are you a vegan?


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D: It just bothers me, I don't care that they eat it... It's just they make me sad by making a big deal

Cinderpelt- thanks for replying! it's nice to get someone to reply that is actually a vegan or vegetarian! also, cool name! do you like the Warriors series by Erin Hunter? i LOVE that series!
Yup, and yes, I used to read those books.

Eating meat has both pros and cons. Meat has a lot of toxins and chemicals that aren't the best for you, but the trade off is all of the nutrients and strength you gain from me. There are both good and bad to everything, and meat isn't an exception.

Oh, and Kat, yeah, that happens to me sometimes too. But I know my friend is just kidding. xD

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no i am not but thats u so thats ok i like meat and cheese like that one girl does

I don't like the idea of killing animals to feed ourselves.

But, humans do a lot of good things for animals too, and they give us nutrients that help us.

I could never be a vegan if I tried.

I think we should be able to eat and drink things from certain animals such as cows, chickens, etc. But I think we should NOT eat certain animals like dogs, cats, anything that could be a loving pet.
Pretty much any animal can be a loving pet.

To be honest, I really don't see the difference between a dog, and a pig, or a bunny, and a chicken.

They're animals, living creatures.

Why do you get to choose which one live, and which ones die? Plus, there are plenty of other cultures, eating cows would sound just as repulsive to them as eating a dog would be to you. I think it's Hindu? I really don't remember. Point being I'm just as likely to eat a dog as I am to eat any other animal. It all just depends on what role they play in your culture. I might not eat a cat, because in my house where I've grown up, they've been established as companions, not food, and tend to be equal to me when it comes to the pecking order xD But maybe if I lived in an Asian country, cats wouldn't be regarded as such.

I'm not a vegetarian, and definitely not a vegan, for other reasons I don't care to explain because it's fairly simple. It's natural, part of the food chain, blahblahblah. Animals eat animals, controls population, delicate balance of nature, woooo. It also just wouldn't feel right to be a vegetarian, almost like I'd never feel completely full.

I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians, out of all of them... Only one was a psycho extremist, whose children are obviously very malnourished due to their restricted diet. He's also one of those people who are determined to avoid cancer, so he won't eat anything wrapped in plastic and a bunch of other weird things.

Hell no. I could live off bacon and milk.

I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian. My mum's a vegan though.

I think I'm only vegetarian because I was brought up in a vegetarian family. To be honest, even though a lot people with animal loving vegetarian families like mine say that they'll be vegetarian even if their family wasn't, I think that most of them, including me, would probably eat meat if they were brought up with a meat eating family. I used to be a pretty b****y, PETA-ish veggie, trying to convert my friends to vegetarianism and everything but now I understand that when you've been eating meat all your life, even though there's vegetarian alternatives (Quorn, Linda McCartney, etc), it's pretty hard to give it up. Sure, if I had a friend wanting to become vegetarian I'd encourage them with it, but that's it. The only time I do get b****y with meat-eating people is when people are all, "OMG HOW DO YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT CHICKEN?!" or -eating a sasauge or something- "Oh GOD this is good. You don't know what your missing out on." or worse of all, "Oh I just love the taste of tortured animals. I love savouring their blood. Urrggggh." -fake gurgling- I've actually had people in my class saying that-and worse- to me before.

Sorry, I kind of went off-topic. So about my mum, she's been vegetarian since she was my age (14), she decided to be vegan when she was about twenty and unlike the vegan stereotype, she isn't pale and thin as a nugget.

EDIT: TBH, no offence to any vegans but unless it's for medical reasons I think being vegan is pretty stupid. I know that cows aren't always kept in nice conditions but don't they need milked to be comfortable or something? And as for eggs, just by free-range if you want to be good to the chickens.

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Noo. I'm a very happy omnivore.

I eat chicken, fish, piggies. Not cows, because I was raised as a Hindu, and even though I don't identify with the religion, that is a part of me. I love animals--and I support animal activists, but humans are animals too. And as part of this food chain, we can eat meat. Besides, it tastes good. :)

To tell the truth, I haven't given it a thought. I think it takes too much commitment to stick to a vegan diet. Meat is a very significant part of our diet - however little we have, it's always better than having none. Tofu revolts me. Then again, I have yet to try it. I'll never be able to live without meat. xDDD

I actually think that if I was determined enough, I could be a vegetarian. I don't enjoy meats much, the only meat I actually like is chicken, and I don't eat it that often. I understand the viewpoint of not supporting meats, but even if people were vegetarian, there are other people who aren't, so these meat companies would still slaughter chickens, cows, pigs, etc for a profit. It's not right, but it's how things work.

Being vegan on the other hand, no. I don't eat healthy enough as it is, but cutting out things like milk and cheese just isn't for me. And eggs too, I couldn't do that. I personally don't understand the vegan lifestyle, but I'm not against anyone who follows it. Having the willpower to do that is pretty amazing though.

I actually think that if I was determined enough, I could be a vegetarian. I don't enjoy meats much, the only meat I actually like is chicken, and I don't eat it that often. I understand the viewpoint of not supporting meats, but even if people were vegetarian, there are other people who aren't, so these meat companies would still slaughter chickens, cows, pigs, etc for a profit. It's not right, but it's how things work.
Being vegan on the other hand, no. I don't eat healthy enough as it is, but cutting out things like milk and cheese just isn't for me. And eggs too, I couldn't do that. I personally don't understand the vegan lifestyle, but I'm not against anyone who follows it. Having the willpower to do that is pretty amazing though.
Feeding ourselves is not right? Those animals are raised to be eaten. If they weren't, they'd have no purpose. People would have no reason to have cows, pigs, chickens, etc. They wouldn't be domesticated. Farmers would have no business except for growing crops, etc.

I completely respect people who choose not to eat meat, however I don't like it when people say killing animals for food is wrong.

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Feeding ourselves is not right? Those animals are raised to be eaten. If they weren't, they'd have no purpose. People would have no reason to have cows, pigs, chickens, etc. They wouldn't be domesticated. Farmers would have no business except for growing crops, etc.
I completely respect people who choose not to eat meat, however I don't like it when people say killing animals for food is wrong.
Well I know that. I didn't say feeding ourselves wasn't right. Just the way that it is done. Killing animals for food isn't wrong, but in mass productions, it's not something I feel positively about. The modern day meat industry isn't doing anyone justice.

You obviously haven't learned about this industry.

They slaughter and raise the animals in a very inhumane way. Just because they're raised to be eaten, doesn't mean they should live life in fear, or in little cages. The conditions are usually unsanitary, but this is not a priority when the industry wants to make a profit as cheap and as fast as possible. Of course, we need to eat meat, but there are obviously better ways for these companies to succeed in this goal that would be a bit better for everyone. Besides the fact that the animal is going to suffer during the whole process, all these bad conditions are making the meats prone to diseases and bad things you don't want in your body.

If it makes any difference, the meat from a happy cow, grazing on a farm in a stress free life tastes way better than the meat from a cow that has gone through packaging, processing, etc. Even if you don't care about the inhumane ways of the meat industry, wouldn't it make a difference if you knew that the product you are buying isn't full of bacteria, and hasn't been exposed to unsanitary conditions? With the amounts of animals in one closed area, it is very easy for bacteria to spread from animal to animal through feces, and most of the time, these plants don't have proper sewage to filter all this out, thus the meats get infected.

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Animals always have purpose! Their purpose is to be animals. I'm not trying to sound angry, but I am stating my opinion. When they are raised in those disgusting conditions, they never get to do anything that comes completely natural to them, and their purpose is not to live like that.

Animals always have purpose! Their purpose is to be animals. I'm not trying to sound angry, but I am stating my opinion. When they are raised in those disgusting conditions, they never get to do anything that comes completely natural to them, and their purpose is not to live like that.
Free ranged animals can be used for meat and goods.

Free ranged eggs and Organic Meat.

However, you can't set cows and chickens free.

No, I'm not a vegan, but I AM a semi-vegetarian. I only eat meat like once or twice a week... :\

In my opinion, killing animals for food isn't wrong. But, like tamtamkitty07 said, it's the way it's DONE that's wrong. Most of the time, the animals are raised in horrible, horrible conditions, and could have been in contact with lots of horrible diseases and bacteria.

The reason why I don't eat meat often is because I don't like the taste of it... the only meat I eat are chicken and pork, but only occasionally (like 1-3 times a week).

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