The old days?


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Oh I remember so well... Actually, I was the first to get one here. :( I got my v1 on Christmas '04, and me and my friend fell in love with Tamagotchies! She got one too, few days later. We LOVED them. They got babies. Ahh.. <3 What a wonderful vacation... Other people here didn't really have v1's, but when v2's came out, more people had them. Actually all of my friends had one, and I got to get one as well. :3 Good times.
(I was 9 years old [in the 3rd grade] when I got my v1, and 10 years old [in the 4th grade] when I got my v2)
Tamagotchis are WAYYYY older than 04 so you definately werent the first to get one! I graduated high school in 04 and I had a tamagotchi YEARS before that in either 5th or 6th grade LOL just thought you would like to know how old those things TRULY are!!!

I know i always wanted a tamagotchi but i wasnt aloud one. My niece had one and i played on it non stop, i love the jump game :D I wish i had one...

Tamagotchis are WAYYYY older than 04 so you definately werent the first to get one! I graduated high school in 04 and I had a tamagotchi YEARS before that in either 5th or 6th grade LOL just thought you would like to know how old those things TRULY are!!!
Yehhh my sister is like 30 and she said she had one o.o


Good times.

I had about seven of the V1s (before I tossed them, thinking that I have "outgrown them").

I remember going to summer camp with all of my friends and connecting them all and seeing who could get the fattest Tamagotchi the fastest. I remember reciving a WHOLE bunch of Tamas for my B-day, and just opening them up and staying up all night playing and hatching them. And then being on the playground and playing house with them.

Those were the good days, when you could walk around holding an electronic egg key chain and not look ridiculous.


Nowadays, Highschool limits that fun. =/ Lol.

But they're still fun to indulge in.


Especially to calm you down on exam nights.

yah i remeber and i miss those days today is so sad i hate all the new ones its losing the proper idea of a tamagotchi like what is this music star and make a huge family get a job its al a bunch off pooop!

I don't think I was born yet. But I do love the ancestor tamagotchi's such as the angel and ocean versions :huh:

^ I don't think so either xD

I love the old Tamagotchis somehow. They're so unique and different in my mind, like they're not high-tech as the other Tamas now. They're so simple and easy to take care of, not like the Tamas they sell nowadays. :]

Ah yes, the good old days..... I remember when I got my first Tama. I was 39 years old. The Tama was (still is, in fact), a blue one with yellow buttons and a black frame around the screen. It still works perfectly. I bought 3 more after that one. In 2004, I found a green Santagotch in of all places, GOODWILL!! Of course, I HAD to get it ( for $20.00). Then, I bought at least one of versions 1-5.5, an Uratama, a Chibi, a Music Star, and now a Tama+ Color! So now I'm up to date, in my 40's, and still enjoy playing with my Tamas.

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For me the "old days" was back in 1997 when Tamagotchi first came out. I was in 8th grade and a had a blue P2 with yellow buttons. I personally miss the simplicity of the original Tamas. Right now I am running a v4 and the constant beeping from the mail man every 20 minutes or so is driving me crazy.

Tamagotchies were never popular where i live. the first time i ever saw one, a v3, was when my little sister's friend had one, and i loved it! she didn't take good care of it, tho. it was a piroriroritchi. anyway, i really wanted one, and my sister got one for christmas, but i didn't! i was so angry, i had even told my parents i wanted one, but they said they thought i was too old! anyway, when the v4 came out both my sister and i got one, and after that i was hooked. my sister doesn't care about her tamas anymore. none of them have battery anymore, except she made me start her v5 and it died within a few days, and now she doesn't really play it. what a waste of battery...... :(

Oh man. I loved them so much I had 9 V1 Tamagotchi's. And still do. ^-^

When they first came out where I live, strangely enough, no one had them but me. I have one other friend that had one when I did, and that was the only one I can remember connecting with that wasn't mine.

But I'm a Junior in High School and still play with them. xD Sometimes I even bring them to school. I have 4 running right now. And since I'm out of school, they're much easier to care for. My friends also tolerate me because I love my Tamagotchi's still. :3 Sometimes I even brag about how cool I am because I still play with Tamagotchi's. Lol.

I feel no shame!!!! xD

YES! I saw a bunch of people in my elementary school with them and I went home that day and asked my mom about it. If she knew what they were and she happened to buy two, one for me and one for this family friend, who was coming in town for a few days, to give to us when they came. I convinced her to give it to me early. It was a purple and pink one, I still have it somewhere. It's lost in my room, I will find it one day.

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I do! I was in 3rd grade I think, everyone had one! We were allowed them at school and we connected with everyone! You would have a full friend list in the matter of 2 hours.It was physcotic, but fun :lol:

Then the principals of every elementry school had to go and ban them.. that's basically when kids stopped playing with them :lol:
dang you principal!

Of course I remember. I was totally obsessed with mine! but i killed it a couple times before I got the hang of it. I got my first one in 2nd grade, and im going into 8th grade now. 6 years baby! haha. I missed how simple they were then.... D: I miss being able to have them in class >< that was so fun! now if i take them to school i get into trouble :wub:

I was 6 at school when everyone started having tamagotchis but when the v1s came out I was like 4 so I could never get one... :wub: Anyway we played with the v3s and we always loved playin BUMP!! Yay also we would like connect the whole lunch time it was so cool me and my friends are bringing the tamagotchis back in style. Everyone at school are bringing there v4s and v3s and there v5s! Our teacher at school lets us play with them in class too...! WOOP WOOP GO TAMAGOTCHIS! :huh: :D :D

Dude, I was in 7th grade when the V1s came out. I remember I got mine at Target on a Saturday night. It was the pink one with purple buttons and orange stars, I still have it. I named it Tambura and it was a kuchipatchi. Good times hahaha.

I also had a generation 1 Tamagotchi back in the late 90s, but I honestly don't remember much of it from when I first got it. However, I found it in the garage a few years ago and it still worked.

I remember my mom, aunts, grandma, and sister all had one and my aunt would go and buy one everytime a new one came out. I begged and begged for one but they said I was too little and got me a little mermaid one instead.

Oh how fondly do I remember when they came out wayyy back in the late 90's. It was the summer before I started highschool. My friend had a Tamagotchi and I was soo jealous. My parents tried to find one for me but they were sold out in all the stores. After a while I got a Giga Pet doggie instead. Not as cool but it was cute and fun. A couple years later my friend gave me her Tamagotchi after she got tired of it. I never actually played with it because it didn't have batteries. I recently found it in some of my old stuff so I promptly dashed to the store to find batteries. lol It works great!

The V3 was so popular back then almost anyone I saw would be having a Tamagotchi hanging on a lanyard or sitting there playing with them, playing the music game. My friends were so obsessed with Tamas until the Wii and the NDS came out. That's when everyone ditched Tamagotchis. Except me. I AM A TRUE TAMA FAN. I don't even have a Wii.

For me, the old days were back in 2005, when everyone had a V2. Everyone. Actually, everyone in my year had a tama. Hardly anyone in the year above did, and hardly anyone in the year below did, too. It was a massive craze. Every break time we would form a massive huddle in the playground, connecting. I became the first person to get two tamas, when I got my brother one for his 18th birthday. A boy called Ryan was the first to get a V3, then I was the first to get a V4. People would pester me to write down the login code, so they could go to the V4 TamaTown. But I refused, cos really there was no point, seeing as it was the same as the V3 one.

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