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  1. R

    How To Connect

    Thank you. I will edit my post with this, credit to you. EDIT: It won't let me edit my first post. ^_^
  2. R

    How To Connect

    I have just performed a search, and I didn't find anything like this.
  3. R

    Scholastic Book Club Tama Copy!

    I got that in my book order. Sure, it looks pretty cheap (no offense, Scholastic), but that doesn't make it a "fake tama". Check this out: A Fake Tama Is... A virtual pet that claims to be a tamagotchi, but looks nothing like the Bandai one nor is created by Bandai. A Regular Virtual Pet...
  4. R


    tamaw/pants has a good point. If they claim to be tamagotchis, but aren't from Bandai, they are most definatly fake. If they don't claim to be tamagotchis but are a different new kind of virtual pet, that does not make them "fake tamagotchis". True, they aren't tamagotchis. But they aren't meant...
  5. R

    should you be able to adopt a tama on your tama?

    Debugging is when you can choose the character you want from a list (that list even includes rare characters!) But watch out; you can permanetly destroy your tama if you don't do it properly. Here are step by step instructions on how to debug (I've never done it before, although I know how)...
  6. R

    Webkinz Chat

    I have 6 Webkinz: Black and White Cat - Gabriella Chihuahua - Taco Horse - Spirit Lil' Kinz Tiger - Tony Lil' Kinz Cow - Zoey Panda - Hay Lin I do not like to give out my username except to my personal friends. Sadly, my account has been hacked before. I don't know why people do that...
  7. R

    when you connect and it says "list full"

    Thanks for the tip! Although my items list has never been full before, I can use this when it does get full.
  8. R

    How To Connect

    I'm not sure about version 1, as I do not own one. I'm sure about version 2, version 3, and version 4, but not version 4.5. Version 2 to Version 2 1) Choose the fifth icon on each tama 2) Choose 'Version 2' on each tama 3) Choose either 'Game' or 'Present' on each. Make sure you choose the...
  9. R

    connection fail

    Step by step on how to connect two V4's: 1) On both V4's, press button A (farthest to the left) until you get to the last icon in the top row 2) Press button B (middle) on both 3) Use button A to go to Version 4 and button B to select on both 4) Choose either "Game", "Present", or "Visit" on...
  10. R

    Awww...'s a Kodak moment! XD I love it when they do that. I wonder if my V2 and V3 will do that when I get them dating. Off Topic: When I was looking at the replies, I noticed that the advertisement on this page was the love button! Ironic, huh?
  11. R

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    I wish my dad would. He thinks that they are a waste of time. <_< They sound really cool!
  12. R

    Please tell me if this is OK

    I have an idea for a title. How about "The Ocean Gift"? It's a truly amazing story...VERY well done!
  13. R

    ver.413 on ebay!

    That's sad. Really sad. XD In USD. it's $0.99 plus $8.99 for shipping. That would be about $10.00 all together. $10 for a fake tama?! NO WAY!
  14. R

    New Tamagotchi 4.5 Colors! PICS!

    I never thought of that... Neat designs! I'd like to get the Girls Rock one. I can't wait!
  15. R

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm not sure whether I posted a topic here or not... You may know me from other sites: Tama-Zone (Rainbow_flower) Tama Party (*SVbaby* Tama Galaxy (*SVbaby*) Gotchi Gate (*SVbaby*) Hogwarts United (Ginny Weasly) Nyton Planet (my site; Santai_Queen) I really like it here!
  16. R

    Help me please

    That's weird...I wouldn't be able to test because I can't get my skill points that high! lol
  17. R

    Rainbow_flower's V3 Log!

    -Green Snake Shell- My green snake shell is a male Mizutamatchi named Rocky. Rocky is 0 years and 24 pounds right now. I'm aiming for a Young Mametchi with him so I can maybe get a Mametchi or Memetchi. Rocky is really cute dancing around the screen. Rocky's stats: Age: 0 Weight: 24 lbs...
  18. R

    True of False? I NEED HELP

    Wow, that's weird. 0.o I say your friend should change the battery. Even though it's probably the tama that's causing it, I'd change the battery.
  19. R

    How many tamas have you taken care of at once?

    4 for me. I once had a V2, two V3's and a V4 going at once. I would go CRAZY having 10+ tamas going at once!
  20. R

    I'm always getting the same char. on v4!helpplease

    I agree with everyone here. Do you always make your tamagotchi underweight, feed it bread, play games 24/7, and take care of it as soon as it beeps? Try making it overweight, feeding it, say, Sushi, not playing many games (or focusing on a different skill), and take care of it, like, 5 minutes...