We Are Young >> FORM & OCC <<


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I'm raging so hard right now &gt;=[ I typed up a lengthy post and BAM. iPod dies.


Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Arrogant, full of himself

Looks: He's very tall, bleach blond hair that is extremely layered, spikey but still short. He also has ice blue eyes.

Weapon/s: a cool looking sword that constantly has frost on it

History: He hates the human race and is angered by their mistakes

Crush:none, he likes to think of himself as being cold-hearted.

Other: Has frost abilites.

Orgaisation person Form:


Age: 20


Personality:He's kind and light-hearted. He's very optimistic about things. His general kindness is often mistaken as flirting and usually leads to awkward situations

Looks:He has sandy blonde hair with green eyes. He's tall and fit from fighting for years. He wears a general Organization hood and boots. Davyn wears dark clothes.

Weapon(s):He has an ability to controll Asvoria's opposite element, Light. He can't create fire or heat with it, just a general brightness and soothing sensation, or a blinding flash to distract his enemies. He also has a light grey sword with etchings and symbols all up the blade that glow white when he uses his abilities.

History:Davyn is high within the ranks of the Organization and currently resides in the underground base where he has lived for several years. He is the one who rescued Asvoria from being killed like her family. He remembers her but she forgot him.

Crush:noooope =]

Other: lah-dee-dah-dee-doo.&lt;3

I, GamerAparition, hereby give YellowJedi and Aquangel permission to control both of Asvoria and Rune as long as they stick to their general characters. (Asvoria being scared of Rune but strong for Dex. Very motherly to the others.)

(Rune being just a jerk but nice for Sierra)

Lol with exams and school messing me up plus work I might not be able to post very often.

@ GA: OK. Are you leaving? :T

@ YellowJedi. Your new RP: 4 pages in a few minutes. WOAH.

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D= I'm never leaving! *grabsyour Rp and holds it close*

I just don't want to make people wait because I'm gone for a day. =]]

Oh, I thought you were leaving again for another 2 years. xD

It's a joke RP, don't worry xD.

@ GA: Good.

@ YJ: *Bites head off*

Suvivior Form:

Name: Shelly "Squee" Sky

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: ReAlLy HaRd to describe.

Looks: Shelly has long blonde hair and green eyes. She has lightly tanned skin. She wears shirts that have sleeves that are too long and leggings.

Powers: Shelly is able to metals. She is also able to control dreams, but not well.

Weapon/s: A poison tipped set of knives. She carries a anti-poison, incase she gets the wrong person.

History: Her parents were killed recently. She'd been hiding and found them dead. She somehow found her way to the organisation.

With the organisation? Yes.


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