another On log


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Beanitchi evolved! it looks like she has gotten both ribbons from the balance bean parent



Beanitchi's adult stage! horse again

honestly looks a lot funnier than i expected it to



after a few tries, i managed to have her marry Maskutchi as planned



i am hoping to get as many Maskutchi genes as possible, but if nothing else i want the eyes, i remember them being very expressive and fun on the m!x

Hey I'm new tothisbut I would love to do breeding like you but I'm struggling with locations and other things. Can you help me at all?



Beletchi evolved again this morning

ok, eyes this time! that's progress

once we have the Maskutchi body, it's likely i'll just end up with a perfect clone of Maskutchi


so, we proposed to one more Maskutchi



hopeful at the possibility of ending up with a perfect Maskutchi clone, i decided to name him Masktchi



child stage... so far so good

based on what i've seen from others, the teen stage that corresponds to Maskutchi seems to be Terukerotchi (odd choice!), so if he evolves into that instead of Hanbunkotchi, we can be relatively sure that he'll finally end up with the Maskutchi body instead of the horse one

i'm anxious to see!



so, as predicted, Masktchi became a complete clone of the parent i didn't want him to become a clone of, which is kind of funny even if it's a little frustrating


since i can't just marry another Maskutchi this generation, i found a marriageable Tamagotchi with Maskutchi's body and face at least



and it was worth it! i got twins, so that's two chances of getting as many Maskutchi genes as possible at once

Masquetchi, Phantatchi, don't let me down


when i was on the app, i also saw one of Tekelitchi's kids! i'd recognize those traits anywhere

It looks like our Tamas are half-siblings! The fruit has stuck around for my boy, but I hope you have better luck. :D  I love the log by the way. The quest for a Maskutchi clone has been quite captivating!
aw, thank you! i always like seeing related Tamagotchi and how they turn out

if i don't have luck, i can always try again since i can propose to a Maskutchi directly this generation at least :lol:

These horse-riding creatures are clearly wonderful - look at their gormless faces and ridiculous bug-eyes! :D
they're hilarious, i just think it's funny these twins somehow managed to only inherit the one trait i didn't want them to from the Maskutchi body parent :p

they're hilarious, i just think it's funny these twins somehow managed to only inherit the one trait i didn't want them to from the Maskutchi body parent :p
This is always my luck with the ON/Meets. My Tama on my ON (the twin's half sibling) did not get a single Maskutchi gene from their mother, but instead got the fruit and bubbles. Literally the only genes I did not want him to inherit from her. :p  I hope you'll see better luck in this generation. ^_^
