Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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I'm 30 and starting to play tamas again. Just bought P's and nano yesterday :)

When in elementary school, I really like virtual pets, I played the original tamagotchi in Junior high. But since the booming was out, I started to leave n forget them. And now I checked it and surprised they are many type of tamas and all cute!

I am 22 and am OBSESSED with tamas once again. I currently have 3 tamago's, 2 which are running and one that I haven't opened yet. I also just ordered an english iD L so hopefully it gets here soon. I am so excited!! :)

Not yet 16 but I know I'll still be playing with them WITHOUT SHAME!! :D :D :D

I'm not 16 quite yet, but I know that I'll be playing with Tamas till I die, whether or not people call them child's toys.

Actually tamas do not have an age limit!!!!!!!!!! You have them forever if you want to!!

I'm almost 15 and I still play with them :) and I don't plan to stop when I'm 16 either!

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Well, I do. I'm 27, very happily married, and not ashamed. I've been playing with Tamagotchi's since they were first introduced here in the US, around '96-'97. I've loved all kinds of virtual pets and have had at least one of every variation available here, such as the Angelgotchi's and what have you. I also had Gigapets, and Nanopets, and DigiMon, and other versions. But I've always loved Tamagotchi's the most, probably because they were my first. My husband and I very much wanted to start a family. We became pregnant our first cycle trying. We sadly suffered a miscarriage at 7 weeks. I desperately wanted to nurture something. I am severely allergic to animals and have a black thumb for plants and fish. I was so depressed for so long, and after a year and a half, I finally decided I was going to nurture SOMETHING. I broke out my Tamagotchi Music Star and I've got a 5 y/o, 25 lb female Mimitchi named Ariel. She's the first generation, and her band has earned 1st in Pop and Asian so far. I'm excited for her to finally breed and to start the next generation. Who knows if my husband and I will ever give birth to a live baby, but until then, I'm calming my anxieties with my Tamagotchi.

The funny thing is, I've been posting in this topic for a while but I haven't really answered the question.

Yes, I'm over 16 and I still play with Tamagotchis. While they are manufactured for people way too far from my demographic, I still find them enjoyable. Toys know no age. :D

I'm 13 ( on november I'll 14 ). Thanks goodness everyone over 16 still play tamagotchi and loved them. In my country, there are rare to find who still play tamagotchi and loved them. My friends said that I'm too childish for playing tamagotchi. They started saying bad about tamagotchi ( and I didn't hear them and just ignored them ). They also said that I was very different with the others ( and in school, it's only me who still play tamagotchi and loved tamagotchi :| ! ). They also said to me that I very childish for playing that, they thought and said to me that Tamagotchi only for young people, not for teens. They also said that I must watched some like romance anime, anime for 13+, ect. But I didn't hear them and keep loved tamagotchi, play tamagotchi also watch tamagotchi anime

I'm 21 in four months lol and i'm a dude. i LOVE TAMAGOTCHI!! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi:

I'm 27 and I play with Tamagotchis. When they came out in the 90's I only had a cheap fake thing but always wanted to have an original Bandai one [but my Mom didn't buy me one of those]. Years passed and the hype was over here. One afternoon in 2006 (I think) I sat at home and somehow Tamagotchi came into my mind. I searched the web and was suprised about all the versions that came out. I bought a V3 and I was in heaven. Since then my collection grew here and there and I still play with them. But somehow I don't dare telling all my friends about. I think they would say it's childish even though I shouldn't care. ^___^

I'm 24 and just dug up my Tamagotchi Angel and original 1997 black first gen Tamagotchi to tide me over while I wait for my Tamagotchi P's to come in the mail :)
Over the years me and my little sister have loved all the different versions of Tamagotchis. My friends think I'm a bit of a dork for still loving Tamas and being so crazy about them, but so what. They're cute!

I'm 15 at the moment and have recently started playing with mine again! It's a great feeling and brings back a memory or two :D

I'm 21 this year and just bought a tamagotchi p's! I love them! Check out my profile for my thoughts on it!

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