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Not open for further replies., if you want to know...I've had my period for a year. I was always curious like you. I wanted to know everything about it. But I remember IT HURT SOOO BAD. I thought I was going to DIE. I had a fever then I saw I had my period. My mom told my whole family. It's a bit embarrising. I'm glad it wasn't during school days! I don't get cramps anymore. But it depends about how your body is is your cramps hurt or not. 

I just hate it how inmature a guy is about this in 6th grade. Once they start learning more about a girl's puburty they start freaking out and bugging us about it. The guys are so inmature in 6th grade! A guy wil NEVER know how hard is a girl's life is.


I'm suprised a guy hasn't come here in this topic yet.
Oh yeah, I got mine back in '05! :)

I am going to close this topic now. Please note that it may be re-opened shortly. We need to find out what is going on. We will get back to you.

Thank you. :)


*Topic closed by Jappyx*

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Okay guys, we've had a big long chat and we have decided to reopen this topic. We feel that you are all mature enough to handle a topic like this and it is good that you feel that this a place where you can discuss these topics.


Now! Time for some info!

Most females will have their first period somewhere between 8-18 years of age. This can often be a scary experience but an exciting one at that! What you need to know is that it is perfectly normal part of puberty and something to be proud of if anything. :huh:

Periods can be painful. Some women experience cramps for the first few days during their period, though these can often be controlled through the use of pain killers. They can also be rather annoying too. If you experience tremendous period pain or are highly inconvenienced by regular bleeding then you can use various forms of birth control to space bleeds out to 3-4 month intervals.

It's a good idea of have a chat with your Mum and your sister(s) about what happens for them. That will give you a rough idea about what age you can expect to get your first period and if you are likely to experience cramps.

A few of you have been discussing the likelihood of a 5 year old becoming pregnant. This unfortunately can be true. There is a condition called idiopathic central precocious puberty SEE THIS SITE in which puberty, including menstruation occurs before 8 years of age in females and can occur as early as 3 months old. If a child with precocious puberty is raped then they are able to fall pregnant. is a fantastic site that covers multiple aspects of approaching puberty and having periods.

Below are a list of sites containing information on menstruation... some also contain FAQs about things like using tampons.

Puberty - What to Expect

The Five Stages of Puberty

Puberty, Periods and Girls


If you have any other questions or experiences that you would like to share, please feel free! This thread continues to be closely monitored by the Guides group.


My Story

I started back when I was 12 (1998). I had cramps and felt really quite off colour... in fact I thought I was sick so I started taking Vitamin C tablets to try and avert the flu! Initially, I was both excited and proud of this event...though in time I do have to say it became a bit on obstruction. I was always a heavy bleeder and can say it is not fun when you bleed through your school uniform at school!!! :blink: I was also subject to intense cramps that left me crying in my bedroom. The pain was often so bad that it caused me to dry wretch. I had to take heavy pain killers early. My problems were solved by a combination between some anti-haemorrhagic tablets temporarily and converting to the contraceptive pill which also lightened the bleeding and stopped bleeds from happening for any more than 5 days.


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I've had mine before :huh:

since october 2005 :blink:

It's not That bad :huh:

I'm REALLY lucky because I dont get any cramps :huh: (not everyone gets the cramps)

And I'm greatful! cuz I always hear people complaining about how AWFUL the cramps are :huh:

My Story

I started back when I was 12 (1998). I had cramps and felt really quite off colour... in fact I thought I was sick so I started taking Vitamin C tablets to try and avert the flu! Initially, I was both excited and proud of this event...though in time I do have to say it became a bit on obstruction. I was always a heavy bleeder and can say it is not fun when you bleed through your school uniform at school!!! ;) I was also subject to intense cramps that left me crying in my bedroom. The pain was often so bad that it caused me to dry wretch. I had to take heavy pain killers early. My problems were solved by a combination between some anti-haemorrhagic tablets temporarily and converting to the contraceptive pill which also lightened the bleeding and stopped bleeds from happening for any more than 5 days.

That sounds a lot like what would happen to me. I was a really heavy bleeder as well x.x' At night I'd have to wear two of the fat nighttime pads and a tampon so I wouldn't bleed onto my sheets. A lot of the time I would still bleed through. I remember about a year after I started, one day in 5th grade If felt like I had bled through my pants at school and I had the teacher take me to the nurse. x.x It was everywhere to say the least.

The cramps were horrible too. I never went to school the first day of my period because that was the day they were the worst. I'd stay at home taking as much midol I could(under the lethal dose), with a heating pad on my pelvis area and usually crying or attempting to sleep. I hated my period. I tried birth control pills for a while but I always forgot to take the stupid pill so I stopped after a month lol. About a year and a half ago I started getting depo-provera shots and that actually stopped my period X3 The most of a period I get is a small pink line on toilet paper once every 3 months. It's nice, but I think after 7 years you start to lose bone density on that drug.

I get a tiny bit of cramping once in a while but it's nothing too bad.

About a year and a half ago I started getting depo-provera shots and that actually stopped my period X3 The most of a period I get is a small pink line on toilet paper once every 3 months. It's nice, but I think after 7 years you start to lose bone density on that drug.
I get a tiny bit of cramping once in a while but it's nothing too bad.
Haven't really researched the shots that much but they have always sounded attractive to say the least! Mostly cause it is 3 months without bleeding without having to take the pill everyday! Rock on says I! :nyatchi: Bleeds are not that bad anymore despite the occasional cramping so I guess at this stage I will leave that one alone for a while longer.

yea it sucks. sometimes i hate being a girl then i think would i rather pee in a urinal? no....then i think yes it would be a lot easier to stand up and pee than to have to squat and yahteeyahtee yah. but yea i got my period.... its not as bad as it seems once u get it though.

I aint a very heavy bleeder, Except it stops at night X_x

Im glad its only once a month

One time I didnt wear a pad or whatever and it pretty much left a dot of blood on my pants lol

Haven't really researched the shots that much but they have always sounded attractive to say the least! Mostly cause it is 3 months without bleeding without having to take the pill everyday! Rock on says I! :nyatchi: Bleeds are not that bad anymore despite the occasional cramping so I guess at this stage I will leave that one alone for a while longer.
Ahh ^.^ I love it! Just a poke in your backside once every three months to not have a period. Tis wonderful lol. I reccommend it to anyone who has a really heavy period and cramps.

This topic is a bit inappropiate. I am happy to see some girls are brave enough to talk about this but it is not appropiate. A guide should close this again.
No they shouldnt...

im glad they opened it again! :furawatchi:

and no its not inappropiate.

making out with someone in a public place is inapproptate.

this is just stuff that happends to a normal girl!

Anyway, no, not yet. But my mum talked about the "birds and the bees" to me a few weeks ago. She's probaly only saying it coz' my things (up on your chest) are bigger than normal ten year olds.

Guys, if it was innappropriate, it wouldn't have been reopened. It's a good learning tool for girls that haven't gone through this yet. Nobody's forcing you to read it lol. If you don't want to know about this stuff, don't come in the topic.

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