Funny Moments at School


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Well, sometime..

I was in the locker hall, - It's where we go to chill out at lunch and stuff - with my two friends. We were discussing random stuff, when this other person came in. She was a ned [Chav, you know?] so she was talking in slang and annoying us. So, she left to get her lunch after a while, and me and a friend were discussing how she probably didn't know what hippopotamus meant. So, anyway, she came back, and I said, "HIPPOPOTAMUS!" And she stared at me, then said, "look, i don't even know what a hipp- Hepp- Whatever you said is." So me and my friends burst out laughing and left school to go get some lunch. :333

In PE, we were getting changed, and this girl is really annoying. She had a bra on, with studs on the outside. So she got her shirt and pressed it against the studs, and said, "I have a million nipples!" i replied, "You have maggots in your breast." And walked away. Later in the lesson, she said, "I don't have maggots. I checked." Oh, how I laughed.

at 5-2 i went on my teacher's computer and went to and searched up BOOGERS IN MAI SOUP in Indoneisian. my friend was shouting it all day. XD

wanna hear the meaning?

[SIZE=21pt]boogers dalam sup![/SIZE]

Funny moments at school... hmm...

This guy, Zhayd, and I like to bet against eachother on random things. One day in Ancient History he was looking for some headphones so he could listen to music on the computer. He asked me, but I couldn't find any. Then no one else had one. Then I said "I bet you won't find any headphones", then he said "50 bucks?", "Yep, sure". Then my other friend Darcy overheard, and he went to try to find headphones just so I would lose... Then I owed Zhayd $50 because Darcy found someone with headphones...

The next week it was our Cross Country day at the beach. We were at the rock pools and Zhayd picked up this thing-inside-a-shell thing. Everyone else ran away because he said he was going to eat it. Then it was just him and me on the beach and then he made the bet this time. He bet me another $50, to get even, that if he put it back in the water that it would come out of its shell. I said yep, and we waited... and waited. Nothing happened. He killed it xD

Oh yeah, and I remembered a really funny thing at my new school...

There's a kid named in my class named Gabe, and when it was his birthday, on the intercom(it's heared all around the school), his brother said:

"Happy birthday, Gabey."

Ouch.Poor Gabe had to feel embarrased for the rest of the day from the middle schoolers, the elementary kids, and the high schoolers. :nazotchi:

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Today, my friend got her homework back and noticed something quite amazing. She sent one paragraph to a teacher from France to correct, and one to me. After that, our teacher corrected it to make sure it didn't have any other mistakes. The funny hing was that the one I corrected didn't have any mistakes, and the one the French teacher corrected was full of mistakes xD

We had to read these examples of essays for the New Jersey Assessment of S(idk what that means) Knowledge

(NJASKs) Test thing next week, and the essay were hilarious. One person was obviously having a bad day + serious social issues. They were like: A friend who looks like someone who will tell people your secrets and its a lier and tells ur secrets and people laugh or afraid because of secret... and on and on it went lol. Legit, that's how the spelled. It was funny. They also spent the first paragraph rewording the same sentence. Another essay was like: A path with no obsticles, leads nowhere. I was singging and at camp I was in the perduction, "Annie get ur Gun." I had problems so I foung out what the proplem was so,

my mom got me a singging teacher. Legit, that's how they spelled and formatted. When I saw obsticle, I was like, "OBSTICLE POPSTICLE!!!" I shouted that during class and the paper was the color of a grape popsicle.

We threw this kid's bouncy ball out the window, so he climbed out the window to go get. And we locked him out of the class because our doors lock when we close them. He kept banging on the door and punching it and kicking it, and we didn't open it until a teacher showed up. She said "You guys know better than to do that!" and this guy said, "He climbed out the window." And then she replied, "Oh, so there's another side to the story!"


Later that day, my friend was telling the teacher that she wasnt allowed to tell her mom about what she wrote because it involved her climbing out of the window of her house. Then I brought up that the kid climbed out the window, and my teacher said, "Geoffrey climbed out the window. He's gonna be in big trouble. Needa go for a long run..." And then my friend said, "But he can't run!" And the teacher said, "No, I meant me."


At lunch time, I think I made him cry with my amazing comebacks. He kept telling me I sucked, so I made the best comebacks ever. He kept stealing my jokes. >=[


Him: How do you know they're so good?

Me: If you think they suck, why are you using them?

Mich: Hahaha, you suck. Weiwei pwns you ;]

Me: Exactly.

and he goes sit down to cry.


Taylor forgot she had 2nd period lessons. ._. (So I told her to come to my lesson period, 7th.)


Billy raised his hand as if to ask a question, and Mr.H asked "What?" then Billy just said Hi. xDD


Taylor TRIED sitting next to me. ._. But then Mr.H told her to sit with Peter.

Taylor kept asking me to play a note, more like begging... Then Mr.H asked if I wanted to make Taylor happy, and I said no, then Peter yelled "NOW I'M SAD. ;~;"

We played Colonel Bogey, then Stalker thought it was pronounced "Colonel", but it's "Kernel". (I had that mistake w/ KFC's Colonel. .____.)

Me,Stalker and Molester played together in CB, and Taylor said she couldn't hear me, and everyone (Molester,Stalker,Peter,Kyle and Griffin) said they could. Then, so Taylor could hear me, I was about to play a note, then Stalker started playing. ._.' I played a note for Taylor (Molester said it sounded so cool. x3) and she STILL COULDN'T HEAR IT! Dx

Me,Molester and Stalker were playing CB again, so to hear me, Taylor stood right next to me, and I could hardly play I was giggling. xDDD

After school rehearsal:

Loafy wanted to hit his head on Big Baby's bell. :furawatchi:

He also said he could probably fit his trumpet in my bell. D8

I am a member of my high school's color guard, which is the group of people who spin flags, sabers, and rifles, and normally performs with the marching band during the halftime show of a football game. Anyway, during one of our practices, I was doing the flag portion of our show and I went to do a horizontal, which is when you toss the flag horizontally in the air and it spins like a helicopter above your head, and you catch it. Well, something went wrong and I wasn't paying proper attention, and it came down and hit me smack dab across the bridge of my nose and the top part of my eye. (Those are the two most sensitive parts of my face and I ended up hitting them both at the same time. Did I mention the flag poles are metal? Oh the pain. :D ) Of course, everyone laughed at me, but I was laughing with them, lol. Things like that happen all the time.

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I tried stuffing a note into this one guys locker, but a teacher saw me so I ran away. Not kidding.

My friend was there too. We were delivering a note to another class, so I thought it would be the perfect oppurtunity. In the end, all my efforts were wasted.

Lauren was a little confused so she asked the [male] teacher a question to help clear it up.

Lauren "Excuse me sir, do penises have bones?"

Teach "No" -GoesBrightPink-

Lauren "Then how do they get hard?"

Teach -LaughsAndGoesPinker- Then he explains in big words and indepth.

Whole class lolz.

It wasn't at school, but at a freinds house. I wrote a secret note saying;

"ıf noʎ uɐɔ rǝɐp ʇhıs ıvǝ gouǝ ıusɐuǝ"*

She was like "What the heck? Rape this?? Shes mad!"

*TRANSLATION: "If you can read this Ive gone insane"

This happened today o.o:

It was last period(we were doing Science), I was doing my work, but the guys at the back were talking. Then I heard them going like "Ewww, it stinks, someone farted!" I was like o_O. Then one of them raised his hand and asked to go to the washroom. Pretty obvious it was him :D .

During study hall me and a bunch of girls needed the Social Studies homework so we went to find Mr. Gillespie. We found him in the front office, we opened the door and shouted, "Mr. Gillespie!!!" He goes towards the door and was like, "If only thirty year old women instead of thirteen would do this to me." We were like, "Ummm...we just want the homework." Then Katie was like, "I have polka-dotted elephants on my shoes." Mr. Gillespie was like, "How many elephants did you kill to make those?" She started counting, "1, 2, 3, 4 ,5...."

We had this skydome thing come to our school. It was like a blow-up tent that was all about astronomy and stuff. It was really cool :3

And they kept on saying shadows. Shadows is a song by The Getaway Plan. I don't know why, but it was just plainly hilarious.

We had NJASK testing classrooms with no air conditioning!!! It's 90 degrees for muffins sake!!!! Our school only has air conditioning (barely any) on the first floor. My a** was all sweaty and kept sticking to the chair!!!

Mr. Bartolomucci, the Wood Shop teacher, was like, "Today we get to stain our masterpieces and make them Pretty." to his sixth graders. The second me and Cat got to the stairs we started cracking up and some eighth graders walking down the stairs were making fun of my laugh. I gave them the finger and kept on laughing.

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