Funny Moments at School


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Samantha and I did announcements today. We skipped half the script, I was too quiet, and Samantha was too fast. We were nervous wrecks, to say the least.
That reminds me of when me and Marlie did announcements. It was like "Today is May (Whatever day it is here), 2009." -hands mic over- -puts hand over mouth to make my screaming quiet- "GREEN DAY'S NEW ALBUM OMFG HOW DID I FORGET?!" -Marlie starts laughing on announcements-

First day of high school. Sam gave me the wrong locker number, and I tried to open someone else's locker, and they were standing right there and staring at me weird. ;___;

In Family Studies, we did this scavernger hunt thing, there would be a bunch of stuff on a peice of paper like "Someone who likes the same colour as you" so someone asked me if I met a movie star, since that's one of the things. I told her I met a stage crew guy at a Green Day concert (Which is true. xD) I then had to sign everyone's paper becuase it was the closest anyone's been to meeting a movie star.

Also in Family Studies, we had a class discussion on the hottest guys in bands. Tonight, everyone in that class will probably be looking up Brendon Urie and Gabe Saporta thanks to my reccomendation.

In English, we did the name game. It's where we all stand in a circle, and the first person says their name with an adjective in front of it that starts with the same letter at their name, like Amazing Allie or Excellent Emily. You'd have to say everyone's name in order from the first person. I was last, so I had to say every single person's name, and there's 30 people in our class. Warren kept laughing at me, since he was first.

Also in English, me and Marlie were sitting at our desks waiting for class to start. It was really quiet.Adam walked into class, and suddenly we were like "ADAM! OH MAH GAWD! SIT IN FRONT OF US!" Cause we haven't seen him since the beginning of August, and we're really good friends with him. Needless to say, everyone stared at us.

In Science, we were told that we get to blow things up and mix acids. I think I found my new favourite class.

Today our student teacher was being annoying and talking to us as if we were 5 so I started muttering things like "O guck fourselfy" - Rearrange the letters xD

And then she got even worse and I turned to Hannah and then I looked at her and I said "Go cut off your scrotum" To the student teacher silently but Hannah cracked up so bad and said "I wasn't expecting that one but it was genius"

Yesterday Richard was trying to write something about food in his draft book.

While he was writing I shouted the f word and distracted him.

He never ended up writing 'food', but instead wrote 'fook'.

Fook is the new swear word we use at school.

Yesterday was hilarious. Just everything as happening out of nowhere. Jen, Emily, and I were sitting there in the Withdrawal Room, organising the Gym Assembly and the tickets and seating and such. The Withdrawal Room is like a little room on the end of our classroom which does not have sound-proof walls. What we didn't realise, is that the whole class was quiet and could hear our every word, while we were goofing around like crazy.

Then Shaun came in while we were in the middle of a laugh attack.

Very awkward. Not embarrassing.. awkward. :I

Yesterday, I ran after my crush screaming "COME HERE *insert last name here* and I slipped. I stood up, threw my jacket on the ground, then I looked at this other kid in my class and said "SIK HIM!" so he said "No I don't for for you. i work for Jason." so then I looked at my crush, and put my fists up, and I'm like "I feel so professional!" so then my crush looked at my jacket, then picked it up and said "Imma throw it in the dumpster!" so then me and my best friend ran over to catch him, and my jacket got stretched. So then I put it back on after we retrieved it, then my crush and best friend grabbed my arms and started dragging my down the hill, my friend grabbs my arms, and they hoist me in the air, JC comes up and starts pulling at my leg, I kicked him away, they put me back on the ground and continue to dragg me, I'm laughing and going "WEEEEEEE" but then the teachers came and were like "We don't tolerate bullying in this grade!" so we walk to the fences by the kindergarden, and were complaining and we're like "If Kay's cool with it, they should be cool with it. It wasn't even bullying!" and I agreed. So then I dared my crush to touch the kindergarden, even though Its off school property, than this kid in my class went to kick the soccer ball, then got attacked my ninth graders.

And that's my whole recess. :)

Walking back, me and Kaitlyn saw a bunch of people from our elementary school going to the variety store, Andrew and Julian were the last people to go in the store, so I yelled Andrew's name. Julian looked back and stared at us weird, Andrew didn't even notice we yelled his name.

In Geography, I found out Nav was in my class. We were pretty good friends a few years ago, but he moved and didn't go to the same school. Bringing up one of our old jokes, he was like "YO, PETE WENTZ! WHAT'S THAT MEAN?!" while pointing to a word on his paper, and I started lmfao'ing. He laughed at me. The rest of the class was looking at us weird.

In Science, we had to discuss what we think would happen if all humans vanished, and write our ideas on a giant peice of paper to present to the class. Our group wrote down valid points, but then Isaac had an epiphany and wrote "Monkeys would become superintelligent and mutate into humans, then bam. We're back!" with all the other ideas. In marker.

Samantha and I did announcements again. Katelyn was like "Maybe after Emily and Lauren do their week, Samantha and Colleen should do it together and Diva and I will do it."

And I go "No. We are amazing!"

And Samantha's just like "You have no faith in us."

so we did announcements, it was a bit better, and got Smarties for sucking.

In Algebra deux, everyone around me was like "ajocnifsb. You took the chem test?" because I have it first. So I helped them study Chem not Algebra.

In theatre tech, we cleaned the props and costume closet. And most of the class was doing the cage and scene shop. And Bren, Emily, and I threw paper at the hole in the ceiling. I mostly missed.

I saw Whitney like a million and two times today. So we were like "Stooop stalking me!" all day.

In theatre--god, I don't even know what we did.

Today, Anthony pushed kyle, kyle fell on top of me, so I screamed "RAAAAPPPPEEEE!" and it was funny.

We were telling dirty jokes, and i totally changed the "Baby bottle pop" song. THANKFULLY none of the boys got offended by it. X)

TUNA PIE. xDD Inside joke.

And then today we couldnt stop laughing for some reason.

We're reading a book for english about a kid who's really tall (KSENIAAAA! xDD) so then my teacher's like "Okay, why is Max so big?" and then the class was silent, but I'm like "STEEERRROOOOIIIIDDDSSSSS!!" xDD

I was eating an apple in History, and nobody noticed. WTF!?

We were teacherless for the whole lunch period. GetsUpAndRunsAroundTheClassAfterAnthony! hehe

Kyle and Anthony were -once again- fighting over who got to sit on a certain fence post. It was amusing.

In band, the teacher was treating us like kids and was like, "what's some rymes for the treble cleff?" So then I'm like "for the spaces, it's 'Farting Art Can't Escape" and for lines it's either 'Every Girl Burps Dried Fish' or 'Elmo Gives Barney Dump frick'" and everyone stared. xDD (the frick is a replacement for the eff word, and "dump" is, yeah.) lol

and there's more I can't remember. Oh yeah. Two teachers were on the roof today. xDD

My keyring teddy attacked everybody in the class sexually.

In cooking, Kara was putting on lipstick. She got it took off her and given a wipe. Before she got to wipe it of, she was walking down the front of the class with lipstick all around her mouth and everybody laughing at her.

We really p!ssed the teacher and he swore at us. So everybody laughed harder, we got so many detentions! xD

We had our first PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) lesson today, and we went over what we'd be doing this next year. And we're doing things like relationships and contraception...and everyon in the class was laughing so much, because our teacher is really funny as well, and we were all laughing...even the teacher in the end. I WAS LAUGHING AT MY FRIEND CRACKINGUP NOT WHAT WERE LEARNING. Okay....maybe I was laughing at that a bit....

Okay, so at my school, we have this HUGE see-saw that everyone tries to get on at once.

So pretty much all of 5th grade was on there, and then my friend's bro (6th grader) comes up and starts acting gay. He started skipping around the see-saw and was like, "CHECK OUT MY NEW PURSE!!!!! OH, LOOK AT MY HAIR!! I WUV BEING A GIRL!!!!!" so I get off and yell "STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR GAY WHEN YOUR NOT!!!!" and I shoved him. He was all like "ACH!!!! THAT HURT SOOOO MUCH!!!! *cough*cough* GOODBYE....." Then he pretended to die. I just came up and kicked him. XD

Another time when we were on the see-saw, and my friend lost her balance and fell on me, causing me to fall on my other friend, causing everyone to fall off the see-saw. We laughed so hard.

Once when I was on the bus, this 6th grader toke out his Spanish dictionary, and yelled "FEAR MY SPANISH DICTIONARY!!!!!" XDDDD

Another time on the bus, the Spanish dictionary dude had a band-aid on his leg, and I asked him what happened, and he was like "CHUCK NORRIS CAME INTO MY HOUSE AND CUT ME THERE!!!!" So I'm liek O-O "CHUCK NORRIS DID NOT COME TO YOUR HOUSE!!!!" Then he randomly yells "DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHO CHUCK NORRIS IS?" And then all of the sudden, EVERYONE STARTED TALKING ABOUT CHUCK NORRIS!!!! My two other 6th grade friends were even taking notes about him!!! So I just yell "ENOUGH WITH CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!" XD

It was extremely quite, and Chris just randomly starts laughing.

Hayley kept looking at me during Literacy, and then I just look like she tried to eye-raped me, and said "What, dammit?" louder than meant to.

It was a funny day.

I was with my friend Mike at lunch today and we were standing by the bathrooms in the cafeteria when some guy practically runs out of the boy's room and slips and falls and even spins around on the floor a couple of times (it was raining today and the floor was really wet from people's shoes) and sends the 'CAUTION WET FLOOR' sign flying across the floor. Then as soon as he hits the ground he speed crawls on his knees back into the bathroom. That made my day. :angry:

For my enviro class, we had to study the behaviour of ducks. Since our school is right beside a river we got to cross the road and sit on the boat ramp and stalk the ducks. We took notes. They went like "Ducks: Swimming, diving, biting, in water, fighting, QUACK" Then Laura threw stones at them and noted "Scared of rocks" Then Maddy and I decided to take our shoes off, run away from the boat ramp and get in the river. It was rather funny. Then we picked up our shoes, ninjaly ran back to class, got our bags and left school 10 minutes early. I love enviro.

On Friday when we were getting our Pros & Cons debate ready, Paul went under the table and I took advantage of the opportunity. I kicked his balls. Twice.

Okay. Not funny as such but really cute.

There was a group of disabled kids come to our school for the seniors to spend 2 hours with to help them with reading and writing and they were leaving as I was going to interval and I waved at them because I'm just so nice and there was a really cute kid who blew me a kiss and I blew a kiss back and he got all excited and it was just so cute.

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