[G+J] 2:02 am: e!

I can

t find any.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: codes or news

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: i have codes but not really news

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Here.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: do u need codes

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ?

[G+J] 2:02 am: No

[G+J] 2:02 am: there are a lot of codes out there.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: yea i no

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: but i only have five or six

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: codes

[Tamatalk News]: alannatama has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[alannatama] 2:02 am: BREAKING NEWS:as i talk there are people killing theyre goldfish and tamagotchis

[Tamatalk News]: alannatama has left at 2:02 am

[shAwDy_1] 2:02 am: NEW ROOM! I created a new room called "people who dont kill tama's n animals!!!only!"

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: u still there

[G+J] 2:02 am: I talked to alannatama

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: and

[G+J] 2:02 am: he said soemone put one on a firework!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: oh my

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: who?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: !

[G+J] 2:02 am: I aksed him right now.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ok

[G+J] 2:02 am: zealik!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: wow

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: why?

[G+J] 2:02 am: Just asked

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: he felt like it

[G+J] 2:02 am: No.

[G+J] 2:02 am: He hasn't answered.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: thats what he said

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: he answerd me

[G+J] 2:02 am: ALL BECAUSE IT WAS 99CENTS!!!!!

[G+J] 2:02 am: AND IT WAS A VERSION 1!!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ohhhh

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: ki

[G+J] 2:02 am: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=11579

[G+J] 2:02 am: Sorry wrong thing.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[G+J] 2:02 am: [G+J] 2:02 am: Like that is News.

[alannatama] 2:02 am: the person has put

the tamagotchi on a firework

[G+J] 2:02 am: That that is REAL


[alannatama] 2:02 am: its horrible who

would do that

[G+J] 2:02 am: Who did it?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: zealik

[G+J] 2:02 am: Why?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: it was 99cents

[alannatama] 2:02 am: and a ver 1

[G+J] 2:02 am: So?

[alannatama] 2:02 am: i dont know

anything else apart from she did it multiple

time and the onionotchi has survived lots


[G+J] 2:02 am: f blowing up into the air and it is burnt

[G+J] 2:02 am: There was the interview.

[G+J] 2:02 am: or talk.

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: K

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: THANX

[Tamatalk News]: Puppyluver has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[Tamatalk News]: wishes has entered at 2:02 am

[Tamatalk News]: Tamatricks has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hello

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[Tamatricks] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: not really

[Tamatalk News]: card has entered at 2:02 am

[card] 2:02 am:      

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: k

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[Tamatalk News]: Foxy girl has entered at 2:02 am

[card] 2:02 am: me

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: no

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: my tama evolved hi    

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: hi

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[card] 2:02 am: intop a what

[wishes] 2:02 am: hi

[G+J] 2:02 am: Got any news?

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: huh

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: nooo

[Tamatricks] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: u

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: waz up my peeps

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: !

[G+J] 2:02 am: Well I have to leave Bye!

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: tamagotchis

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye g+j

[Puppyluver] 2:02 am: c ya

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: c ya

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: bye

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye

[card] 2:02 am: iv got a dog tamagotchi adualt

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: kool

[card] 2:02 am: yeah

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am: have u got v2

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: yea

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am:     

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     i like roses

[card] 2:02 am: yeah 2 of then

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: one

[card] 2:02 am: 2

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: 1

[card] 2:02 am: 2

[wishes] 2:02 am: gentle breeze

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: 1


[Tamatalk News]: Mothra has entered at 2:02 am

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hi

[wishes] 2:02 am: hello Mothra

[G+J] 2:02 am: Hi!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: hey

[Mothra] 2:02 am: Hi room

[Foxy girl] 2:02 am:     hi

[Mothra] 2:02 am: tama news eh? got any?

[G+J] 2:02 am: I have to leave Bye!

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: bye

[ashgirl90210] 2:02 am: noo
Sora_90 hoaxed that she disliked Tamatalk, and expressed it vointlently I will get a link soon...

Here is the link.
BREAKING NEWS! (Info from: yaguchimari190894) Adults are talking are talking of banning Version 2s due to the slot game! Topic Here.

I have made a poll here for your parents about this dilemma.

Breaking News (in my household): Tamagotchis Become Annoyance And Threats To Destroy Them Are Countless!

Some New News: I have just returned from a week in Cornwall!
Strange feels like a month or so...


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Tamapuppy, what happened to her?

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