**TamaTown PROBLEMS - DISCUSSION** (Now closed)


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well they can't keep ignoring us when we are sending all these complaint mails, can they?

So maybe in the near future we'll be able to go on tamatown again :)

I got my reply.

Bandai America appreciates your efforts to log onto Tamatown.

From time to time, websites, servers or product lines are updated.

Please feel free to revisit Tamatown or https://www.bandai.co.uk/ in the upcoming months to check for product revisions happening to toy lines and/or websites.

Thank you,

Bandai America

Customer Service
Original Message:

Subject: Tamatown DownCategory: Comments regarding our web sites

This is a Complaint


Please fix Tamatown!! It says "Username and Password do not match" on the login screen, and when I try to make a new account, it says im stuck on the print page. I want to redeem items from my Gotchi Figures. I'm unhappy.
I have a feeling that Bandai is updating the site! They wouldn't just crack it down for no reason, and we're not recieving any news from L.I.F.E either!

Sorry, I just have this feeling that they're updating the site. Maybe adding new servers!

I'm feelin' positive...

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This is probably a really bad thing to say in a first post, but I guess I may as well: I don't think protesting to Bandai America will do very much.

Think about it... There are plenty of other franchises for Bandai to milk now- such as Ben 10 and Thundercats, to name some of the most popular at this time. Logically a large business like Bandai will milk the cash cow that produces the most milk, and Tamagotchi probably isn't one of them anymore.

By now, we don't even know if Bandai America still has the data for the old versions of TamaTown, and it's unlikely that staff will want to go to the trouble of re-tweaking the newer TT if so little people will use it. It's not only a hassle for them, but I'm pretty sure running these sites costs money and Bandai America are probably not looking for a loss any time soon.

And, arguably, Tamagotchi's popularity has decreased significantly in recent years (new technology, fans "growing out of it", gimmicks putting old fans off) and, compared to the fanbase within Japan, fans in the US and in Europe are pretty low. You can tell me the people on this forum prove otherwise (hey, I'm still a fan), but the popularity today is nowhere near as high as it was in the day.

Alongside all of that, practically all of these emails people are getting are practically copypasta. Bandai either know we're upset and genuinely can't get the data back, are working on other things (hence, no time for TT) and/or don't care. Like SailorRosette already said, emailing is probably futile- and going to their headquarters will probably make us look like pests more than anything else.

Sorry for my negativitiy; I just think these things happen, and there had to be a day where the sites would come to an end. Shame it was so soon since I too am here because I couldn't log in.

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I am starting to think they are doing what the Digimon Digivices (season 3/4) with internet access did. A two year set to keep it running. (For each version) Then ending it without warning... Many internet games with a pet don't seem to last. (Littlest Pet Shop V.I.P, The Bratz Color and regular Muchiz, Digimon...etc) Roughly a 2 year for each... Then dropping it, maybe returning with something better or cheaper to run.

TamaTown Music City might be done or down... but at least the others seem to work.

That would make so much sense to have taken too much memory for the volume of users on the website. Since both Music Stars and the Tama-Go seem good in their own way... The Music City (To me) never seemed that entertaining. I have tried each part multiple times, with multiple chances... I am not that big on what was Music City.

To put it simple... What is going on is unknown. I believe they are focusing on what we all hope to be the next "Big Tamagotchi"

Music City might come back, but it could be getting a great overhaul to the next big thing.

I hope it gets back, because it's so weird that the europe one is still online and the other one is dead :s without warning :(

It makes me sad, even though I was not to crazy about it. It just really sucks for people playing music star, they can't buy a lot of items or get those special characters.

I have 2 friends here that were never able to get on before, and I thought it would be cool if we could all meet up there once.

Didn't someone say some site is working? Like an old one or European version? Is there any tama sites that work?

I find it funny that I am always a fan of the things that aren't so popular. I really get what 0Eshap0 said. I am really hoping one day tamagotchis can make a come back. The thing I miss most is seeing them in stores. Back when I could handle them and decide what color I want, pay for them at a reasonable price, ect.

i thought i had a problem since i live in egypt and saudi,when the problem increased than befor at first i could enter to log in page but i couldnt enter town each time i try wrong username/password and i am sure i wrote them right each time,now since alot of us have the same problem from different places.then theres something wrong/crashed in the site.

and i saw that alot of people sended messages to bandai and they got same replay = automatic/same replay which i call it machine response,

so i see that we should keep sending messages to them and make/force them to give us useful response.and we have to be alot or they wont care and they already dont.

i think alot agree that tamagotchi device (any version) is useless without the town site

i hope it will be solved soon,god be with us.

I don't agree that each version is useless without a site. The ones for v3,v4.5 or v5 STILL WORK ON THE EUROPEAN SERVERS. Only MS users lose a lot (instruments, toys, characters...). And maybe gotchi points on the Go too,

As a UK user, I use the European site it for my 4.5 Tama and I've not had any problems with it. I can't speak for the other versions but they seem to work fine as well (except Music Star)- the rest of my tamas are without batteries so I can't check for sure.

For anyone that would like to try, here is a link to it if you can't find it: https://www.tamagotchieurope.com/

I would agree that not having the website may diminish the fun of Tamagotchis for those who have used it before, but I'd really disagree that it makes them useless. You can still earn most of the items through the shop and the built-in games are still relatively effective ways to earn money, albeit with a bit more patience.

What about Ver. 1 and 2 which didn't have the websites? As a kid, I remember them being almost as popular, if not just as popular as 3-5.

EDIT: Did this a few days ago, but is the distribution of the music in TamaTown allowed? I decided to record the music for personal use only (incase the European site also goes down- I love the music), though I'm happy to share the wav files if it's allowed at all.

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I wouldn't know about the music... If you used it, I would make sure Bandai is in the name somewhere. Or if its in a video, label it for Bandai...

I would really like to know what they have in plans. I am starving to know what tama life is and what is going on in tamatown. This long, I would hope its something nice and juicy.

I am sooo sad, I started running my V6 recently, until my b'day....I tried the item generator page and it didn't work, then I tried the website and thought I had forgotten my password (which is almost impossible...) after many tries and browser switching I decided to give up...I am sooo dissapointed, I had used my girl Destiny Star but hadn't logged properly about it and now its all gone... :( snif snif I don't get it...it's Bandai...it should work....guess all I have to do now is wait :(

Please let me know if any of the websites is working.

Thank you *****

I tried making a new account but it won't when I click next to the final page it won't load :angry:

what makes tamagotchi useless for me anyway that first its musical star so the site not working in this version

some problems too:

1-tamagotchi is not cheap in my country to buy another version

2-some said European server work good in some versions if i want to use it in European server than i will have to try using proxy and people say its dangerous if for free because it might be hack

my point of view anyway that tamagotchi should be device and using site wiith it so one down(site) half of the fun down for me so i hope they will fix the site soon.

I had Tama Town before when I had a Tama-Go, and I found it boring and wanted to get music star. When I finally got music star, the website's down again. Ugh.

You don't need a proxy to play on the european server...

Not to change the topic, but is their such thing as a alternative tamatown for V6 (tama-go) that someone made by themselves?

You know, servers and programming aren't free. Nobody would bother with this. Plus bandai would sue them.

You know, servers and programming aren't free. Nobody would bother with this. Plus bandai would sue them.
Servers aren't free, but they can be rather affordable.

As for Bandai suing; That is a possibility, but if you look at all the private WoW servers out there, you can see that the likeliness of that might not be too high, it all depends on how serious Bandai is about keeping illegal private servers off the web. If they're anything like Disney, then no one should bother.

My boyfriend could probably host a private server if he got a hold of all the coding and what-not, but he probably wouldn't want to take the risk of being sued.

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