How to change or influence which family group a child evolves into on the V4?


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Kiiro just evolved into Togetchi, as I was expecting. Now I can finally open my mail! (I don't think care slips have any effect on what adult you get but I was avoiding mail just in case, besides it wouldn't be the first time I fill my tama's happy hearts just to open a snake letter a minute later  :p ). I managed to max his training just an hour or so before he evolved. I'm still deciding whether to marry him to a Meme character (to see if I get a different child or Puchitchi again) or to a different family character (to try to get a Mame or Kuchi character).

Unfortunately my mohitamatchi evolved into a hinotamatchi 🙃 Super disappointed and not sure what went wrong... I didn't miss any training and never let the hearts drop below 3. Unfortunately I can't marry it to my v3 this gen so I'll have to wait it out and see what happens next. I could try to get a universal adult, but I'm not sure if that'll happen since the fashion skill points happen to be greater than 60. I could try awful care and high weight before evolution (high weights would cause me to get whaletchi every time on my v2!)

Unfortunately my mohitamatchi evolved into a hinotamatchi 🙃 Super disappointed and not sure what went wrong... I didn't miss any training and never let the hearts drop below 3.
That's too bad. And a little strange, as I've always obtained Young Kuchipatchi/Young Dorotchi from MohiTamatchi under those circumstances 😕 Did you answer any mail calls? Getting poo or a snake in the mail drops the Tama's happiness to 1 or 0 hearts (it varies), which counts as a care slip.

But maybe some other variable that we don't know about had something to do with it, I'm really not sure  :huh:

I could try awful care and high weight before evolution (high weights would cause me to get whaletchi every time on my v2!)
I don't think high weight affects evolution on the V4 (I've obtained Mametchi several times with the highest weight possible). You could try bad care, though it can be a bit risky. If you decide to choose that route, what I recommend is keeping the stats very low at all times (two hearts maximum), and maybe let a few care mistakes occur as well (maybe four maximum, any more puts a Tama at risk for dying as I've mentioned). Maybe miss a few training calls, too. I'm not sure exactly what would work, honestly, because it's been a long time since I've obtained Gozarutchi or Masktchi :unsure:

That's too bad. And a little strange, as I've always obtained Young Kuchipatchi/Young Dorotchi from MohiTamatchi under those circumstances 😕 Did you answer any mail calls? Getting poo or a snake in the mail drops the Tama's happiness to 1 or 0 hearts (it varies), which counts as a care slip.
I avoided opening mail based on previous advice in this thread so I'm not too sure either... I likely missed some of the toilet training calls but that should only affect the training (I had 5 training points as a kid, 6 after evolution). Either way I'll have to wait and see what happens, hopefully I can contribute something next gen! 😅

I likely missed some of the toilet training calls but that should only affect the training (I had 5 training points as a kid, 6 after evolution).
Toilet training actually wasn't a thing until the Tama-Go; catching a Tama before it makes a mess on other versions increases the happiness by two hearts and doesn't affect the training bar.

Anyway, I hope you have better luck next generation ^_^

Well, I have something to report today (it's been a while hasn't it :p ). I had two MizuTamatchis on my two V4s, a boy named Jake and a girl named Ess. I decided to try four care mistakes and one missed training call, as that's what got me Young Dorotchi from MizuTamatchi before. I gave them both the four care mistakes, but I accidentally missed two training calls instead of one...I had to make up for that by intentionally having them send each other presents until they purposely sent something bad (scolding a Tama when it laughs mischievously after sending poo, a snake, or a jack-in-the-box increases the training bar, but this only works if you have an item wrapped to send as a present).

Jake evolved into Gourmetchi and Ess evolved into Young Dorotchi. This is the only time I've ever obtained Gourmetchi with anything more than one care mistake, so I found that fairly interesting. But what I found most interesting was the fact that both of them evolved into different family groups with the exact same level of care. I'm thinking maybe evolution on the V4 truly is more random than thought. Jacob's highest skill was style/artistic, and Ess's highest skill was kindness/social, but that was most likely just a coincidence. Still, it may be worth testing a bit more to see if it actually does have any influence on child-to-teen evolution :)

So my Tosakatchi married a Maskutchi and I ended up with a girl Puchitchi! I'm going to try perfect care to get a Mame teen to change things up from the monotony of having Meme family characters. If not, my v3 is a boy so I can marry them and try again for Mohitamatchi/Kuchi family the following week!

EDIT/UPDATE: The Puchitchi evolved into a Ringotchi with perfect care! At one point the hungry hearts dropped to 2 and I was worried I might've made a care slip but it turned out okay! Zero missed training calls so far. I think I might try for a Mimitchi since it's been a while since I had one ^_^

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Hope everyone has been well!

Since my last update I married my Mimitchi to my V3 Androtchi, resulting in a baby girl who grew into a Mohitamatchi! Then, with perfect care, Mohitamatchi evolved into young Dorotchi, finally! I ended up with a Sebiretchi and was beyond excited for my first ever Kuchi adult! Unfortunately, I couldn't cross it with my V3 that gen and so it married a Gozarutchi through the matchmaker.

The next gen, I got another baby girl, who grew into Mohitamatchi again. Unfortunately, despite the same level of care she turned into Ichigotchi... though I figured that this might be due to pausing it for a bit one morning when I was away. I grew her into a Memetchi and then Makiko. Since I haven't had these characters in over a decade, I didn't mind too much even though I was disappointed at first. :p

This time, I was able to marry Makiko to my V3 Bunbunitchi. I got a baby boy -> Mohitamatchi, and again gave it the same level of care as I did to get young Dorotchi (no pauses, no missed training etc.), however, I ended up with Hinomatachi yet again... Definitely frustrated and finding it hard to troubleshoot where I went wrong. I still don't have the heart to give it bad care for a universal adult so we'll see where it goes from here! A little unrelated but on my V3, the twin brother also grew into a Mohitamatchi (usually get Mizutamatchi on my V3) and with the same level of "perfect" care I got young Mametchi, so I'm thinking what happened on my V4 must have been random... I can't cross it with my V3 this gen so I'll report back again soon. My goal this summer is to get Kuchipatchi/Nonbiritchi!

Any advice on how to "perfect" giving my V4 perfect care? There must be something that I am doing wrong. I never let the hearts drop below 3, immediately feed them, give them toys often, and play games to keep them at the lowest weight (which we know has no effect). I only ever miss 1-2 training calls (which we know mainly affects evolution to universal adults). However, I rarely ever catch my tamas in time to send them to the toilet, leaving a mess (thought never more than 1 mess at a time) - which I doubt this is the deciding factor here. They also never get sick/toothaches as kids.

First off, I want to say that I recently deactivated all my Tamagotchis. It just hasn't really sparked my interest lately (which is why I haven't been active lately), and I've gotten too busy with other things to deal with them for now. I'll still answer any questions asked on here, though. I might reactivate two or three of my Tamas sometime soon, since that wouldn't be quite as overwhelming as seven...

Since my last update I married my Mimitchi to my V3 Androtchi, resulting in a baby girl who grew into a Mohitamatchi! Then, with perfect care, Mohitamatchi evolved into young Dorotchi, finally! I ended up with a Sebiretchi and was beyond excited for my first ever Kuchi adult!
Congratulations on that! The Kuchi family is surprisingly difficult to obtain (if it wasn't, I wouldn't have created this topic :p )

The next gen, I got another baby girl, who grew into Mohitamatchi again. Unfortunately, despite the same level of care she turned into Ichigotchi... though I figured that this might be due to pausing it for a bit one morning when I was away. I grew her into a Memetchi and then Makiko. Since I haven't had these characters in over a decade, I didn't mind too much even though I was disappointed at first. :p

This time, I was able to marry Makiko to my V3 Bunbunitchi. I got a baby boy -> Mohitamatchi, and again gave it the same level of care as I did to get young Dorotchi (no pauses, no missed training etc.), however, I ended up with Hinomatachi yet again... Definitely frustrated and finding it hard to troubleshoot where I went wrong. I still don't have the heart to give it bad care for a universal adult so we'll see where it goes from here! A little unrelated but on my V3, the twin brother also grew into a Mohitamatchi (usually get Mizutamatchi on my V3) and with the same level of "perfect" care I got young Mametchi, so I'm thinking what happened on my V4 must have been random... I can't cross it with my V3 this gen so I'll report back again soon. My goal this summer is to get Kuchipatchi/Nonbiritchi!

Any advice on how to "perfect" giving my V4 perfect care? There must be something that I am doing wrong. I never let the hearts drop below 3, immediately feed them, give them toys often, and play games to keep them at the lowest weight (which we know has no effect). I only ever miss 1-2 training calls (which we know mainly affects evolution to universal adults). However, I rarely ever catch my tamas in time to send them to the toilet, leaving a mess (thought never more than 1 mess at a time) - which I doubt this is the deciding factor here. They also never get sick/toothaches as kids.
That's very strange...I've always obtained Y. Kuchipatchi and Y. Dorotchi by giving a MohiTamatchi perfect care -- no care mistakes, no missed training calls, high hungry and happy hearts -- so I'm having a hard time figuring out why it doesn't seem to be working out very well for you. It doesn't seem like you did anything wrong.
(On a similar note, in the past month or two I've been having similar problems on my V4.5s; always getting Kujakutchi when I'd normally get Kometchi or even Daiyatchi...)

It's entirely possible evolution is more random than I thought. If that's the case, there's unfortunately no reliable way to evolve a child into the Kuchi family. Just keep trying, and maybe it'll work out soon. If you want to try for a Kuchi teen again next generation under the current circumstances, I have a few suggestions:

  1. Marry your Meme adult to a Mame adult or another Meme adult and take perfect care of the baby. It should evolve into Puchitchi. If it does, take perfect care of it and it should evolve into Y. Androtchi or Ringotchi. Then, marry the Mame adult to a Kuchi adult and take perfect care of the resulting baby. It takes a while, but this seems to be the most reliable method of obtaining MohiTamatchi, other than marrying an adult on a V2 or V3 who isn't on the V4.
  2. If at least one of the parents is a Meme adult, MizuTamatchi can appear with any combination of parents. If you do end up with MizuTamatchi, give it four care mistakes, but otherwise take perfect care of it. And for good measure, see if you can get the Kindness/Social skill the highest. This method seems a bit unpredictable based on past experience, so I can't guarantee whether you'd get a Meme or Kuchi teen using this method.
  3. Sometimes, if you marry a Meme adult to a Mame adult, the child will evolve into MohiTamatchi if the hungry hearts empty several times during the baby stage. If you can't marry it to a V2 or V3 adult, this is the easiest way to obtain MohiTamatchi with a Meme adult as a parent, but it's kind of unpredictable.

Good luck! I hope I helped a bit! I hope you can find a way to break the Meme curse soon!

Well, I reactivated three of my Tamas today. I figure that will be less overbearing than seven :D

I started up my Chocolate Argyle V4.5, and was greeted to a Tenpatchi named Jonny with a baby boy.
Most relevant to this topic, I started up my Pink Stripe V4 and was greeted by a Togetchi named Sven with a baby girl.
And I started up my Purple True Friends V2 to find a Ginjirotchi named Alan with a baby boy.

I wrote down some information about them before deactivating them, and found out Sven married a Masktchi. I have no idea who his baby will evolve into (and I have no idea if he'll leave her behind tomorrow or the next day), but I'm pretty excited. I plan on marrying her to either Jonny's son or Alan's son, depending on how their evolution turns out.

Jonny possibly married an Ura Debatchi (there was a question mark next to it  :p ), so his baby will probably evolve into Kuribotchi, which will give me a good chance to get a Kuchi teen. If he does evolve into a Kuchi teen, I'll definitely marry him to Sven's daughter.

I know this topic is about the V4, but I'll also be updating information for the V4.5 when it's relevant to my research here :)

First off, I want to say that the reason I'm going to report progress on the V4.5 in addition to the V4 is because I thought I had solved the Kuchi family problem on that version, but there's still a lot of things I have left to find out, and I don't want to create a whole new topic just for that (especially since I already created one when I first joined the site, which is too old to comment on now).

All three Tamas left behind their babies the night of my post. I had named Jonny's son Curt (after one of my favourite Animal Crossing villagers), Sven's daughter Carol (short for Caroline; also named after one of my favourite AC villagers), and Alan's son Pudge (you get the idea, don't judge me  :) ).

Curt evolved into Kuchitamatchi. I forgot that marrying two Kuchi adults via the matchmaker typically results in him rather than Kuribotchi. No matter, though.
I tried three care mistakes as I normally do (two from hunger and one from unhappiness), but something occurred to me; every time I recorded a Kuribotchi or Kuchitamatchi evolving into the Kuchi family, the training bar was only filled by two. Any higher and they evolved into the Meme family. I wondered, is low training a requirement for obtaining Kuchi teens on the V4.5? So I missed two training calls in addition to the care mistakes. Other than that, though, I gave him really good care.
I think my theory might hold some weight, because he evolved into Kometchi! I'm going to evolve him into Tougyutchi and marry him to Caroline to try for a Universal teen.

Caroline evolved into Puchitchi. Not what I was hoping for, but what can you do? I really wanted to get Ringotchi rather than Young Memetchi, so I gave her really good care. But I wanted to see what would happen if I gave her one care mistake.
Anyway, she evolved into Ringotchi! I'm very pleased with how this generation is turning out (this is the first non-Meme teen I've obtained on this Tama in four generations). I'm going to evolve her into Mimitchi and marry her to Curt, so I can try for a Kuchi teen.

As for Pudge, he evolved into Kinakomotchi and evolved into Ichigotchi today. (I'm not going to give a detailed report on this one, because V2 evolution is completely different from V4/V4.5 evolution)

That's all I have to say today, sorry it seemed more like a log entry than what it's supposed to be  :p

Well, most of what I've gathered over the past week wasn't much good...

Curt evolved into Tougyutchi and Caroline evolved into Mimitchi, and I married them after a few days. They had girls, and I named Curt's girl Ursala (sticking with the theme here) and Caroline's girl Bliss (I hope someone gets it). Ursala evolved into Kuribotchi and Bliss evolved into Mohitamatchi, just as I was hoping for! I gave both of them perfect care: I never missed a training call, kept the stats at 3 hearts minimum, and played games frequently.

Unfortunately Ursala evolved into Ura Young Violetchi (when she probably should have evolved into UFOtchi) and Bliss evolved into Ichigotchi (when she definitely should have evolved into Young Dorotchi). This was very irritating, as I have NO idea what could possibly have gone wrong. Ursala evolved into Ura Memetchi this morning with 49 points in each skill, but Bliss unfortunately died yesterday afternoon. I hatched a new egg later that night (I was on a daytrip and wanted to wait until I got home to hatch a new egg), and it was a girl -- as such, I kept the name Bliss -- and she evolved into Harutchi. This time, I've really been trying to keep tabs on her in hopes that she'll evolve into Young Mimitchi.

I'll update tomorrow morning whether she evolves into Young Mimitchi or Ringotchi.

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted. Here's what I've gotten since my last update on this thread (I've also started a log to try and declutter my posts :D !)

Gen 9: Mohitamatchi (perfect care)-> Hinotamatchi -> Togetchi, married Sebiretchi
Gen 10: Mizutamatchi (3 care mistakes, ran out of time to make the 4th) -> Hinotamatchi -> Tosakatchi (too many skill points for Universal), married Marotchi
Gen 11: Mizutamatchi (4-5 care mistakes; went a little overboard here) -> Ojotchi (resumed perfect care to try and get any other adult)-> Masktchi, married V3 Tsunotchi
Gen 12: Puchitchi (perfect care) -> Ringotchi -> Marotchi, married Tarakotchi
Gen 13: Mohitamatchi (perfect care) -> Hinotamatchi (again?? :rolleyes: )-> SimaSimatchi, married Hanatchi
Gen 14: Mohitamatchi (perfect care) -> Gourmetchi (kept skill point total <40) -> Pyonchitchi, married V3 Debatchi

  • This one was a really weird case, though I suspect it's from me trying to find "shortcuts". I opened a mail to drop the happiness and speed up the care mistakes before it was scheduled to evolve, however, I think that this caused a discrepancy where one stat (hunger) was perfect while the other was low and vice versa. So during the care mistakes, both bars were never empty at the same time. Again, this result could just be random. I was a little relieved that I got Gourmetchi instead of Hinotamatchi though!

Gen 15: HARUTCHI! (perfect care) -> Young Mimitchi (perfect care but missed 2 training calls...) -> Hanatchi, married Tarakotchi

  • This case was just unfortunate and was totally my fault. It was a busy weekend and so I dropped the ball here (my V3 also turned into Debatchi). This just goes to show how sensitive Young Mimitchi is, since I gave it perfect care otherwise!

Gen 16: Mohitamatchi (perfect care) -> Young Kuchipatchi

  • Finally! I can't figure out what I did "different" this time but I'm glad I finally got it. He should be set to evolve into Kuchipatchi later today (social points is 175 so far). It was interesting to see that I finally got a Kuchi teen after putting some "distance" between this one and its Meme ancestors (4 gen gap).

I'm not sure what I'll do with my Tamas afterwards but I think I'll keep running them until the end of the summer. I still haven't ever seen Zukyutchi, Minotchi, Pukatchi, or Yattatchi so it would be neat to keep trying. I think we can likely conclude that levels of care and discipline play an important role, but the random factor still exists to a certain extent with child evolution.

This topic is super interesting to me as I have recently started up my 2 v4s and have been curious about how to get into different family groups. Here is how mine have gone so far, all having been cared for perfectly as far as I know:

Gen 1

Male: Puchitchi -> Gourmetchi -> Togetchi

Female: Mohitamatchi -> Young Dorotchi -> Yattatchi

I had them marry to start my 2nd generation

Gen 2

Male: Harutchi -> Young Androtchi

Male: Mohitamatchi -> Hinotamatchi

Two things about the 2nd generation have confused me: I got a Harutchi from a Meme+Kuchi pairing and I got Hinotamatchi from Mohitamatchi. For the latter, based on this thread it seems that caring perfectly for a Mohitamatchi can either get the “good care”/primary Kuchi teens or the “bad care”/secondary Meme teens. I’m curious if referring to the sets of teens that aren’t universal as good or bad care within their families is even accurate because I feel like based on the experiences in this thread it doesn’t seem to be.

Anyways it would be really cool to get this topic going again because this is really interesting to me!

Hi all! I actually haven't stopped running mine, and have been continuing my records. I just haven't posted in a while so here are my updates. I gave up on maintaining my log as well haha!

We left off with my gen 16 young Kuchipatchi, and oh boy did I have an update for him! He grew into Kuchipatchi as expected, however, I wanted to keep him like that for longer before trying for Nonbiritchi... I married him off to a Yattatchi through the matchmaker and learned that maybe he won't evolve after the fact. I had over 350 social points and my point total was definitely over 450. I tried to increase the points even more but nope, he wouldn't evolve at all. I never knew that it had to evolve before marriage, and I'm guessing this was because at that point he already "passed his genes" on to the baby boy. I was SO close to quitting right there but alas, I continued, hoping I would see Kuchipatchi again someday.

Gen 17: Mohitamatchi (perfect care) -> HINOTAMATCHI (disappointment....) -> Tosakatchi (skill points got too high from earlier perfect care), married Yattatchi and had a baby girl

Gen 18: Mizutamatchi (3 care mistakes; missed one) -> Ichigotchi -> Memetchi, married my V3 and had a baby boy

Gen 19: Mohitamatchi (perfect care) -> HINOTAMATCHI (AGAIN!!!!) -> Togetchi, married Marotchi and had a baby girl

Gen 20: Puchitchi (perfect care) -> Ringotchi -> Maidtchi; married Pyonchitchi and had a baby boy

  • I wonder why perfect care of puchitchi consistently results in Mame adults vs Meme adults, while Mohitamatchi appears to work differently? I wonder if the theory is correct that all Kuchi characters are considered "bad care". My Kuchipatchi did not have a full training bar, and so it may need some missed training calls... something to be experimented with later on

Gen 21: Harutchi (perfect care) ->Young Mametchi -> Zukyutchi, married Pyonkotchi and had a baby girl

Gen 22: Harutchi (perfect care, had some pausing so may have missed training) -> Ringotchi -> Mimitchi, married Kuchipatchi

  • At this point, there is a 3 gen gap between the baby and the last Meme adult, so I thought it would be a similar condition to how I got my first Kuchipatchi.

Gen 23: Mizutamatchi (4 care mistakes, then resumed good care with all hearts at 3) -> Young Memetchi (missed all training but perfect care otherwise, kept skill point total <40) -> Hanatchi

  • I was disappointed to see Mizutamatchi from a Mame + Kuchi pair but I tried again to get Young Dorotchi. I tried to adjust the level of care, since previously perfect care always got me Hinotamatchi. However, even with all hearts kept at 3/4 full, I ended up with Young Memetchi. I think this may have to do with training prior to evolution... I don't understand how I didn't get Ichigotchi this way. I wanted to avoid introducing Meme genes again, so I tried for a universal adult. Since Hanatchi + Tarokotchi got me Kuchipatchi last time, I can try that again through the Matchmaker. My V3 is also male this gen, so I could marry them as well to get Mohitamatchi. Open to any suggestions! Trying to take it easy this time and see what happens, instead of getting too disappointed 😛

In other news, around Gen 13, I got the ball glitch... I can no longer buy food for my Tamas since the list filled up. I can't delete them since they appear again. I don't want to do a full reset after 23 generations so I have been putting up with it. I tried poking the back and downloading data, however this did not fix it. If anyone has any idea what to do here, I'm all ears!

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