Are you gay or lesbian?


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How you said you can only get married at 18, so there's no point. I think there is a point, I'd like to know my 'Husband-To-Be' very well before I marry him and probably be going out for a couple of years.
2 weeks after I turned 15 I started going out with my boyfriend, and we're 17 now so it's been a long time. I know him very well and if he did want to get married to me when we turned 18 {which won't happen because he would rather get married in our 20's} I'd say yes because I know I'd be making a right choice.

I don't think age matters much because some people would rather experience different types of boyfriends and hope to find someone they want to marry.
Hey! Did u not read my last few words?!? Thts juss my opinoin! Lyk I said I have no disrespect for those who are dating and who r not. +_+

i am not lesbian but i think its perfectly fine

i know the bible states that its wrong but the bible also states we have "free will" so we can do what we wish and if it is wrong then face consiquences but then that means the gays/lesbians know what they have to face and it's their "will" to do so.

I'm neither. Not by. Not pomo. Not strait. Not gay or lesbian. Nothing. I plan to b single for da rest of my life. I respect peole for who they r.not who they like. I'm still a kid. Well, in my book your a kid till ur 16. I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff till imn lyk 25 or sumtin.I can't marry till I'm 18 anyway! So what's the point? Well, thts we and my opinion. Listen to it if u want. Or don't. I really don't care. ;)
Trust me, you don't want to stay single for the rest of your life, and no you can get married earlier than 18. My aunt got married to my uncle when she was 14.

Trust me, you won't stay single the rest of your life. I used to say that too, but I have a boyfriend now. You will change your mind...


I'm not gay or lez.I'm sraight I only like (or even like-like) boys.I like girls as friends but that's it.

I'm neither. Not by. Not pomo. Not strait. Not gay or lesbian. Nothing. I plan to b single for da rest of my life. I respect peole for who they r.not who they like. I'm still a kid. Well, in my book your a kid till ur 16. I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff till imn lyk 25 or sumtin.I can't marry till I'm 18 anyway! So what's the point? Well, thts we and my opinion. Listen to it if u want. Or don't. I really don't care. :angry:
Why would you want to stay single for the rest of your life?

Trust me, you don't.

I dont like how people attack other people's sexuality. It's not right. I think that everyone should be happy with whoever they want. I think gay/lesbian marriage is fine, and should be encouraged. I am straight, and I dont see anything wrong with any other sexuality eg. pomo, homo, hetero, etc.

I dont like how people attack other people's sexuality. It's not right. I think that everyone should be happy with whoever they want. I think gay/lesbian marriage is fine, and should be encouraged. I am straight, and I dont see anything wrong with any other sexuality eg. pomo, homo, hetero, etc.
That's how everyone should look at it. If it makes you happy what's the harm in it? Some people are just very closed minded and only see their views and ignore others.

A good quote is;

'♀ + ♀ = ♥

♀ + ♂ = ♥

♂ + ♂ = ♥

Love is about Love, Not Gender.'

What disgusts me is some of the people who hate gays have the nerve to say things like, 'If you're going to marry another man, you might as well marry an animal.'

Please.. tell me. What does beastiality have to do with homosexuality?

They think lesbians/gays/bis/transexuals are the sick ones, yet they're the ones thinking about marrying/having sex with animals.

Who's really the messed up one?

What disgusts me is some of the people who hate gays have the nerve to say things like, 'If you're going to marry another man, you might as well marry an animal.'
Please.. tell me. What does beastiality have to do with homosexuality?

They think lesbians/gays/bis/transexuals are the sick ones, yet they're the ones thinking about marrying/having sex with animals.

Who's really the messed up one?
Having furry sex? Euw ._. Thats sicker then Gay marriage!

Im not Anti-Gay, I support it. Love is Love

*Removed for posting twice - srry*

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I just watched the Simpsons episode "Homer's Phobia"(can't spell very good) And I always find it funny to watch tv shos where someone's gay and Homer thought Bart was gay! Bart wore a girl's wig and everything! But yea I find it funny to have gay people on tv.

I just watched the Simpsons episode "Homer's Phobia"(can't spell very good) And I always find it funny to watch tv shos where someone's gay and Homer thought Bart was gay! Bart wore a girl's wig and everything! But yea I find it funny to have gay people on tv.

What disgusts me is some of the people who hate gays have the nerve to say things like, 'If you're going to marry another man, you might as well marry an animal.'
Please.. tell me. What does beastiality have to do with homosexuality?

They think lesbians/gays/bis/transexuals are the sick ones, yet they're the ones thinking about marrying/having sex with animals.

Who's really the messed up one?
I agree. The stuff I bolded is just stupid. I mean, gay people are still people. No matter what your sexual orientation is, we are all people.


That would be me. I think seeing straight people making out or together is disgusting.
I second that. But they do it because they were born to do it, so they can do as they please in private.

Something I hate about being a lesbian is that you can't tell a soul at school unless you want to get harrassed. I learned that the hard way, I won't go into detail. Schools make it hard to be yourself. Students and staff give you grief about all kinds of things, with a few exceptions. My question is why. Why do people focus on one thing about you and judge you based on it?

I hope that made sense. I had a hard time finding the right words.

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I think I am bi...i don't know maybe I'm bi-curious

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