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^Yeah I have that American Girl book, also. I think it's called the Care and Keeping of You. At first I was grossed out by the pictures, but I actually recommend it to anyone who wants to know how to insert a tampon or learn more about periods and PMS and all that. That's how I learned when I was younger. [:

My mom says I'll probably get it soon, and I'll probably be an early bloomer, for our family. She got hers at 13, I'll probably get it now. My families have always been late, so normal is early, ♀.

I'm getting pads for discharge, I've decided. My friend, Halle, is freaking out cause she saw a redish stain on her underwear. TTYL, gotta get on the bus, urg, so much discharge today. ♥

One of my friends younger friends who is 9 (They met at summer, otherwise they probably wouldn't be friends.)got her period today. She is 9, very early. She says, "Oh, cramps, oh!" lol. It must suck to have it young.

My friend and I spent pretty much all afternoon in the Girls bathrooms. So I had a chance to open an applicator tampon and see what it was all about. I am such a pervert like that. xD

But it was more done out of curiosity.

It actually didn't look that scary. I'll probably try it one day, when I can be bothered.

I think mine's finally ending. o_o

After I've had like 2-3 days of really heavy bleeding, I have like 5 more days with just a little bit of brown. But I don't stop using pads. Which is annoying. I wish periods would come later in life.


Yeah, my discharge is way out of control! I changed my underwear 3 times today, so I think I should use the pads, so school will be okay, 'cause I don't bring underwear to school, xD. So next time I'm out I might buy pads, for discharge. Once I was at school, and went to the bathroom and like all of my underwear was yellow, it was awful! I'm just glad nobody noticed, that would be horrible! Has anybody here had something like this happen?? [SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]
Yeah, that's extremely annoying and digusting. It's not that bad if you use pads though.

My friend started hers yesterday. I answered the Pjhone and her mom was all like "Bethany has something to tell you!" and then bethany said "No I don't!" and her mom yells "She got her period!" and I got all excited (I'm one of the few peoples that have their periods now.we're both twelve :D I get real excited about these things :( )

Then Bethany was like "I TOLD you not to tell everyone!!! See, she started freakng out!!!" :( She then explained that she got it at school that morning and the nurse lectured her for about an hour on why you get a period,what it is,it's normal,blah blah blah.... And her mom called EVERYONE! :angry: I feel sorry for her.

Check this out!!!!!!

Cool Tampon Case! ^.^

Good Grief... given the fact that most girls want their period to be a secret or at the very least discreet, who would want one of those garish tampon cases...? :D :furawatchi:

... what's wrong with a discreet, small plain paper bag that you can slip into your pocket before you go to the bathroom..? :mimitchi:

meh... I guess everyone's different and has different likes and dislikes.... I'm just saying I probably wouldn't have one of those tampon cases :mametchi:

kidding,guys. I just thought It would be a little joke Between me and my friends. :gozarutchi:

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YES! My period is over for this month. That means I've got around four weeks before the red demon returns. x3

Hey, if you have never got you period before, is there anyway to know in advanced when its coming?

Haha, that case made me LOL. I wonder if people actually use those.
I bet very few!, xD

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