Funny Moments at School


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We were talking about my friend's sister cause she came from her highschool, and this guy said:

THAT'S HER SISTER?!! She was like the biggest nerd in school! The last time I talked to her she said to me "Please don't say park backwards and change the k into a c." Why can't she just say "Don't say crap?"
Shane hugged me today, almost slammed me into a locker, practically put me in a chokehold, dragged me away, then tripped over me and I fell backwards (screaming loudly), landed on my butt, then he helped me up and gave me a hug that I was unwilling to return because I was too busy rubbing my butt which I later discovered now has a bruise on it. Then he asked if he hurt me and I yelled, "YES, MY BUTT HURTS," and my careers class gave me and him weird, awkward looks, and then we walked out and he offered to give me a butt massage and I said I would pass. And later, because Alex saw, he said I should report rape to the counselor. It was all very interesting.

We had a substitute in social studies, and while we were doing our projects in the back of the room Justin and Maria were laughing really hard about something that I apparently didn't catch and the sub yelled, "LADIES, QUIET DOWN," and Justin just looked heartbroken. Then he yelled back, "I'M A DUDE!" She said nothing. Then she did it two more times. :3

During lunch we were all making oddly perverted comments toward Nicole's ice cream cone. The one with chocolate on top, and nuts.. I forgot what they're called.. But there's always leftover nuts in the bag and Katie accidently dumped them all on the table and everybody started to eat them, and she yelled, "NO! MY NUTS." Then Nicole offered to give her some of her nuts, and Katie said, "Actually, I bought those nuts, so really, they're mine!" Then Nicole tried to look depressed while innocently eating and ice cream cone and failed. It was extremely amusing.

Maddy sat between me and Pagan. She turned to Pagan and said "Will you be my girlfriend?" And Pagan said yes. She turned to me and said "Michelle, will you be my girlfriend?" I said yes. She turned to Pagan and said "Pagan. I'm sorry. I cheated on you and I don't see this relationship going anywhere. Sorry it had to be this way" And then turned to me and said "Hello darling..."

Grace and I always have fake verbal violence tiffs. Today I yelled at her outside "No. You go shove it up your butt, SIDEWAYS!" and shes all like. "Oh no you did not just go there" I walked over and said "Oh. You wanna fight?" She said "Yes. Bring it b!tch" Me replies. "Okay then. You wanna take this insdie so I can yell 'Oh you wanna take it outside?'" "Ok. Lets go!" We run inside the corridor and I push her shoulders and yell "Oh. You wanna take this outside?" And Grace is akll like "Yeah. Bring it" So we run out again and have a little pretend punch up then Grace yells "I don't want it to be this way! Michelle, I love you" and i'm all like "I love you too Grace" We hug then walk away. By this stage we have a crowd of people staring at us.

This happened at Toronto airport, but for school reasons, so yeah. We went to the starbucks to get coffee. Everyone got frappuccinos except for this one weirdo kid. He got something else. And he announced to the whole world, "It's decaf. I'm not gonna have ANY caffeine until I'm 24, and when i have it for the first time, I'm gonna go CRAZY!" What a loser... He's an eavesdropper too. Sometimes when we're talking about people he just suddenly pops in and says "WHO? WHAT?" And guess what Michelle, he likes a girl named Michelle XD

^^ Decaf is for loser freaks. I hate StarBucks. I may have a caffeine addiction that I have been told to seek help for but i'd never go to StarBucks.

I did something completely unfunny. I pushed a chair and desk at the same time by pushing the chair then the desk tipped up and the chair went under and it had one end up and was on an epic angle. It wasn't funny much but I fell on the floor and had a fit. I don't know why but everyone was amused at how simple I truely am. I was up in the corner laughing rabidly.

This happened at Toronto airport, but for school reasons, so yeah. We went to the starbucks to get coffee. Everyone got frappuccinos except for this one weirdo kid. He got something else. And he announced to the whole world, "It's decaf. I'm not gonna have ANY caffeine until I'm 24, and when i have it for the first time, I'm gonna go CRAZY!" What a loser... He's an eavesdropper too. Sometimes when we're talking about people he just suddenly pops in and says "WHO? WHAT?" And guess what Michelle, he likes a girl named Michelle XD
xD Maybe his parents don't want him to drink anything w/o caffeine? :DD

I was practising my insane laughter at Lunch. Someone though I was suffocating XD

Ok not too long ago i saw my friends with these ppl who i thought were nice. So my instinc was 2 run up 2 my friends and say hi! So i did and then every1 look at me as if i were insane. So i said, "yea...that was random..."

at home i laffed my head off! XD

This happened about a week ago:

This guy who's in the same group as me started to complain that he had nothing to drink during lunch. Then, he went out of the classroom, came back, and said "Oh, I DID have water". Then he took a sip and said "Ahh, and it tastes horrible!" ^_^

I LOL'd so hard. ^_^


In Drama class a few days ago, I was in a group with my friends, Zack and Cat. We were supposed to make up a story about a picture of a person we had, and how they went missing. Our picture was a man we named Jacob Corneillius Gailieo. We were dicussing it and this happened:

Me: So, maybe some guy just came up to him and shot him?

Cat: Yeah, but we need an actual storyline.

Zack: Maybe he got kidnapped by a beautiful man photographer?

*Cat and I stare at him curiously*

Zack: 'Cuz you see, our guy, Jacob, is a beautiful man. And maybe he was in his house baking cookies, and some beautiful man photographer went into his house, and grabbed Jacob, and went into a closet with him, and took pictures of him.

*5 minute silence*

Me: .... Why? o_o

Zack: Because he's a beautiful man photographer!

Cat: Okay, why is he a beautiful man photographer?

Zack: Because he wants to bring happiness to the world, AS 'BEAUTIFUL MEN + BEAUTIFUL MEN = HAPPINESS!'. It's... MY THEORY! 8DDDD

*30 second silence*

Me: -bursts into laughing fit while Cat continuously stares at Zack-



I called my Social teacher (Mr. K) my Health teacher (Mr. P) by accident. Now he called me Anita :|


Rori (my best guy friend :]) and I ditched the rest of our friends at lunch. We went outside while they stayed in the library. I knocked on the staff room window repeatedly because I thought it was the library window, and Rori's science teacher (Mr. E) opened the window. We ran away, and spent the rest of the day hiding from him during classes ^_^

Rori tried to jump through a spiky bush during the above mentioned lunch. He tripped and fell into it. -snicker-

Aidan called Rori and I a couple. Rori picked up a pine branch and we chased Aidan three times around the school. :]

After School:

I called my friend Jacklyn 'Zacklyn'. She got ticked and threw a moldy banana peel at me. x]

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^Oh, I forgot one. ^_^

This is so hilarious :angry: :

I think it was either grade 4 or 5(I'm in grade 7).

These three girls ('C', 'Ch', and 'M') were trying to put lip gloss on this boy named 'A' (he was one of my bffs).

Ok, so they were chasing him around at recess, trying to do it. Then he just grabbed the lip gloss and threw it. A seagull ate it! :blink: But then the next morning, 'A' told me that he saw something on animal news. ^_^

It went like this: The reporter said that the seagull they found died of something. They opened it up, and found the lip gloss! :huh:

It was so darn funny. ^_^ ^_^ -_-

*stealing my friend's funny moment*

When she was little, she showed up at school crying, and people said, "She's probably crying because shots are today". The problem was she didn't know there were shots until people mentioned it - she was crying cause she had ugly pants on.

I was listening to my iPod, and Megan goes "WHAT IS THAT CRAP YOU'RE LISTENING TO?!" And it turned out she only knew about five of the 300 songs on my iPod.

Adam was randomly asking people for hugs, so he's like "Allie! Can I have a hug?" Then Kris walks between us and yells "NO."

I found some random Death Metal song on YouTube and started blaring it through the school's headphones. People gave me odd looks.

Then they thought I was insane when I was playing Fall Out Boy Trail, and for the whole time Sam is going "No! Allie! Do your project, don't play Fall Out Boy Trail!" and I finally was like "NO! NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, I NEED TO MAKE ANDY GO-GO DANCE FOR MONEY."

I have 2 of them that really stand out this year so far (and many others but it would take too long to write them)

1. It was lunch time and we were sitting at the table when one of my other friends stops by to say hi. He doesn't sit down at all but he picks up the book "Eclipse" and mouths "This is a really good book". We couldn't hear him so he whispered "this is a really good book" we STILL couldn't hear him so he yelled at the top of his lungs "THIS IS A REALLY GOOD BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!" Lol! The WHOLE cafeteria and everyone in the hallways just stopped what they were doing and stared at our table XD

2. It was lunch time and it was towards the end of lunch so people were crowding the hallways getting ready for the bell to ring. One of my friends named Michael kicked my other friend Tyler in the knee playfully but a bit too hard so Tyler was swearing and such and another one of my friends comes by (the same one who shouted in funny moment #1) and yelled "DON'T EFFING SWEAR! IT'S NOT EFFING NICE!!!!!!"(only he actually said the swear word) and the whole time the school police officer was right behind him and we were laughing and Sean (friend who yelled) said "what?" and then the police officer tapped him on the shoulder XD

EDIT: I found a third one that's funny!

We were in health class and the teacher said a nice stress reliever is to just sit and breathe in and hold it for 5 seconds and then breathe out. So he told us to do that and he turned off the lights. For about 3 minutes the only sounds you could hear was the breathing of everyone. All of a sudden Nick let off this REALLY raunchy fart and there was a moment of silence when the breathing stopped. Then everyone cracked up! Including the teacher! The teacher was in tears!

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My friend was talking to the teacher, and the teacher said "Ok, I'll finish by tonight"

And then Ian somehow showed up and said "Have what up by tonight??!"

Nad the teacher replied, "Mind your own business "

What happened was, in the second grade, we had a hamster named Oreo. He was our replacement for Sparky, who died days ago. He got lost, so we panicked, and when we found him, guess where he was?

In the teatcher's workroom, chewing up our homework. :eek:

In 5th grade, we had a money system, where we got to sell stuff for pretend cash. Our teacher had Homework Passes, and they costed 15 dollars (sorry for my terrible grammer :p ) each. I handed my teacher a fake 100 dollar bill xD But I DID get 2 cookies for 1 dollar ;D. And that night, I was ALL about making stuff to sell.

Jazz Band:

I told Mr.H that there's Flute Day. xDDD Then he told me there was a Flute catalogs.

I kept stealing Manny's pencil. C:

Marcus said Okay, but said "KKK" instead. ._.


Melanie and Andrew played Dance, Dance (FOB).

Peter went to his keyboard, and switched it to string instrument sounds, and then made a whole classical song. His face was all ";O" While doing so. We just watched, then Mr.H said "Beautiful Peter!!"

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