Woah O.O


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I keep saying to myself Peter is a very smart man, and he hasn't answered me yet and it's been two minutes since the little rectangle things came up. Maybe he really does know.

EDIT: new answer. He said he doesn't know. XDD

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the scarest thing just happnd...it did the bathroom thing so i looked and i found a dollar...

I'm too scared to check the bathroom. I afraid to be alone in the bathroom as it is. (don't ask) And can somebody please tell me what I'll answer you if you stop proving me means?

Summer_F.: I got that answer too. It's a quote from the bible.

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I'm too scared to check the bathroom. I afraid to be alone in the bathroom as it is. (don't ask) And can somebody please tell me what I'll answer you if you stop proving me means?
Summer_F.: I got that answer too. It's a quote from the bible.
ah...i have a feeling were all wasteing out time...XD

Check it out, it's really not that scary. It's just a bit freaky. Just be very polite and ask him your username, your favorite color, anything simple. And concentrate really hard the answer you want him to give. I noticed that if I concentrate it takes him a longer time to answer and if you think negatively he'll give you an answer like I don't believe you believe in my powers.

your right...and wrong...my friend out there was likehey i was looking for youans asked me a qustion...

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