Laura's Attempt at a Log


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Hey guys, sorry I'm being inactive, too many exams!

Anyway here's a huge update.

Okay so a few days ago I got memetchi and I did the puzzle piece stuff


And then decided to play with my dream coffret pierce and earn a load of money, since it's so quick & easy on that game...


And yesterday I got the fourth puzzle piece and... MY BABY CHANGE PIERCE ARRIVED!! Memetchi was hungry too so I decided to connect it and buy her some milk and cookies from the music cafe and the restaurant.


And today I decided to start up generation 5! I FINALLY GOT A BOY OMG I'M SO HAPPY!


I'll edit his child state in later if I remember.

I'm so lucky I can relax tonight as I have no exams tomorrow and I'm fighting off the end of a horrible cold, I can't stop coughing my lungs up, it's so painful!

With this baby, I'm hoping to get any character I can use the baby change pierce on, I'm thinking mametchi just because he's awesome, I'll see...

Bye guys!

Hey guys, I finished my english literature exam today & now I've got 9 days off before back to exams!

So I ordered the Aikatsu Pierce & the Melody Land P's set, so am now waiting for those to arrive, here are the stock photos:


And now onto the P's...

Okay so the baby became Turtlechi and I didn't manage to get pictures of him, as he evolved yesterday while I was in town, but he became Maimaitchi! He's so so so cute when he's asleep it makes me laugh and smile!


And today when I got home early from school (study leave) I changed the time back to normal and 5 minutes later..... Kuchipatchi! Then I got this 3 puzzle pieces..


Here's what you need to get them:


I was kind of sad that he doesn't work with the baby pierce, I didn't have enough time to get him to become a character the pierce works with, so looks like I'll have to wait until generation 6... Darn!

Anyway I will next update when he gets his tamatomo and when he can go off to get married. I hope for another baby boy, as I had 3 girls in a row and it was annoying, I kinda want one more boy then a few girls then a few boys, or just boy girl boy girl for a bit would be nice. I'm considering getting the 3 characters on the dream coffret pierce in a few generations, then I'll get the Aikatsu ones and Melody land ones. I'm just excited to have all these things on the way.

Hope you all have a wonderful day/night.


Hey guys! Since I don't think anything interesting is going to happen today, I thought I'd do a little post on my tamagotchi collection...


I know I don't have as many as some other people but it's slowly expanding. I didn't bother including pierces since I only have 2.

This is the order I got them: V4.5, V6, Tamago, Friends, V3, P's, IDL.

And soon I'll have another P's I'm so excited!

My favourite colour tamagotchi is the P's and my favourite non-colour is the v4.5.

Everyday I get tempted to run it again but I just know it'll end up getting neglected, I may try running it on monday but no promises.

Anyway that's it for today.


Hey guys! This will most likely be the first of 2 posts.

So, yesterday I was at my boyfriends house and I took my P's. I went to the park on there and I finally got to adopt a pet! I only just got pictures though since my phone wasn't next to me at the time. It's so cute!!! This is the first pet I have gotten.


And I woke up this morning and decided to get Kuchipatchi a job. So he's been working hard for the last hour while I had a little nap after having a nose bleed :rolleyes: :(


It's only 8:10am so I'll be expecting the last puzzle piece later and I'll post again when that happens.

Also my dad ordered me some displex so I can clean up all of the screens, and my mum is going to get some clear parcel tape on Tuesday (Monday is a bank holiday so no work) to see if that'll do for a screen protector. I hope it kind of works...

I'll be starting generation 6 tomorrow and possibly start up my v4.5 tomorrow as well, I'm still thinking about it, but it seems likely that I will, even if it's just for a week or two, so look forward to that.

I also hope that my Aikatsu Pierce comes soon, as the baby change one came so quickly, and I'm hoping the Aikatsu one will too. I don't think my other P's will be here for a very long time...

Anyway that's it for now. I'll post again later.


Hey guys, I'm either gonna update later or tomorrow. Lots has happened.

But I feel really ill, I have a migraine and pain in my wrist & back, so I'm kinda just relaxing today.

Also I'll run my v4.5 tomorrow

Hey guys. I have a lot to update you on.

Firstly, I will not be running my v4.5 yet, maybe once exams are finished and I'll have more time. Same goes for the melody land p's when it comes. It'll not be run until exams are over with (if it comes before the 12th of June, which it probably won't)

Secondly, this is gonna be a long post full of pictures so sorry for that.

Kuchipatchi got his tamatomo the other day so I ended up getting him married off so gen 6 could begin...


But before I got him married off, I took him to the carnival!


And then to the secret base...


And then off to get married... I got another baby girl, I didn't know how to feel about this. I took loads of photos of the marriage and I have no idea why..



And then an hour later, i got my child, this one freaks me out a little..


And I also got a letter, anyone know what this is? Oh and yesterday she became neotchi, I'm aiming for either perfect care character today.


And that is everything! Sorry for the amount of photos...

Bye guys!

Hey guys!

Neotchi just evolved into.... Kiramotchi!


And I just got her 3 puzzle pieces...


And now for the baby change!


And that is it for now. Bye guys!

Hey guys!

So yesterday I took Kiramotchi to the park and she got a pet!


It's Monatototchi!

And that is all that has really happened.. I can't really update much until she's got her final puzzle piece so I can start generation 7.

Depending on gender, generation 7 may be something pierce related. But I have a question, if you have a character from a pierce and they get all their puzzle pieces, do they show up in the book still? And do you get a little piece of that puzzle thingy? Please help!

Thanks guys.


Hey guys!

So yesterday Kiramotchi got her 4th puzzle piece!


And I was desperate to start the next generation (begging for a boy) so I took her to get married. (I was at my boyfriends house & he picked her husband)


And I got a....... BOY! I was literally so happy. This means I can now try to get Knigtchi again and get his puzzle pieces yay!


He's a child at the moment but I'm saving posting that until he evolves into a teen, which should be in an hour or two, so I'll post later when that happens. I'm really hoping for cosmotchi so I can get Knightchi. I'm checking on his personality every 30 minutes or so, so I can make sure that he has the right personality to be cosmotchi.

Also, I'm hoping to eventually get a v2, an original tamagotchi, angelgotchi and v5 at some stage. What's your guys opinion on any of those tamas? Please let me know! :)

See ya later guys! Bye!

This is such a nice log to read! I hope you keep it up! I was thinking about getting a 4U but now I'm kinda interested in the P's.... :lol:

This is such a nice log to read! I hope you keep it up! I was thinking about getting a 4U but now I'm kinda interested in the P's.... :lol:
Thank you so much for your comment :)

I love the P's, I hope to get a 4u for my birthday too. If you possibly wait until September I can tell you more about them haha, but if you get one I suggest looking at videos to get more opinions :D

Hey guys!

I'm back to school tomorrow so I dunno when I'll be posting. I'll try my best, I have Wednesday off yay! So maybe I'll next post then. I'll try but exams are a struggle and I'm typing weird because I have a brace on my wrist, woo go me! I'm so smart spraining my wrist AGAIN just by writing.... Oops!

Anyway I decided to run my v4.5, so I'll include them both in this post.

Tamagotchi P's

So here is the evolution from baby to teen of the baby boy.


And I decided to get Knightchi again, because I felt bad for not getting his tamatomo on gen 1. And I'm so happy I got him and his 3 puzzle pieces, and a new pet all in one day!



And that's all that's happened really, oh and after 4 weeks and 2 days of the original batteries, I finally had to change them, just as I was talking to my dad about how they haven't run out yet! It made me laugh!! :p


Now for the v4.5...

Tamagotchi v4.5

So I decided to run it yesterday, I reset it and got a girl. I named her Allie. I'll be going in alphabetical order with names with each generation.


Then she became a toddler, Tamatchi (I think(


I keep trying to get her weight down again but I'm bad at that. And about 10 minutes ago she turned into a teen.. Zouritchi (I think).


I'm thinking of turning her into Ura Zukyutchi or Horoyotchi, but I'm more towards Zukyutchi. We'll see how it goes.

Also my mum ordered me a v2! I'm so happy. I won't be running it when it arrives for a while, but I will take a picture of it to show you guys the shell. It looks in great condition, but I'll fix the screen up a bit if necessary with some displex. I'm very excited. I spoke to my dad and he's all for my collecting tamas, as he loves collecting things too like video games and guitars, so he loves the love of tamas and build a bears I have, and even helps me out. My mum helps me out a lot with tamas too, so I'm very thankful to have them assist me.

Anyway guys I think that's everything. I'll post whenever I can.

And even if I can't, I'm always taking notes and photos for when I do a big update post. Thank you guys so much for reading.

Have a great week and I hope to post again soon.


Hey guys. I recommend getting a cup of coffee/tea/some food or drink because this is gonna be a long one!

My Life:

Omg, 6 exams left. I'm doing badly, mainly because I've only just been able to type them. I have sprained ligaments in my wrist and I have for months and I've lost the majority of the strength in my wrist, my left one, which is my writing hand. Oops!

Also I got 2 tamas in the mail/post today. Eep! A P1 and a V2!


I'm running the P1 now but not the v2. I just couldn't resist the P1 after wanting one for so long.

Tamagotchi P's

Basically... I got Knightchi his tamatomo, got him married off, got a girl and now she's coffretchi. Now for all the pictures...





Ta da!

Tamagotchi V4.5

I got who I wanted, which was Ura Zukyutchi. She went to school and left school and now works at a hospital. Yay!



Tamagotchi P1:

I seriously am in shock that I own a P1, I got it for £10 total, first class (within 2 days) shipping, with batteries. Yay

£10 is the equivalent of about $15-$16 USD

I'm still clueless with the thing, but I had babitchi and now I'm on marutchi. I dunno who I'm hoping for.


And that is everything for now. Bye guys!

Oh wow, I haven't posted in ages I am so sorry!

I have so much to update you guys on it's ridiculous!

Okay, so firstly I got my melody land set, which I ran for a bit but the buttons were so stiff, so I kept losing games and couldn't earn any money, so eventually I will reset, try to figure out how to sort out the buttons and will start again. But, I really wanna run a load of connection tamas too... hmm. Oh yeah I also got a p2, but I haven't tried running it yet.

At the moment I am running my dream coffret P's, a v4.5 and a v2. But I may start up my v3 and other p's if I can be bothered. I kinda wanna run the v6 too... So many tamas I want to run!


Basically, I'm on Gen 2 now.. I named her Beth, and she is an adult now. I only have the baby pic of her and adult pic.



She is 6 now, so the matchmaker may come today or tomorrow.

P's (dream coffret):

So I made coffretchi get married and started the 9th generation. I used the Aikatsu pierce to get Aoi-Chantchi and got all of her puzzle pieces.

I'll be making her get married later today as she is now 6 years old.





So, I decided to run this because I like the connections a lot. I got a boy named Mason. He's now 7 years old so the matchmaker may come today.




And just as a bonus, because this wasn't long enough already... here's the melody land set. I will run it again

The buttons are just really stiff, does anyone know how to fix this? Sometimes I will press a button and it'll beep but it won't do anything, like it only half recognises me pressing it...


Anyway guys that's it for now.


Hey guys, sorry I've been so busy lately sewing and just relaxing.

So, I am currently running 5 tamagotchis. A V4.5, V2, Music Star, P's and Tamagotchi Angel, and if it arrives today... A tamagotchi school, making it up to 6.

So basically on Tuesday, I ran my v6, and got a girl, I named her Hannah.

On my P's, I started a new generation, but forgot to take photos of the baby & marriage, so I only have a picture of the child. And I also got the matchmaker turn up on my v4.5 and v2, I got girls on both.



Then an hour later, Hannah became a child


Now onto yesterday.

Yesterday, I got left with both of the babies for the v2 and v4.5.

The v2 baby is called Lily, and the v4.5 baby is called Candy.


And Hannah became a teen and joined a band which I named Prawnz, I was eating a packet of prawn cocktail crisps at the time!


I also got my angel in the post/mail and started it up, and my P's child became a teenager.


Lily and Candy also became children, and the angel evolved.

Today, my P's teen became an adult (Nandetchi) and Hannah became a Sebiretchi.



And for now that is all. I'm sorry this was simplified but I had to much to include I had to do it this way.

If I get my tamagotchi school today and remember to post, then I'll update on anything that happens and show you guys that.



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