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^ Yep! We all just call it Zelda: Wii. That picture brings up SO many questions...

Who is that girl?

Why is Link swordless?

Why does that girl thing resemble the Master Sword?

Why won't they show the more mature Link straight on?

All good questions....

'Cept for me who's been gone for about three pages now, lol. I leave for one day, and I'm three pages behind. Yes, that avatar is awesome!

About OoT, i just finished it 'bout a month ago. The Forest Temple was my favourite. I just loved the music and the poes, and the wallmasters were really scary! I love bein scared tho, so that's a good thing! When I get scared I get really into the game. I didn't find the Shadow Temple too scary, though. I dunno why.

And guess what? I'm getting TP probably within the next hour! YAY!


Tell me if you get it. I didn't finish the game yet, but almost.

You should just get a Link avatar too.

Give into the pressure.Peerpressurepeerpressure. x3

I actually tried to awhile ago, but its kinda hard to on my computer cuz it blocks just about everything with parental controls and whatnot. And I did get TP! It is sooo awesome! And since I don't have school today, I can play all day. 8D I haven't gotten to play since the day I got it because I had a ton of homework, but I'm at the part where Link first turns into a wolf. I really hate Midna. :(

Ughhh. Midna. I've always hated her. xDD I mean she becomes more of a friend to Link throughout the game, but I still can't stand her. x33

Congrats on getting it! You'll have to keep us up to speed on where you are the progress you've made. 8D

Well, as of now I just filled up that tear thing and I'm almost at the Forest Temple. Unfortunately, my little sis's friend is over and they're hogging the tv where the wii is. :(

-twitch- Am I the ONLY one that actually likes Midna. Sure she is pretty useless sometimes, but come on, she's better than NAVI.

And Midna actually has a role in this game. xDD

Yay! At first, collecting tears was fun. But then, it turns into "Ughhhhhh! Not again! Dx"

The Forest Temple was cool. Monkies!

And which version do you have? Gamecube or Wii?

I have the Wii version. I just beat the Forest Temple. Although I do agree Midna is more useful than Navi, she's just really rude and annoying. Navi was annoying in a nice sort of way.


I am a HUGE Zelda Fan, I've ranked up a total of 6210.9 Hours of THE LEGEND OF ZELDA OCARINA OF TIME!...Oh god, PRETTY PLEASE don't get me started. I'll be making hundreds of posts about my fandom of Zelda dude. PLEASE don't get me started, Oh man, Especially Oracle of Seasons, lemme say I've gotten all the rings, I really love that game, and the Level 2 Boomerang and Level 2 Sword are FUN!

And I love using the Hookshot in Ocarina of Time to find glitches in the game as well, I've been doing so since 1998, And about Majoras Mask and Twilight Princess...GWAAHH, I LOVE PHANTOM HOURGLASS! It's ...okay, I should shut up now. I'm going to go nuts here!!!!!!!!!!

^ She really does improve throughout the game, though. She just always rubbed me the wrong way. x33

That's great that you got out of the Forest Temple! 8D Isn't the little kid Colin just so adorable? X3

OMG I know! He's like "I want to be just like you, Link! But i dont want to use a sword.....it's too scary." I was all like "awwww!". The other kid is annoying though. At first I told him he couldn't borrow the sword, buth then after he asked again, i realized i pretty much had no choice. But honestly, would you give a sword to a little kid? I think not.

OMG I know! He's like "I want to be just like you, Link! But i dont want to use a sword.....it's too scary." I was all like "awwww!". The other kid is annoying though. At first I told him he couldn't borrow the sword, buth then after he asked again, i realized i pretty much had no choice. But honestly, would you give a sword to a little kid? I think not.
I know right? So adorable. :)

And.. Talo. Talo is the annoying one. xDD And Beth is all secretly, "Oh my gosh, Link. I LOVE YOUU." xD Little kids. :'D

Jae : OMG I LOVE YOU LINK!!!!!!!!111shiftone

Anyways. xD I forget, where do you go after the Forest Temple. xD I played the game twice and I still forget. -racksbrain-

Fire Temple? Thats the order in Ocarina. xDDD

After the Forest Temple you go to the Fire Temple. The Goron place. xD

The order is:

Forest Temple

Fire Temple

Water Temple

Temple of Time

Sky Temple

Twilight Temple

Ganon's Castle

At least, that's how I remember it xD

I beat that game as soon as I got it and haven't played it since. lol.

And I got it as soon as it was released. xD

I was extremely late on TP. I got it, like, last year. xD

And dude, are there really that little temples?! Yeah, there are!

I guess its all that extra wandering around and sidequests we had to do in between that stretched it out. @___@

I think there was more in Ocarina.

Kid Link:

Great Tree (or whatever its called)




Spirit Temple part 1

Adult Link:

Forest Temple

Fire Temple

Water Temple

Shadow Temple

Spirit Temple Part 2

Ganon's castle

Yupp. WAAAAAAAY more dungeons in Ocarina. Plus all the annoying stuff that was mandatory in between. Like saving the workers from the Gerudos. That was a pain in the ........

EDIT: NO! I just remembered! There was another dungeon in TP. The one in the desert whose name I forgot. Artibers Grounds? Something like that.

And the snowy place with the Yetti.

Now I'm pretty sure that's it.

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TP is a game you can beat in a day, if you put your mind to it. xD And yeah. I forgot that one too. But it has my favourite boss. xD

The thing that takes up most of the game is the cutscenes. So. Many. Cutscenes.


For Ocarina, it only DID take me a day. o.o;;

And there's so much that happens in that game too. xD

Now, Link's Awakening I am stuck on. I cannot figure out the stupid bird temple place. D:

Link's Awakening was the first Zelda game I ever played. But I've never beaten it.

After OoT, it's my favourite Zelda game. :]

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