Your Opinion On HSM (Not A Repeat)


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^ Coursie. I'm Petey's lil' the movie, of course. Because, at 4' can't pass for older, can you? That makes you an automatic vampire. Since I doubt vampires would be friends with vampire hunters...I doubt it would work out. Ttk07, are you gonna be in it, too??? : D

I think I'm going to start it with Gerard btiing Ryan and turning him. A scream echoes...and fades, just as the intro music starts. All of a sudden, you see the gray skies. Raining. You end up going down, towards the ground, and end up in front of a boxy, blackish gray building. That's what I've got so far. What should be in the building?

Nah. I've figured it out. I think my writer's block is over, but...better not jinx it. Haha. Things Diva does out of boredom. This could make a good book...

That sounds good. The award winning film written by Liz and doggiedreams, starring Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Ryan Ross, Barney, Hugh Laurie, Gerard Way...

That sounds good. The award winning film written by Liz and doggiedreams, starring Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Ryan Ross, Barney, Hugh Laurie, Gerard Way...
W00t. We will win an Oscar...(or two, or three, or four, or five, maybe even...six or seven. We could beat Lord of the Rings...was it 11 they got? Or 9?).

Eeeek. You forgot Bren. Can't forget him. After we win our awards, we'll all be famous and....and I need to shuttup.

Isn't it long?? It's very long. And we still need extras. We should name one of the character's a totally random name.

Maybe not that random. Although a vampire called 'Cheese Muffins' would be way cool. I would watch it. Let's name one...uh...what am I listening to now...Camisado? I kinda like that....

Sure. That sounds cool.

Maybe one could be Chipi? At school, we do reading buddies with the grade ones and someone's name is Chipi. These two people in my class are like "CHIPI IS THE BEST NAME EVER! IT'S SO AWESOME!" xD

The original point of this topic was to respond to some questions about HSM.

It's fired a lot of imagination :wub: but it is getting to a stage where it would make quite a good RP topic don't you think?

Liz! suggestion for a new topic is a good one - in RP if it keeps going in the same direction :ichigotchi:


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