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I think so. A few years ago, I would study ghosts. (some of the older members might remember tons of ghost-related stuff in my posts and siggy etc) but I passed that phase. :)

I still believe in them, just not like they are on TV or in myths. most of them, at least.

[SIZE=9pt]A lot of this stuff sounds like you guys have read the Mediator series, by Meg Cabot xD[/SIZE]


But to answer the question, I kind of do and kind of don't. I mean, I have the odd strange things happening at my house [tap running when no one turned it on, creaking floors from upstairs when you're downstairs], but there are reasons for those.

Running taps: someone just left them on.

Creaking floors: the water in the pipes.

My house is very creaky, btw.


I'm a Christian, and I asked my mum once if she believed in them. She said she thought if they were real, they could be demons from hell =O


I try not to think of these things. What's worse then a creepy being/thing you can't see coming to get you? I have terrible nightmares about ghosts/aliens/scary things so I like to not think too much about them. But I do find these topics interesting, because there are so many experiences and opinions, it's fun =]


So, basically, I do mostly believe in ghosts, even if I don't want to.

zomg, my mom told me this story-

My mom always used to sleep in her PJ's (obvs.) and always, ALWAYS left her robe at the end of her bed

So one morning, she woke up, and she swore she saw her deceased grandmother, standing at the foot of her bed.

Even weirder? Her robe, which she swore was hanging on her bed the night before, was now lying on the living room couch.

:D but she said it wasn't scary, actually comforting to see her grandma <3

Watch GhostHunters if you don't believe in ghosts. It will mostly prove that they are real.
Ghosthunters doesn't prove anything. All it is is a bunch of psycho people in a dark room saying "did you hear that?" and "did you see that?" meanwhile on the TV you can't see or hear anything.

I eally do.I know who died.I had a dream that there was a woman in my back yard saying help me and everytime I blinked,she was closer.I woke up the next day and went outside to my yard work.I found a bag of old clothing and candy wrappers and other humane belongings.she had a soft quiet voice that chocked out the words help me.Also one day my mom left my and my 2 friends home for a minute to go get coffe.She asked us to clean.My friends were both doing somthing different.One of my friends was washing dises.The other was sweeping.I went and closed the bathroom door and when I looked at my friends their mouths were open.I looked back to see the door was open and the liht was on.Before you say that they did it,they were in the living room.And before yo say I was just seeing things,they saw it too.
Finally someone with some common sense. :)

Ghosthunters doesn't prove anything. All it is is a bunch of psycho people in a dark room saying "did you hear that?" and "did you see that?" meanwhile on the TV you can't see or hear anything.
I agree. They're freaks, and they say the dumbest things like "okay, this person doesn't want me to be here. Person, whoever you are, I'm sorry to intrude on your space, but.. I have to. I'm real sorry"

and they go "OMG did you SEE that?"

and the host is like "Oh my gosh yeah I totally just saw that, and in his head he's going "uh.. I didn't see anything.."

But I still believe in ghosts.

My friend's mom told me a story of hers, her co-worker's friend's friend's son (or something..) was in the car one day. And he loved foxes, he had pictures of them and he studied them and he was like, obsessed with foxes. So his mom was driving, and they got into an accident, and the son died. (he was like..11) after that, foxes started showing up in the mom's backyard for like a week. which had never happened before.

I do believe in ghosts, my mother used to live in a haunted apartment and had some weird things happen there. (like her bedroom being ice cold in the middle of summer and them not having an air conditioner) Before she lived there she didn't believe in ghosts.

As for GhostHunters I've lost respect for them. I used to love the show when they used to hardly ever find anything.(first few seasons) Now they find something ever episode. I don't even bother to watch it anymore.

well im really scared of them but i dont believe in them (its very complicated), i believe in spirits but not ghosts haunting you.

i think ghosts are like witches and unicorns theyre made up

I don't believe in ghosts, because how could they exist? After death, you are dead. Your body has failed, there is no more blood being pumped into your brain, your mind and thoughts and whatever are gone. When you are dead, you are dead. You are gone. You can't bring dead people to life, so you can't bring someone's spirit to the world. Because their energy has died with their body, and people can't move, or exist, without a body. You can prove me wrong by removing someone's personality and getting it to walk around and poke people. Yeah, not going to happen.
note: don't flame me. /opinion
Ok, here's the person with the common sense. xD Got it right the second time. xDD

Well, I agree with you except I believe that after you die your soul goes to heaven or hell. Not stay on earth and haunt people, that's just ridiculous.

i see ghosts everyday but of my dead animals

i had this white puppy he died a while back (look at this topic to understand why)

he was white and i always see in the corner of my eye a little white shape running up the stairs and i have an uneasy feeling when im alone

Ok, here's the person with the common sense. xD Got it right the second time. xDD
Well, I agree with you except I believe that after you die your soul goes to heaven or hell. Not stay on earth and haunt people, that's just ridiculous.
well they stay on earth when they did not do something like apoligize to someone when they were alive

For some reason Ghosts are real and they aren't, there are shows about them but they never really capture any mindblowing footage, just a couple of blurred shadows, and Ghosts I think of them as angels


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