The OMG game


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GMO?? That's not funny unless you explain it...OMG rating: 2/10

My 5 year old brother is on a screaming fit because my dad is trying to clean the scratch he got from my sister..........
GMO is OMG backwards, anyone can figure that out!

.:puma:. 5/10 I don't get it

My sis got her name from a song (this is true)


Once I was on TamaTalk, listening to songs from Madonna's album Confessions On A Dancefloor. I found someones profile, and the siggy had a pic of Madonna in real life conpletely naked! I told the admin but he said, "Madonna rules naked". I told all of the members that there was a pic of madonna naked, but they just said, "She's Hot"

Then I showed the pic to Madonna but she killed me!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I hped Madonna didn't see this)

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6/10 Uh, I didn't see that.. (I don't like Madonna..)

Alright. In this bar, there was a shaman and a priest. They were hanging it out, and all drunk. But there was actually no shaman or priest. There were only you and George W Bush, and Hilary Clinton not to mention a drunk Barrack Obama talking about poop.

(You're supposed to rate the one above, cecib.)

I'll just post the one that wasn't rated.


Alright. In this bar, there was a shaman and a priest. They were hanging it out, and all drunk. But there was actually no shaman or priest. There were only you and George W Bush, and Hilary Clinton not to mention a drunk Barrack Obama talking about poop.

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5/10 creepy.

out of nowhere, you see the computer screen melting... at the mimitchi! and then the mimitchi steps out of the screen! ( not in the egg ) and started speaking ( insert any language you speak here ) adding piong at the end of every sentence, but thats not all..... IN A FRENCH ACCENT!!!!!!!!!! then it starts jumping around everywhere, acting like a normal tama but telling you the actual thing it needed instead of beeping......


i was walking down the street one day,

in the merry merry month of may,

i was taken by suprise,

by a pair of googly eyes,

i was walking down the street one day!!!


My loser of a teacher (not kidding; she's, like, 50 and everyone hates her) once skipped around the classroom, screaming "YIPPIE, YIPPIE, YIPPIE, YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Also, when she first started teaching at my school, she didn't wear a bra for the first 5 months of school (and she usually wore 1 or 2 shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

9/10 0.o

You were walking down the street to your friends house. You see a group up people wearing black. They turn out to be a gang. You cross the road to the other side of the street to aviod them. You cross back but them you hear foot steps that are running. The gang takes you and then puts a gun by your head and they said if you don't tell them were you live they will shot you. You told them and they take everything your family owned. All the money everything.



(Lol, I wouldn't do that in real life.)

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