Animal Crossing: Wild World


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I'm with you there, TamaMum. ^^ I'll be getting Animal Crossing (for real) on June 8th.

I live in China most of the year, but I stay back home in the US for the summer. My dad went back there a month and a half early to go to a job meeting and pick up my brother from college. So, he'll be picking up my mom and I at the airport when we get there, and he'll be BRINGING ALONG THAT LONG-AWAITED-ORDERED-LONG-TIME-AGO ACWW THAT I ORDERED! Yay! I plan to play it in the car to keep me awake and entertained so I can try to beat jetlag. XD Seeing as tons of DS players say that it's the best game ever, I'm excited! *hops up and down*

This is random, but I got no clue for a town name. :S
It's your game.

You should decide what to call your town name.

We can't tell you what to name your game.

If you ask other ppl for suggestions then they will be naming your town and you kind of lose ownership of it (if you see what I mean).

Some ppl name their town after their real town (that they live in) or after their state / county. Some ppl name their town after a favorite food or place they have visited, some use planet names.

Try visiting a few ACWW forums. You'll get inspiration from them :lol:

I like Olivia the cat. She's pretty because whenever she wears this blue shirt with flowers on it, it makes her look Hawaiin and really pretty ^ ^ Also her paws are purple so they look cute with her outfits.Lol.

How can you play online AC:WW using a Wi-Fi connection? Say, if I was in a McDonald's or someone's home that had wireless internet, could I do it?

I've got a bunch of name ideas for my town. I just got to pick. ^^




Little Crest



Ok, I got a couple of these names from a fantasy name widget on my dashboard, but I made up the rest following its example. :D

Question about Town Tunes. When you set a Town Tune, that pretty much means it's just going to play the same short piece over and over right? Yeah I know the answer seems kinda obvious, but I want to be sure.

^ Whenever yew talk anyone in town, they play that tune in there own "Voice"

& Krysteh, Mint is cute, But she a STALKER! Shes closes to my house and shes always hanging around my door and huntting me down. I WANT HER PIC THO 8D

Huntr; o_o Stalkerr.

Warriorcat_girl; The town tune will be played as a chime when the hour changes. Also when you talk to an animal it'll play it. And if you press A on any instument in your/a neighbor's house, it'll play your town tune. =]

I'm working on planting more trees in Swirly. I want to have a nice green town.

This is usually my to-do list that I try do every day:

Plant a tree.

See who's moved in/moving.

Water some flowers.

Send a few letters.

And while I'm doing that, I usually have my gates open. I'm always willing to do WiFi.

My main goal in the whole game is GET THE PIC

Yus, I'm shallow.


I have questions...

1.How come the animals and our avatars have big lolipop heads?

2. Why cant we plow fields on here just like Farmtown on Facebook?

Why is AC so fun and addictive.

Plz answer these questions.

Okay, this is really bugging me

The ties were not synced on ACWW and my DS, so I synced them, now, everytime I turn the game off, I save, but next time Resetti comes and yells at me.

Can this be fixed, or not? Is it just messed up game coding?

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