Woah O.O


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Um, its not a real guy, its a prank site.So I doubt he got anyones IP address. You can make the answer whatever answer you want him to say,making it a prank site. Its not an actual guy. And the all capitals is annoying. Even if you are trying to warn someone about something.


Um, its not a real guy, its a prank site.So I doubt he got anyones IP address. You can make the answer whatever answer you want him to say,making it a prank site. Its not an actual guy. And the all capitals is annoying. Even if you are trying to warn someone about something.Broken~Wings
Why thank you Broken~Wings, I will keep this as a mental note. This guy will not find your IP address nor is this a prank. This is just some guy from Argentina trying to attract kids from all over the world. They're parents will not experience any technical difficulties afterwards. I really doubt he's got anyones IP address either ;)

Why thank you Broken~Wings, I will keep this as a mental note. This guy will not find your IP address nor is this a prank. This is just some guy from Argentina trying to attract kids from all over the world. They're parents will not experience any technical difficulties afterwards. I really doubt he's got anyones IP address either ;)
Wow. Be a brat about it. I'm saying I didn't think it would be true, but okay then.


Shut up please >_> why dont you swing off big ben screaming that a website is gonna to eat our souls.

I'm really feeling sarcastic today.
Sarcasm is better to be heard, not read. You read sarcasm and it seems more bratty than sarcastic.

Since TG_D as obviopusly used the site numerous times before, we should ask her if she experienced trouble with her computer afterwards.

BTW, I googled peteranswers.com, and nothing came up about some guy in Argentina trying top get kids IP addressed, so before I beleive it, I'd rether see a link to where you got the info.


EDIT:Tamagotchi_Forever! who are you saying that to?

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Yeah, only I can be sacastic online and it make sense. Just kidding. Actualy, my friend did tell me I was so sarcastic that he could tell even over AIM. xP

Anyways, I'm pretty sure any site can get your IP adress. Or at least if you post or submit something on it. Things like Wikipedia can get your IP adress if you post on it without registry. Neopets can ban your IP and I'm sure TT has them, too, so it's not like it's that hard to get them.

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Sarcasm is better to be heard, not read. You read sarcasm and it seems more bratty than sarcastic. Since TG_D as obviopusly used the site numerous times before, we should ask her if she experienced trouble with her computer afterwards.

BTW, I googled peteranswers.com, and nothing came up about some guy in Argentina trying top get kids IP addressed, so before I beleive it, I'd rether see a link to where you got the info.


EDIT:Tamagotchi_Forever! who are you saying that to?
It was an example.

Yes, TGD was correct. My sister's friend just told her the secret. It is like what TGD said.. exactly. I'll show my sister later on. This will help people who were actually scared of the site.

No, Peter will not get your IP Addresses. It is really a prank site to fool your friends. I'm wondering how someone found out in the first place..

LOL, it's making excuse's not to answer: (S=Me and P=Peter)

S: Where do I live?

P: Redo your question; put some thought on it. Otherwise, I'll not answer.

S: What country am I in?

P: Concentrate more; I feel that the spiritual link is getting better.

S: What is my secret?

P: I notice a certain disturbance in the environment. You need to concentrate.

S: Are you a fake?

P: Keep going, I feel comfortable with you.

S: What is my middle name?

P: In a moment, I'll tell a secret of yours that you weren't expecting... you'll be surprised...

It's such a fake, it doesn't even answer.

Sarcasm is better to be heard, not read. You read sarcasm and it seems more bratty than sarcastic. Since TG_D as obviopusly used the site numerous times before, we should ask her if she experienced trouble with her computer afterwards.

BTW, I googled peteranswers.com, and nothing came up about some guy in Argentina trying top get kids IP addressed, so before I beleive it, I'd rether see a link to where you got the info.


EDIT:Tamagotchi_Forever! who are you saying that to?
Nothing has ever happened to my computer from peteranswers.com :wub:

Now, for all of you who DON'T understand what peteranswers.com is, check out my post in page four. On a further note, the site will not give you a virus. It is not a real man trying ''attract'' kids, or stealing your IP address. It's answers are computer generated, unless somebody in the same room is pranking you.

I tried it, it's bogus. It dosen't really answer your username of course.

Question: Am I gonna die soon?

Answer: Keep going, I feel comfortable with you.

o.o Oookay then.

You guys, I feel like I need to apologize for all this confusion and worry. I went over to my friend's house and was tricked by this thing, and then I told Mom and TamaPATCHI how amazing it was and that it actually worked. Then she posted it on TamaTalk that it actually worked (based on my experience) and apparently, this machine is sending out automatic rather scary answers that have scared some of you. So I feel that I need to apologize for all the emotions, because the responses I got were scary and I got kind of scared, too. So everyone, you can get mad at me all you want, and I'm sorry.

I Just Tried This:

Me: Am I A Girl or A Boy?

Peter answers: I notice great anxiety in you, and that produces some apathy in me. Change your attitude and I'll answer.

Me: Will I Get a Boyfirend

Peter answers: Your questions are getting better, keep going.

Me:Will I Become A Goth,Prep Or Emo?

Peter answers: You are wasting my time, and I'll do the same to you

Me: Do I Have To Pee?

Peter answers: I'll only talk to you when Emily's soul is around.

I Just HAD To Ask This One...

Me: Are You Peter Griffin?

Peter answers: The souls have different concepts that prevent to answer the question uniformly.

I Think This Is Fake... But Entertaining...

I Tried The Name One,

Peter Thought Mhy Name Was John (My Uncles Name)

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Here is the post the TGD posted. Please read it through thoroughly. Please.

*contains laughter*
Perteranswers.com is a trick. I do it to my friends ALL the time.

What you do, as the typer, is go to peteranswers.com with a friend. Make sure you're the only one around who knows the secrect. Ask your friend to ask 'Peter' a question, that you know the answer too, then do this;

Instead of typing in 'Peter, please answer the following question', start off with a period. Then, type in the answer to the question. After typing in the answer, hold down the period button (......................) until the screen says 'Peter, please answer the following question' Lets say the question was 'What is my name?' and the answer was Sarah. This is what you'd type in;


And this is what it'd appear to be,

'Peter, please answer the following question.'

Then, type in the question, click the enter button, and up pops the answer you typed in. Don't believe me? Type peteranswers into Google, but dont go to the official website. Go to another that talks about the site. You'll see, its a prank. The reason 'Peter' always refuses to answer your questions is because he doesn't really know. The refuses he gives you are computer programmed, and he is in no way watching you.

Sorry to burst any bubbles.
I have done that tons of times to fool my friends, and they all worked! Then, I told them. Anyways, TamaPATCHI, please do not keep on repeating the same message.

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