Sneaking tamagotchi into school


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Hahahaha I remember when i was in first grad i thoughtless brought it in to school and i just played with in my desk and my teacher didnt care xD and one time i went up to the teacher and showed her its and showed her how to take care of it and then she played a game bwhahahah Most teachers like me cause i suck up a lot :p Teh advantages of being a suck up :nazotchi:
i remember those days people went tama crazy!! :p :D

my friend (eimear) brought her tamagotchi into school and this is her embarresing tama moment :

we were all correcting our maths homework and then the teacher called out : eimear bates come up with your maths homework! eimear came up to the teacher while the teacher was correcting her work chirping and beeping came out from her pocket :excl: eimear was just standing there the teacher didnt notice but everyone else heard it and all of them were saying : what the heck? where did that sound come from and they were all looking around eimear started looking around as well so it wouldnt look like that she wasnt the one suddenly the teacher called out : why is everyone chatting??? and a girl named : leah said : we heard a strange noise and then while everyone was quite for a little while beep beep beep comes out of eimears pocket :eek: :newmametchi: :newmametchi: eimear was standing right next to the teacher and the teacher didnt even hear the beeping everyone looked at eimear and eimear said : why are you looking at me for??? a boy said that the sound came from............. suddenly eimear said that she had to go to the toilets the teacher said yes and eimear rushed down to the toilets and turned off the sound and put it at night time and paused it back at the classroom the teacher shouted to the boy sit down and the boy tried to tell her what the sound was but the teacher just ignored him eimear came back from the toilets and before she went to the teacher to correct the maths homework she putted her tama into her bookbag eimear whispered to me : that was a lucky one , PHEW!

oh and my tips for sneaking tamas into school is :

always keep the sound off

you can ask to go toilets to feed it or something but dont go too many times

keep in pocket

keep in bookbag

you can also shuv up your sleeves of your jacket and play on the inside of the jacket

keep in pencil case

never take it out during a test otherwise the teacher might see you playing with it and take it :eek:

:D ^_^ :) :blink: B)

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I either put it in my pencil case and the teacher can't see, or I just pause it in my coat and in pause it and check it in my coat or back when neede! :)

Your schools are soft o.o

When I was in school there was none of this 'going to the toilet in the middle of a lesson' stuff XD

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on sunday i lost my tamagotchi :( but my mam bought me a new one the next day :) i also brought my tama to school today (the new one p.s my new tama is a v4) i almost got caught at recess by the princabill! ill tell you what happend:

i brought my tama to school today and i was playing it while a test was going on! (never play while doing a test , u might get caught and it will be taken!) soon the bell rang which is the recess bell and i went outside with my tama a few boys were saying that it was a stupid toy that weird girls play :p i just ignored him everyone was gathering around looking at my tama the princabill was coming coz she thaught that someone fell or something she was getting closer i only noticed when my friend said the princabill is coming! everyone was rushing me and saying to hurry up the princabill is getting closer!!! i tied to find my pocket but then i realized that i didnt have any pockets lol i QUICKLY putted it into my boots they all said to lie down and pretend that i got hurt i did what i was asked the princabill picked me up the tama fell out of my boot and it started rolling around and then my friend eimear said oh look! our teacher mrs barron wants you! the princabill turned with a glance and my friend leah went over to the tama and quickly picked it up and putted it into her pocket eimear was acsually telling the truth that mrs barron wanted her but she was still trying to protect me since she liked tamas too so i was VERY VERY lucky just like a lucky ducky! lol

thanks for reading! :D ^_^ :) ;) :blink: :wacko:

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my tips for sneaking a tama into school is:

i appreicate all of you guys for reading :rolleyes: ^_^ :D

Most important tip : ALWAYS SOUND OFF

always keep it somewhere like.....

a pocket

a bookbag


a boot

shuv up your sleeves of your jacket and play on the inside of the coat

if you just slightly shuv up your sleeves (anything) and with your hand you can pick it up but the tama will have to be in your sleeves (sorry if i didnt explain it well)

thats it so far i will find out more ways to sneak your tama to school and i will post about it :) :D ^_^ :rolleyes: :blink: <_< :unsure:

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when i was in 2nd class i used to bring my tama to school my favourite teacher was SUPER kind and allowed me to bring it to school i was going home but before i left i was playing with my tama my friends was playing my tama as well but they soon had to go home i was still playing my tama the teacher walked by and said : what is this???? you know we are not allowed to bring eletronics to school , dont you??? give me that toy!!! i said : its not a toy its a virtual pet you take care of and im not letting you take it! i had it forever!! the teacher grinned and walked away i got my coat and ran home well i went to a shop to get another tama for my friends birthday i was soo scared when the teacher looked at my tamagotchi i was like.... oh no what am i gonna do now??? shes probly gona take it oh no! but she didnt that teacher is the most stricked teacher (she is not the princabill) anyways , if she did take it it would die,,,,,......

once my tamagotchi died in school when the teacher (miss barron) was explaining our maths.i had a pin cliped on my tama so i used that to reset it.while miss barron was explaining , a big long beep came from my this point all the tattle-tales knows about me sneaking my tama into school thing so they knew who/what it came from.i put my tama into my pencil case (my friends one coz if the tattle-tales tell on me they wont find my tama anywhere)and did the tattle-tales tell on me? yes they did! so i said it wasnt me + i dont even know what a tamagotchi is??? i said so they all was searching for it but they didnt bfind it!!!!!!

Oh gosh! This topic has reminded me about the time when i got caught with all 4 of my version 2 tamas back in primary school. I got them all confiscated for a week and sent straight to the headteacher who removed my 'golden time' reward. So my automatic response was to grass on other members of the class who were also hiding their tama's. This lead to a big assembly being called, about how technology was a bad influence on our education and anyone caught with a tama would be in severe trouble. Unfortunately the tamagotchi's remained unpaused in my teachers desk for a week so when my Mum eventually came into school to collect them they were all dead! Ive never felt so guilty, whoops..

on sunday i lost my tamagotchi :( but i bought a new one the next day :) i also brought my tama to school today (the new one p.s my new tama is a v4) i almost got caught at recess by the princabill! ill tell you what happend:

i brought my tama to school today and i was playing it while a test was going on! (never play while doing a test , u might get caught and it will be taken!) soon the bell rang which is the recess bell and i went outside with my tama a few boys were saying that it was a stupid toy that weird girls play :p i just ignored him everyone was gathering around looking at my tama the princabill was coming coz she thaught that someone fell or something she was getting closer i only noticed when my friend said the princabill is coming! everyone was rushing me and saying to hurry up the princabill is getting closer!!! i tied to find my pocket but then i realized that i didnt have any pockets lol i QUICKLY putted it into my boots they all said to lie down and pretend that i got hurt i did what i was asked the princabill picked me up the tama fell out of my boot and it started rolling around and then my friend eimear said oh look! our teacher mrs barron wants you! the princabill turned with a glance and my friend leah went over to the tama and quickly picked it up and putted it into her pocket eimear was acsually telling the truth that mrs barron wanted her but she was still trying to protect me since she liked tamas too so i was VERY VERY lucky just like a lucky ducky! lol

thanks for reading! :D ^_^ :) ;) :blink: :wacko:
I have a V1 that you can't pause, and in Year 8 of High School (I'm from the UK) I took it with me because you can't pause it. I just fed and played with it at lunch and break, and went to the toilets between lessons. It was difficult, but I managed to do it. Nobody ever found out!

Does anybody have any advice on how to play with it in your bag or on your lap without people seeing?

I've finally mastered sneaking my V4.5 in school. I just set my jacket on my lap with the hood folded, carefully putting it down and covering it with the hood so now it's inside the hood. Then, if I'm in a class where the teacher walks around, I just open it when s/he isn't looking and check up on my tama. Then if I was in a class that my teacher just sat at their desk, I did the same thing but arranged the hoodie flap around my tama so that no one else could see it, but I could still see it. Works perfectly.

In elementary school, when everyone had the tamagotchis, they were really strict about it. My brother even got in trouble once(1st grade, I barely remember it), we were going to go to the library, and just as we were about to leave, his tamagotchi beeped! I remember the teacher was like "what was that", but I can't remember whether not he got in trouble, or got away with it. In middle school, it was much less strict. The teachers weren't really watching us as much, so I just turned the sound off, put it in my pocket, and when I went to the bathroom or was at my locker, I'd peek at my tama to feed him or clean up some poop. My friends never made fun of me for it, they'd just say, "is that a tamagotchi?" and look at it. Also, I only bring a teen or adult to school, the babies and toddlers are too needy.

Wow so many problems in USA schools with tamas? :eek: When I was in primary I used to use the tamagotchi in class... no one said anything to me hahaha Now in the university I still do the same (y)

Wow so many problems in USA schools with tamas? :eek: When I was in primary I used to use the tamagotchi in class... no one said anything to me hahaha Now in the university I still do the same (y)
Ya I know!!! I never took my tama to class in elementary school, but now (in college) if I did, nobody would care. I could sit and play during class and nobody would say a thing.

Hey guys um... Well i like my tamas but since I'm going to middle school and they see my tama they mite make fun of me so I'm really nerves so I might want to hide it in my pocket p.s ima bring my tamago or v3 anyway nice tips X)

tamastar133 I'm going to middle school too.If anybody teases you, just ignore them. I'm going to bring my Id l and v4.5. I'm going to choose a backpack with two pockets that zip up, so none will see.If anybody teases me I'm going to ignore them.

I feel really bad for the people in this topic that have to hide theirs because my school could care less. And most people comment on how cool/cute they are or how they used to have a bunch, etc..


The best one I used when I used to have to hide mine in middle school was I would wear it on my ID lanyard (We used to have to wear IDs) behind my ID so nobody could see it, and when we weren't doing anything in class, or quite frankly, even when we were.. I think in 5th grade I couldn't have cared less.. I would play with it under the desk. I would rest my ID on my lap so it tilted forward, hiding my tama from anyone that happened to notice me not paying attention.

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