Daydreaming and tamagotchi


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I am the worst at getting the tamas I want. XD

Quick update: Waking up, two days ago, I found that Apple had left the tama (they leave so quickly :( ) and I had to take care of a baby blob. Andy had left too, but I decided to reset this one, to get a girl and try for Oyiatchi or however the ugly middle-aged tama is called. So right now I have two teens, named Berry (a little insect with a propeller on its head) and Mauve (an onion). Yes, I didn't really take good care of them because of the work... I can't really play with them, most of the time, and I have to study too. They still look adorable though.

And something that made my day yesterday: I was kind of embarassed to tell my boyfriend about my tamagotchis cause I thought he'd find them stupid, but when naughty little Mauve slipped out ouf my purse, he said "What's that? Oh it's that game!"


"I used to have one of those when I was little. Do you play with it?"

"Well, yes, sometimes... still."

"Yeah me too, they were big part of my childhood."

"Yeah mine too. Wanna play?"

"Hmm not now."

So he was pretty cool with it. Still I'm kinda shy to play with them in front of him. I don't know why. I'll get over it I guess. I mean, he plays all sorts of games in his mobile phone, usually involving shooting or some arcades too. I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

Also I have to mention that I ordered a tamagotchi nano. It was kind of expensive, to be honest, a bit more than my other ones, but still it was new and in much better price than most others that I've seen from time to time. And I wanted to try it, since it would probably be low-maintenance and has longer lifespan. Since there are not many resources on it, I will log it. ^_^

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Boyfriend found my purple tama in my purse too. "YOU HAVE TWO OF THEM". "Actually I have a small collection haha, they're my digital babies." :p He smiled, pressed some buttons, left them on the desk. Now I don't mind that much checking on them while he's around. Still, I bet he thinks I have them since I was little cause they're V2s. When my nano arrives I don't know if I'll be that comfortable. Hmm we'll see. XD

Aaaand they both died. I tookthem with me at work, and while usually they withstood the neglect for some hours, today they didn't. Actually, firstly I found Mauve the onion dead. Berry was still alive but sick and hungry. I fed him till he was looking happy again but shortly later he died too. This makes me pretty certain that care mistakes do accumulate. He wouldn't have died in one or two hours of me not checking on him if it wasn't for the previous neglect. It's a bummer that they died but at least I learnt something. I may start another generation - possibly with my boyfriend this time, since the other day I found him trying to give them medicine. :p Or I'll wait for my nano. I hope this will be more low maintenance, since I don't like pausing them.

It would be funny if you didn't tell him that you had a small collection and you just let him keep discovering them.



Lol yes :D


My life right now, trying to graduate.

(Rosie on the left, Marie on the right. July not featured, Marie's future husband, when they get really really old. :p )


Hi people, I know it's been a long time! I had exams etc so I couldn't post regularly. I'm still playing though. This time I was patient enough to have two oldies! I turned down many very tempting marriage proposals... Marie was a Gozarutchi and July a Kuchipatchi. They had to wait till they were past the adult stage, to communicate again. July grew up a day before, which was to be expected. The animations are interesting, the meal changes into sushi and the snack into what I presume is tea? Hmm it can't be tea, since tea is a shop item. So, maybe sake or coffee? But then they are giving to the babies too. That's inappropriate. :D Maybe that's why they instantly grow into middle-aged guys. :p Anyway, I put the green tama aside (I was only using it to get the "secret character") and I'm not running the nano anymore. I am planning to hatch it again after a short vacation. :) So, for now, my only active tama is the blue-purple starry V2.

PS: The exams went GREAT. ^_^

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