Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


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AAAH! Well you guys might not've liked it but I definitely did. My friend let me borrow her sister's copy yesterday and I started reading it that night. I went to bed at 11.30 pm because I was so addicted and then I woke up at 6.30 am (not on purpose) and I finished it this morning. I loved it so so so much. My friend's reading the second book right now so I'm not sure if I'll be able to borrow the next one soon. I can't wait to read it though! =D

[SIZE=7pt]Oh God.[/SIZE]

I loved the first 3, Breaking Dawn is horrible. Actually, its stupid. : )

I read the first hundred pages and I thought "this would be great if it were fanfiction"

Bella's a dumby. >=[

thfi. .

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I'm currently reading the first book....

The plot seems really interesting and Edward Cullen is a great character. So complex and different...

Bella is okay. She seems a little 2-D, and not a well-thought out character.

But overall I like it so far.

I'm currently reading the first book....The plot seems really interesting and Edward Cullen is a great character. So complex and different...

Bella is okay. She seems a little 2-D, and not a well-thought out character.

But overall I like it so far.
By the time I hit the second book, Bella became less.. 'Appealing'. A lot of things that she did bothered me, and it started getting ridiculous, I think.

Other than that, I love the books.

twilight is the best series ever written it is also wonderfully addicting, u juts gotta makes sure ur heart is strong enough to come back into real life when ur done.

mine wasnt. i didnt know that. It hurt.


I adored the books. I was even one of those people who went to the Midnight PArty for Breaking DAwn and was sooooo excited! A lot of people said they hated the last one, but I really liked it. SUre, there could have been more action, but... it was good. My fave was the first, but Bella did get sort of... needy.

Everyone says Breaking Dawn ruined the series!

I dont know whether I should read it or not.

Personally, the series arent that good. I'm reading it becuase everyone else is XD

I thought it was really good. I never imagined so many people hating it... i guess it just depends on the kind of person you are. I thought it was more romantic then scary and i guess people were expecting it to be scary.

mm. I love Twilight. <33

After I finished the first book I got the second one, and finished it in a day, and now I have to wait until Tuesday evening to get the other two. Gahh.

I love these books, good plots, always action and I love the connection between Edward and Bella.

You have to really get involved in the books to understand the full potential, and for the haters just keep it to yourself.

They are good books but yes, some people may not like the type of book it is.

As you can tell, Im a big fan XD

I loved Twilight, except for Breaking Dawn... that was dissapointing. Anyway I'm sure you can tell that I love it from my username and siggy.

I read it and adored it. I think most people who don't like it have never read it, but everyone does have their own opinions. If you want mine: It's amazing. If you don't want my opinion, then you don't have to take it.

hmm. well i will say that the series definitely improved in the second and third books.

i sort of hate jacob though. he's kind of a perv. haha.

and bella's still slightly annoying.

but it has gotten a lot more addicting and more fun to read :]

now i'm on to read the fourth.

again, hmm...

I just finished the whole series. I'd have to say Breaking Dawn wasn't as horrible as everyone claimed.. I actually liked it. I'd have to say Twilight was the best one..



Breaking Dawn

New Moon.

I didn't like New Moon that much... No Edward, D; .

I FINALLY FOUND THE FIRST BOOK! I found it last weekend at Borders Books. I assumed Breaking Dawn would be hard to find... but right at the door... theres a stack of Breaking Dawn books half as tall as I am. I want to read the series in order so I looked for Twilight. I found it and started reading the day I got it. I'm almost finished and tomorrow I'm going to get New Moon! Then enxt weekend, Eclipse, and then the next weekend, Breaking Dawn. =)

Well I finished reading the second book. And now I'm reading the first one (yeah i know that's not in order). So I'm not really an expert on Twilight but I really love the second book. And I love everything I read so far in the first book.

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