Does anyone here watch House?


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Six pills a mouthful... that sounds like House :D Today at school, me and two other people had to make a budget for this simulation. Our group had about $7880 leftover according to the budget, so the leaders were like $7880? YEAH RIGHT!Then I said that the budget never lies, then the leader said the budget always lies, then I tried to think of some phrase that has to do with lying, and the first thing I though of was House so I said Uhhhh... everybody lies! Nothing I say is right :(

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I wish I had USA! :D At least Scrubs is on Monday to Friday at 7pm. Plus, I'm trying to download three House episodes as I'm typing. Yesterday, me and my friends were naming my fishes for fun, then I got an idea to name the next four I get House, Cameron, Chase and Foreman :p If I get a fifth it would be called Wilson. The one friend finally got even with me though, no more killing. Woohoo! :(

Whoa! Seven hours? House reruns today on Mystery :rolleyes: I probably haven't seen it, the info thingy says House is risking to lose his job and medical liscence(sp?) :D Obviously he won't but it looks interesting :D

Yeah, unless they used your idea and showed House searching for a new job :D I still think the Search For THe Next Pussycat Doll spoof for Huse would be hilarious, too :blink:

Uh oh. Now I've got the urge to kill, here's what's happening (Yes, it has to do with House)

I'm talking to a guy in my class, I asked him if he watches House then he started to say stuff like House sucks! It's just stupid doctors! Then he said that Chase sucks (Uh oh, now my friend AND me are gonna kill someone) He just called them gay wannabes =( Now he's saying it's the most reatrded and hated show :marumimitchi: I feel like swearing at him :unsure:

EDIT: Now he's calling me a lesbian :( :blink: NOW THIS IS PERSONAL! I'M NOT THAT!

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Yeah, the episode was Whac-A-Mole, one of my favourite :( I think Wilson needed some of House's Vicodin that episode, he flipped out badly!

So much for no more killing, my friend scratched my arm with her key =P It all started with an MSN Display Pic lol, it was an interesting convo :D I said 'Hi' then she was all MUST KILL!!! Then she said I made out with Wilson and I thought I was gonna puke in my mouth! Then I found a quiz on Quizzila that tells you what doctor on House you should date and it said I should date Chase :kusatchi: This is funny... I'm watching House in French!

Yeah, that was funny when House drugged Wilson! Me and my friend like Chase so we made a plan: Kill Jennifer Morrison then have a showdown at a park LOL! It's called Mission Kill Jennifer Morrison :furawatchi: (We were bored while door monitoring) I did a quiz to see what doctor I am, and apparentally I'm House =P Too much sarcasm :)

Quizilla, I go on it when I'm bored. I've got a hokcey tournament Friday-Sunday, I hope my hotel room TV has Mystery Channel! I was bored at baseball and I got another weird House-related idea XP It's a House video game where you talk to staff, get investigated by the police, and all of that while diagnosing a patient. You can interact with people and things, so you could stab Foreman, or play air piano :p Weird idea, but it justmight work :D


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