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Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer.

I finished New Moon in less than two days. It really ticked me off.

May Bird you should read it it i will put what it says on the back of the book so you know what it's about Most people aren't very comfortable in the woods , but the woods of Briery Swamp fit May Bird like a fuzzy mitten. There she is safe from school and the taunts and teases of kids who don't understand her.Hidden in the trees , May is a warrior princess , and her cat somber kitty,is her brave guardian. Then May falls into a lake. When she crals out ,May finds herself in a world that most certainly doen't feel like a fuzzy mitten. in fact , it is a place few living people have ever seen. Here towns glow blue beneath zipping stars and the people-people?-walk through walls. Here the book of the dead holds the answers to every thing in the universe. And here , if May is discovered , the horrifying evil Bo Cleevil will turn her into nothing. May Bird must get out. Fast. I'm going to go read it right now.

I'm still reading the same stuff because I lack any motivation whatsoever. but I am also readin Headfirst HTML with CSS & XHTML because it's actually a really good book. xD

The Warriors series. Can't be more specific because I literally read each book in two days. I started the New Prophecy before the Original and will start that one when I finish The New Prophecy. After that I will read Power of Three.

I'm reading The Blue Mirror by Kathe Koja. I'm almost done with it though, I think I'll finish by today :) I'm gonna have to go to the library to get a new one xD Anyway, it's an excellent book, i love it!

Half-Reading Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. Because my best friend will kill me if I don't.

READ A BOOK REVIEW AND ESCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ahem, anyways, I am ecstatic. I recovered A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking today. WIN. >D It was behind the telly.

I'm reading "Pictures of Hollis Woods." Its pretty good.

I'm on chapter 10...I think. I can only read it at school for 15 mins, my teacher made that "15 min" rule..But I love to read. Sorry, off topicness.. D=

Well not books per say but I am reading two mangas now. SGT.FROG And Azumanga Daioh pretty funny I need book five and seven of SGT.FROG and book three of Azumanga Daioh lol.

Pride And Prejudice...still. It's awfully slow reading.

I recently finished a two-act play script called Rumors. :] And I think I'll check out another one soon. Apart from that, nothing, though we're starting The Most Dangerous Game in English, and we have a project where we read three short stories by the same author coming up. I'm looking forward to it.

Still reading Warriors: The New Prophecy.

But only until tonight. Then I'll be finished and I'll start up on the Original series.

I was reading 'A Group of One' by Rachna Gilmore. Good book.

And before that, 'The Virgin Suicides'. Also a very good book by Jeffery Eugenides. It's a book about the complexity behind suicide, and why the five girls did it. If you like dark comedy and mystery, read it. Recommended for 14+.

Check the Wikipedia article out too, it's pretty good. No clue about the movie.
