100 weird things to do in wal mart


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oh, go on the megaphone, and say "We'd like to wish a happy birthday to (whoever you're friend is) and specifically say what aisle they are in. Sing Happy birthday, then say something embarassing about them, but make sure your friend or someone you know is there, or it won't work. I had that done to me, and it turns out, one of my friends was there and found me and laughed at me! Get permission for the megaphone, my dad did when he did that. they will give you permission! :p

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Sorry, but i KNOW that you didn't make these up. Please make your own up and do not claim some one elses as yours. (these were on the 101 fun things to do in wal-mart site givin on the first page) Some of them aren't copying the site, but are very close. So i just quoted the ones almost word for word.

I hate people who lie.
Okay. The scanner thing was not on the site find it for me then.

The fat man walks alone was mentioned on the 101 things to do but your supposed to hide in the clothes racks and say that, not leave little papers around. that was me and my best friends idea. I Was the person on tamatalk who said the exact same thing.

The must not cut lady thing is inspired by must not hurt nice lady, but you don't try to light a zippo (W/E that is)

And last but not least, old woman mommy thing was something that i've actualy done and gotten in trouble for ok?

Get your facts straight!

*Calms down* Sorry, but I can tend to snap like a twig. So just don't call me a fake cus most of the things i've done like the fat man walks alone, the old woman thing and i did the scanner thing except with a computer. *snaps again* AAAAAAHHH! BROKEN WINDOW! Scary scary scary. Freaky freaky freaky.

Anyways, here's another one:

• Grab a cart, stuff it with a bunch of junk, then when it's all checked out and the cashier asks how you would like to pay for that, just point behind you and say, "That man's paying!" then run off and say, "See you at home, granpa!"

Here's 25 funny things to do at walmart i made up:
1. Go up to an old woman and scream, "Mommy! Why did you leave me in the shoe section?!" Watch as everyone stares at the the woman, she'll be so embarrased.

2. While at the checkout place where you scan your own items and start banging on it and screaming "WHY DOESN'T THIS STUPID INTERNET WORK!"

3. Go into the electronics section where there are TVs and turn them all up to full blast. You would hear it through the whole store with like, 20 TVs blaring.

4. Repeat number 4 with radios.

5. Run around evilly and try running people over with shopping carts.

6. Play dodgeball with friends, then "accidently" hit other people.

7. Go into the section with crutches and walkers and pretend to be someone elderly with the walkers and say stuff to your friends like, "Hello, sonny boy! Wanna soda?"

8. In the bed section, make a huge pillow fort and make a stupid sign like, "No girls allowed." or "Army Headquarters."

9. Hide in the clothing racks and when someone takes something and looks at it say "Are you kidding me?" or "Do you really think that's your size?" or "Put down the pants and noone gets hurt."

10. Two words: Chicken Dance.

11. Leave pieces of paper in random spots with random sayings like "The fat man walks alone."

12. Grab something out of the women's section like a thong or bra and then put em inside of the freezers next to the ice cream or something.

13. Start a water gun fight.

14. Take placebos (sugar pills) and hand them out to small children and then tell them to tell their parents that they bought drugs. *WARNING* Parents may not find this as funny as you do.

15. Chase people around, trying to pierce their ears with earrings from the jewellery section.

16. Challenge people to a YuGiOh card game.

17. In the toy aisle, set up a racetrack with remote control cars.

18. Act as if you're possessed and run up to people screaming, "I START FIRES! I BURN DOWN HOUSES! I ATTACK THE ELDERLY! I DON'T WEAR SOCKS!"

19. If you're a girl, try on tuxedos and other men's clothing and if you're a guy, try on dresses and skirts. Then walk around the store as casually as possible.

20. Mix up some milk and oatmeal and then dump it onto the floor. People will be sickened as they believe it is barf.

21. Pretend you're browsing around the utensils, then take a knife and walk up to a lady and say, "I hear voices in my head. They're telling me evil things! MUST...NOT...cut...nice lady..."

22. On a hot day, when the door is open to let out some heat, run up to people and squirt honey on them and say. "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar!" Watch as they are pestered by flies from outside.

23. Stick a ball in your shirt and walk around saying, "I'm pregnant." Watch people's reactions. Much funnier if you add something like, "With my 4th child" or something else.

24. Go up to people (preferably the same gender) and tell them, "I LOVE U........NIVERSITY!"

25. Fill up a 2 litre bottle with baking soda and then put it in an aisle where everyone else is. Then pour in a large amount of vinegar and watch as everyone gets trapped in puddles of fizz.

I'll be back soon with 25 more!


By the way, these are my ideas. OH! And kerry*bridget and I have tried some. Mostly in school.
i wouldnt do things that envolve food because some one could be allergic to it one thime i was there and peole where having a water gun fight but they filled it up with vinegar and they squirted me and im deadly allergic to vinegar and spent the next month in hospital

Once my friend when up to this ''little man''(I don't want to say midget because that's mean) in walmart and he said ''Where's the rest of ya?'' and the he kicked my friend in the *weak spot* I started laughing my head off and we weren't aload to go back to walmart for a week.

Once my friend when up to this ''little man''(I don't want to say midget because that's mean) in walmart and he said ''Where's the rest of ya?'' and the he kicked my friend in the *weak spot* I started laughing my head off and we weren't aload to go back to walmart for a week.
lol <_<

Go up to random people and say 'Oh' hi (name here) your party was great.'

Go up to random people and say 'Oh' hi (name here) your party was great.'
I have an idea that goes with that :(

Go up to someone who looks like they have kids and say something like, 'Man, your kid's party the other week was amazing!'

If they don't have kids old enough to party, they'd be confused and know you were messing with them, but if they do.. Well. I just think it'd be amusing to see their reaction xP

Go to the deli and look at the number at the top and then say "Whos got number __?" Then get a peice of ham then throw it at people.

These are funny! :eek: I just laughed for like 10 minutes straight.

I don't know any. :eek:

Matchy :pochitchi:

walk around with listerene or any mouthwash and go "I LOVE MOUTHWASH!!! ESPCIALY WHEN I DRINK IT AND GET A RASH!!!!!"
Hahaha! That is really good.

If your older, like 12 - 18, go up to parents and say.... I've lost my mommy and daddy... But I've got you now!!!! :mellow: Lol that'll freak em out!


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