Sneaking tamagotchi into school


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I reccomend if you have a Pet Pouch, keep it the Tama in there since I brung it and no one noticed the star antennae. Odd thing no one ever notices. :D

I snuck my tama on a watch strap today, I didn't even make it in the classroom before taking it off, someone said "Is that a tamagotchi?" and I said "tama who what?" And she said "I don't know I heard about them on TV" And I said, "well this is just a pocket watch I put on a strap" and I took it off >______<

I snuck my tama on a watch strap today, I didn't even make it in the classroom before taking it off, someone said "Is that a tamagotchi?" and I said "tama who what?" And she said "I don't know I heard about them on TV" And I said, "well this is just a pocket watch I put on a strap" and I took it off >______<
Wow. Since I'm in public school, (1-5) not even half of the people know. Sorry about that. <_<

Do you think it would be a good idea to put my tamagotchi music star in my lunch bag (when I bring lunch) or do you think it would get lost?

Do you think it would be a good idea to put my tamagotchi music star in my lunch bag (when I bring lunch) or do you think it would get lost?
As long as it's zipped up and nobody knows it's there (so they can't steal it) and you don't forget about it I don't see what the problem would be by doing that. That sounds like a good idea.

Personally, while I don't advocate sneaking in contraband items (or, items you just know you aren't supposed to have), I find that leaving my Tama alone at my house (along with a few other items), is just so far out of the question that I can't help myself.

So, I have a purse. (Just so you know, I say it like that because I am the "bag lady". I have a purse for every outfit, pair of shoes, hair tie, lipstick, etc., you get the point). I actually have two purses that I will use. The first one is a black purse with a large pocket at the top and a smaller one that buttons up at the bottom. I'll use that purse on my relaxed school days, like test/exam days. (which, unless you want to have your test ripped && get expelled/suspended/in huge trouble for cheating, I don't suggest you use in class) My other purse is a sequined blue denim purse with three pockets on the outside and a large on top.

However, the reason I like these purses is because they have a "stacked" layout (meaning... y'know how dividers in a binder would stack on each other? they stack like that), and, so it looks like each pocket is building on to the next one, meaning no one really questions "what could that odd shape be!?" because the purse makes it look like it's just two different things pressed together.

HOWEVER, I'm in high school and the only time they go around checking our bags & lockers are on drug test days. And that's only when you get called up to the office. (which I haven't in my whole school career) So, I really don't have to worry about it. And, besides, if they wanted us to get rid of those, they'd have to make us get rid of our phones/cameras/iPods/etc.


If you don't want it to get taken up:

1. Put it on silent! - Common sense kind of thing.

2. If you have a strict teacher, don't take it out! What's worse? It going hungry/unhappy for a class period or her taking the poor thing up and possibly killing it at the end of the day.

3. DON'T BRING IT! If you have been told to not bring it, why would you? Honestly, bringing and getting caught with it just gives you a bad name with your teachers, and, believe it or not, teachers do talk with one another and talk about students. It's a lot of trouble over nothing.

(Also, and I probably shouldn't say this after I just preached a whole sermon on leaving well enough alone, but, if you just must disobey the rules and bring it to school, at least be clever enough to put it on the clock screen whenever an authority figure is walking bye. And don't just tell anyone that you have it! Some people have big mouths and others relish in your trouble.)

Its actually very easy if you dont attempt to play woth it in class. Just put it in your locker\cloakroon whatever and check it when you go there. Do NOT put it in a non zipping pocket or anything that it could fall out of and dont play in class and you cant go wrong!


most of my classmates like tamagotchi but my brother thinks im gay because im playing with a tamagotchi!

I bought a Tama go recently, and I brought it along with me to my friend's house so I could take care of it while doing homework. When my friends saw it they were childing me -.- "OMG your still playing this thing?!? This is like so dang childish!!"

Back then when I was in primary 6 (12 yrs old), me and my best friends used to play all the versions together. Now I'm only 13 -.- meaning secondary 1 in Singapore, and all my friends think I'm weird just cuz I play Tamagotchi. Sigh. I really miss my old friends who does not laugh at me. Miss those old Tamagotchi days

I just, Kinda sneek it in my bag, And pause it during class.

It is really awkard when the sound goes in the middle Of class.. So i pause the whole thng.

In 7th grade I ALWAYS brought my v5 to school. I sat in the back of the room in English class (easiest subject for me. I always drew on my notebooks and read books so it didn't matter whether I paid attention or not) in the corner so I'd turn of the sound, and I'd just open the textbook on my lap, slouch a bit, and play WITHIN the textbook, lol. This year it might be a bit harder due to the fact that English is a lot tougher... But anyway, it's quite easy when you volunteer to answer questions occasionally to make it look like you're paying attention.

During assemblies, which we only have to go over the school rules or to give an award to someone... I always have a tama with me because they can go on an HOUR or more. Especially drama club plays, which I am NOT in. The lights are usually off in the gymnasium, doubled as auditorium, but the shades are open so there is dim light. I play games and go to work and stuff. Once a few people from an orchestra came to play music, which I was glad for because 1. I didn't have to look at them 2. I could play tama and 3. I could still enjoy the music and 4. My tamagotchi's sound randomly went on but it was muffled by the music..

So I'd just put the tama on my lap and get on with it xD.

You guys are so risky! At my school, the teachers go in your bag and your pockets to get your stuff for you, and the grade 1 classroom is being renovated so they share the grade 2-5 girls cloakroom, so some 5-year-old can randomly burst in to wash their hands at any moment! I prefer a simple Tama-in-your-zipping-pocket-in-a-glove method, where I check on it at morning break and lunch. That's why I don't sneak my iD L in, if you were wondering. :)

As you probably gather, I'm in 5th grade, still stuck in Junior school -_- I can't wait to get to Secondary school!

~ Dazzmina ~

I want to add something to my last post (IF I posted, lol. I don't feel like sifting through...) if you bring a tama to school, like me, RUN ERRANDS! I had my tama today with me and it was dress down day so I wore my skinny blue cords with cute snow boots and a sweater and a light jacket/hoodie-without-a-hood lol and I kept my Pokey in a pocket. I always run errands for teachers (I suck up to them) so they write good reports about me lol.... so today there was a 2 hour delay from snow and it was just my district, so when I came into school I had an envelope to hand in, so since evryone had come at normal time, I offered to go down to the office to hand it on the staircase, there are 5 steps, then a turn, and 5 steps more, and there is a wall and railings and no rooms near it so it was safe to take out my tama. The stairs are loud so I would hear someone coming. So I fed Pokey and cleaned up his poo and played a quick game of Heading. I brought it to the office and on the way back nobody caught me! lol

But the only downside of a lot of people around you in class is that tamas do NOT look like phones (people text in class but don't get caught, but phones aren't allowed in school) dso everyone wants to see what it is, and teachers get suspicious if everybody's craning their necks to see something in your lap....hehe.

Pokey evolved into a Hanatchi today (OMG MY 2ND FAVORITE CHARACTER) before last period so I'm guessing the period before or during lunch before that. Oh, well. Good luck in school!

Wow, even when I was in elementary school I didn't have that much trouble sneaking around my tama. I mean, the schools I've been to have always been pretty lenient, but still. I use to whip my tama around like it was nobody's business, lol.

But now that I'm in high school I pretty much just keep it in my pocket and check on it every now and then as if it were my phone.

Wow, even when I was in elementary school I didn't have that much trouble sneaking around my tama. I mean, the schools I've been to have always been pretty lenient, but still. I use to whip my tama around like it was nobody's business, lol.

But now that I'm in high school I pretty much just keep it in my pocket and check on it every now and then as if it were my phone.
I've been in a Catholic school since preschool. They've been very loose with the rules, until the stupid Diocese screwed everything up. The principal form the lowest rated school came to the top rated school (OUR SCHOOL) and stayed for 4 years. The worst 4 years of my life. Our school became the 3rd lowest-rated and had very little income from donations, compared to nearly 200% increases every year with our OLD principal. The highest rated teachers lost their jobs, lower rated teachers got mixed around.... EVERYONE HATED IT.

The rules went up from 50 to 248. Nice, gradual increase, huh?

NO electronics whatsoever. Cell phones are collected in a basket in the morning. If one of them rigs or beeps, you have to pay 20 bucks to buy it back.. ugh..

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You guys are so risky! At my school, the teachers go in your bag and your pockets to get your stuff for you, and the grade 1 classroom is being renovated so they share the grade 2-5 girls cloakroom, so some 5-year-old can randomly burst in to wash their hands at any moment! I prefer a simple Tama-in-your-zipping-pocket-in-a-glove method, where I check on it at morning break and lunch. That's why I don't sneak my iD L in, if you were wondering. :)

As you probably gather, I'm in 5th grade, still stuck in Junior school -_- I can't wait to get to Secondary school!

~ Dazzmina ~
Still in Junior also. Gr4.. My teacher loves tamas!

Still in Junior also. Gr4.. My teacher loves tamas!
You're lucky. I have no idea what MY teacher would do if she saw someone with a Tama - the boys used to bring in Lego figures and stuff, and she just confiscated them and gave them back at the end of the day, forgetting to tell the parents. But she often forgets to give the stuff back, and you're not allowed to ask for it back. If I left a Tama on the desk and didn't touch it, the teacher would be fine, maybe tell me to put it in my drawer, because if I'm not actually playing with something and it's not distracting anyone, it's fine with her. But as soon as she saw me using it, she'd probably confiscate it. And trust me, she is an EXPERT at spotting if you're not concentrating.

However, I'm going to think about this today, and I'll be back later with some tips!

~ Dazzmina ~

I just got my tamagotchis last week, but I didn't take them to school because of Midterms. :X

But my Tama at school story takes place in the 6th grade. I had gym fourth period and I never wanted to keep my tamas in my locker. I've never had problems with teachers taking them away, so I would give them to my friends 4th block, then when the bell rang I would collect them back and go home. So one day I was waiting for my friend to show up to give my clear and blue tama back, but apparently she gave it to someone to watch it too and had forgotten to give it back. Luckily, I knew the person who had it. She said that the person was leaving right now, so I ran outside only to see the person getting into the car with my Tamagotchi. The worse part? It was some holiday so I wasn't gonna see it for 3 days (Weekend plus Monday off). That particular tamagotchi I was raising to to see how long I could keep it alive. When I got it back it was dead because she left it on her bed when she went to West Virginia for the weekend.

This is why I'm NEVER letting people see my tamagotchis when I'm not nearby lol.

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