1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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801:acsendltly fire a laserbeam at the infra red peice.

802.smash it with poisidens trident

803.drop it in the middle of the bermuda triangle

804.drop it in a volcano

805.give it a poop to eat

806.make the ball glitch happen on it

807.put it in a planes jet engine

808.put it on a bonfire

809.Drop it in the sea

810.burn it with a flamethrower

811.whip it with a spiked whip

812.put it in a ROCKET SHIPS engine

813.use it for target practice

814.bury it in quicksand

815.leave it on a plane

816.leave it on the moon

817.leave it on pluto

818.bury it in poop

819.make it sniff your socks

820.insert a giant battery into it

gah.not allowed to do anymore.

824: force your tama to do the bunny hop

825: give it to a skunk

almost to 1000!!!

826: Stab the screen REALLY hard with a razor sharp pencil point until the screen cracks

827:Through it off the CN tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

828:Squeeze it until blood comes out of your tamagotchi (Forever, in other words, since tama's don't bleed) XD

829:put it in a Macdonalds deep fryer and put salt on it and eat it like a fry!

830: Through it at the screen of a million doller TV until the TV breaks. (Even funnier if the TV isn't insured!)

833. try to peel the cover off like a banana

834. give it to a monkey

835. use it for a baby's teething toy

836. stick it in wet concrete and let it dry with the tama stuck in it

837. throw mud at it

838. shove it down a gutter pipe

836: Give it to your cats so they use it as a scratching post

837: Chop it up and mix it in your dogs food

838: Put it in the bath... No matter how much they smell...

839: Forse it to proform infront or 4,000 people when it has stage fright.

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