Laura's Attempt at a Log


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L raKC d

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
South-East England
Hey guys!

I thought because I got a V3 today I thought I'd log it.

I have my official GCSE exams coming up soon so I have no idea how this is gonna go but I'll be sure to take photos of anything interesting happening so I can make posts whenever possible. So... Here we go!

So I got home from school today and my mum texted me saying 'if anything comes for me, open it, it'll be ur tamagotchi' and I did, and there it was with 2 batteries included by the seller. How kind! So instantly I shoved the battery in and reset it and....


I got a girl!


I named her Abbey.

So obviously I played with her and fed her and all that and she became a child.. (I apologise for my dinner in the background)


And that's all that's really happened today. I'll let you guys know more when something happens.

Also this log will most likely eventually include and ID L and/or a P's, as I have both of those on their way from Japan as I type this.


Hey guys, now to write the update for Abbey today.

So first of all I woke up at 6:15, and Abbey wasn't due to wake up until 8. I leave the house at 7:20 because I have to get the school bus, so I changed her clock to 8pm so she sleeps all the way through school.

When I got home I changed her clock back to normal, fed her and played some games with her.. I'm really bad at get the music notes and bump...

At about 5pm she grew up into a teenager!!


I'm wondering what adult she will become. So I just wanna relax for now so I don't think I'll be playing any games but here are her stats before I go:

Hunger: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 2 bars

Age: 1 year

Weight: 36lbs

Name: Abbey

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 420p

And that's everything. Bye guys!

Hey guys!

Not much happened today and I couldn't pay much attention to Abbey as I was revising but I did alright with caring for her I think.

No picture as she's not changed, but here are her stats:

Hunger: **

Happy: **

Training: 5 bars

Age: 2 year

Weight: 56lbs

Name: Abbey

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 420p

She's now asleep.

Bye guys!

Hey guys!

Sorry for no updates recently. I've been revising non-stop and I've had 1 exam at the moment. I know you won't really be too bothered but I have the other half of the exam I had on friday on tuesday (art is 10 hours total), then my exams start properly on the 11th, Yikes!

So basically I've had my V3 and Tamagotchi Friends on pause and I'm considering taking out the batteries. Especially because I had a surprise come through the post/mail on friday... My tamagotchi P's arrived! I ordered the dream coffret set for £34 (roughly $51 USD, 46 euros, 65 Australian Dollars & 62 Canadian Dollars). I wasn't expecting it until the 27th of March but it came early! I've just been getting used to that so I think my Log is mainly gonna be Tamagotchi P's and ID L (when that arrives).

I'll post about the P's now!

So on friday I set it up and got a baby boy!


I set the tamagotchi up at like 6pm, so he didn't get much of a first day but just before he went to bed properly at 8pm, he turned into Mitsumarutchi and then went straight to sleep!


Then not much happened yesterday except I was earning money to buy a new livingroom and I was just playing around with the pierce. And please can someone let me know if it's normal to be able to still access the food, games and places with the decorated bars at the top and bottom that come with the pierce when it's no longer in? I'm having that at the moment....

Anyway I woke up this morning (with a huge pain in my back, standard) at 7:40am and found out that my little boy had turned into a Cosmotchi! I was on purposely trying to get him. I think because I haven't had any care misses with him I'm gonna try and get Knightchi. Wish me luck!


I will keep you updated when anything else happens!

As for stats:


And for now that is everything.. bye guys!

Good morning everyone! (well it's morning for me in the UK!)

Since I'm up this early I thought I'd write about what has happened between my post yesterday and now, and most likely I'll write more later.

The only reason you'll have more posts now is because it's May Day, and here in the UK we have the day off, this means barely any shops are open, schools are closed, most people don't have to go into work, no post/mail etc.

Anyway, on topic.

Yesterday, I took Cosmotchi to my nans house, and he was reading his cookbook on the journey.


He had perfect care so far and I wanted to get his personality to gourmet so he would become a Knightchi. This is the first time I've ever on purposely gone for a character! Not much happened after that. I got home, he ate food, played some games, pooped a couple of times, standard stuff then finally he went to sleep. I can't remember what time though...

So this morning I was woken up at 6:30 by my alarm, but didn't do anything until 7am, and I looked over at my tama and he had become Knightchi!!!! (sorry for the bad pic, it was early with little light in my room)


Now, I looked online to see what I needed to do to get his puzzle pieces, and I realised I already owned the clapper board, so he played with that and.....



I do know what else you need to get for him, so later on today I will include images of what I've used to get his puzzle pieces, I just want to get everything done today as for the rest of the week I won't be able to care much for him due to school, exams and revision every night, but I refuse to take out the batteries!

So far that's all that has happened but I will update later once I've gotten the puzzle pieces that I can get so far.


Hey everyone!

I did a stupid thing. I didn't realise what I was doing and Knightchi ended up having a baby... he had 3/4 puzzle pieces. That's annoying!

Anyway here's the update and stuff... Sorry I'm a bit angry with myself now, i was determined to get Knightchi all his puzzle pieces...

So here's the stuff you need to get 3 puzzle pieces for knightchi.


He ended up getting those puzzle pieces, but because I was an idiot he didn't get his fourth. *angry face*

Here's the pics of him getting 2 of his puzzle pieces:


And here's him leaving the baby:


I'll either edit this for the toddler/child stage or I'll do it some other time.

Ugh so angry with myself...

Bye guys

I love your log! Good luck on your GCSE's by the way, I hated doing mine ugh.
Thank you so much for both of those comments! I just finished art today, oh wow that went wrong... :p

Also I forgot to include a picture of the girl in her toddler stage so here it is:


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Hi everyone!

So today I have great news, I've completed one GCSE exam! It was art and my teacher seems pretty proud of the work I've done, I'm hoping for a B or higher!

I've got a pretty big update to do so sorry if this is really long..

Yesterday while I was at school I checked on my little tamagotchi to see that the child had become a teen.. Neotchi! (I was out so only got a picture of her asleep)


And today she grew up into....Patitchi! I was hoping for Kiramotchi or Yumemitchi but I knew I wouldn't get a perfect care character due to only being able to check on her every 2-3 hours... But she's lovely.


I also just managed to get her 3/4 puzzle pieces.


I also got very bored on Monday night and made a tamagotchi pouch, it's so cute! I know it's not perfect but it's my first attempt


Also in the post today I got... MY ID L! Which means I may have to make another pouch ^_^


I think that is all for now. I may run my tamagotchi ID L either tomorrow, friday or once my exams are all finished (12th of June I think) but I don't know if I can wait that long!! Anyone got any suggestions?

Bye guys!

Hey guys, this is just a little update on my ID L.

So I just opened it and the sticker fell off straight away and I noticed it didn't have any batteries. This automatically caused some alarm bells because I messaged Eternal Mametchi Fan and was told they are meant to have batteries. I opened it and saw one battery was in it! I put another battery in to see if it was used and it came up with the option to load, so I did and there was a toddler on it! Anyway this was a gift to me from my dad and we'd waited a month for it, so he's complained to the seller on amazon and I'll update about what happens.

Anyway I decided to reset it and play with it for now.

So I sorted it and got a boy..


From left to right: how I opened the tamagotchi, the new egg, the baby boy.

I'll edit this when I get a toddler, I changed the time so I can let him grow and play for a bit and once he's a child/toddler I'll change the time back and send him off to bed.

Edit: He grew up to become a child/toddler


Bye guys!

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Hey guys, sorry for the spam. I decided I would post how to make a tamagotchi pouch as I just made a second one.

Step 1- Cut 2 pieces of fabric the same size, enough to fit a tamagotchi in plus some extra room and a bit at the top for the elastic.


Step 2- sew the three sides together but leaving a bit of the fabric loose at the top.


Step 3- fold down the spare bit and sew it down, leaving the sides open, this is for the elastic.


Step 4- take a piece of elastic which is small but big enough to fit a tamagotchi in when stretched. Add a safety pin to it and thread it through.

Step 5- sew both ends of the elastic together and sew up the sides u threaded it through.


Step 6- turn it the right way round and you're done!


And that's it.

Bye guys!

Hey everyone!

I'm here with an update!

I'll be honest, not much has happened but I wanted to post something.

Tamagotchi P's:

Today I had my Patitchi put into school from 7:20am until 3:40pm (when I was out of the house) and when I got home I played some games with her but then to make her happier I bought her some expensive food. I've realised the only game I ever play is the jump rope/skipping rope game, but I get money from it fairly easily.

I'm waiting until she's got all 4 puzzle pieces and is 6 before she gets married, I actually really like this character.

Here are her stats...


Tamagotchi ID L:

Because I don't know much about the ID L and I have a child, not an adult, I just had Kaubotchi, so I put him to bed and he slept until I was home, so I have no idea when he's going to evolve now! Anyway I played some games with him, I'm so bad at both of them! Hopefully Kaubotchi will either evolve today or tomorrow. I'm only out of the house from 7:20am until like 1pm tomorrow due to a half day to celebrate year 11 coming to an end (and exams starting) so I'll most likely just turn the little ones on mute and check on them during art, which may be a cover lesson *happy face* and then I'll check on them again while in town/on the bus.

Here are his stats:


If anything happens I'll edit this post.

Bye guys!

Hey guys!

Sorry there was no update yesterday, but I have a lot to update on...

Tamagotchi P's:

Okay, so my Patitchi got her 4th puzzle piece and I decided after that I wanted to begin the third generation.

So I took her to the dating place and got her a husband, I got my boyfriend to pick and he chose Nandetchi. They got married and ended up having a baby girl, aaw!

She evolved into a Puchinhanatchi an hour after her birth and a couple of hours ago she became Nokobotchi.

I'm hoping to turn her either into Pekopekotchi or Himespetchi.



Tamagotchi ID L:

Yesterday I made sure he was asleep until I was on the bus home from school. When I changed the time, he quickly turned into Hanikamitchi. I played a few games with him and when I woke up this morning he had become Mametchi, yay! Today I made sure he earned lots of money and I managed to get 3 of his happy symbols, using food, a plant thing and a crown. Soon I hope he will get his fourth and I can get him married off to begin the second generation, I'm excited!



Also, my exams start officially on monday (the 11th) so I have no idea how much posting I'm going to be able to do. So it may be a case of a couple of posts a week but they'll contain lots of pictures and stuff.

Bye guys!

Hi guys, I had to do something sad today... I had to take the batteries out of a tamagotchi.

Bet you guys can't guess what one I still have running?

Yep, I've kept the P's running because I am seriously so in love with it, it's ridiculous!

Anyway onto updating...

So I'm just talking about the P's now and I'll most likely reset the ID L after my exams are over with...

So I got Himspetchi and i got all of her puzzle pieces and I even took her to the secret base where she saw her mum.



Then today I took her to go and get married, it was beautiful. She married Karakutchi!


And she had a..... GIRL! Generation 3 has begun with yet another baby girl. I wonder who she'll become. I'm thinking Kiramotchi or Pekopekotchi.


And I guess that's all for now. I'll edit when she becomes a toddler.

Bye guys!


Here she is as a child, I got her painted too, I like this actually...


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Hey guys.

I realised in my previous post I said that I just started generation 3, nope it's generation 4. Sorry Knightchi, not getting all your puzzle pieces confused me.

Anyway here's what my little child turned into....



And I'll edit this or just write another post when she becomes an adult. I'm hoping for memetchi! I read that if she uses the beauty set 20+ times as a teen she will become Memetchi, if that doesn't work I hope she becomes Kiraitchi.

Anyway that's it for now.

Bye guys
