Holly's Candy Shop


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Welcome to the log's 100th Post Party!!!!

Here's what used to be:


But now, this log has 100 posts!!! Yay!!! For tonights party I made a special video for you all! I've been talking about it, and you've seen the little notes at the bottom of my post. So now, with further ado, a short video of what happens when you leave your figures home on a rainy day, and they feel like dancing! ;)

View My Video

So I know its short and probably not what you expected, but its the best I could do in order to have it done by now.

Fun facts:

*This video took 90 pics to make!

*Yes, I DID actually have chicken wings after completing editing.

*This was "preformed" on the magical stages of Hollyway, which is a mix of my name, Holly, and Broadway! ;)

Happy special post!! Thanks so much for reading!! :D





Missvioletchi (A.K.A. Holly)


Your Tamagotchis are Cordially Invited to Attend the Wedding of Rapunzel and Prince Charming.

You can see the taping of this Wedding soon, as it is being annoying and not uploading right now.

On the 15th of May 2011 we gathered to celebrate the Royal Wedding of Rapunzel the Makkiko and Prince Charming the Shimshimatchi. They will be having a baby tomorrow morning and leaving Tuesday. We thank you all for attending! :)

Okay, I must say I'm a little confused. I could have sworn that Candy would have evolved into a Maidtchi. But no, instead I got a Masktchi. Now this may not come as a surprise to you, considering how much care I usually give my tamas, but I gave Candy PERFECT care, and the outcome is a Masktchi. She was awake and fully happy/hungry all weekend, so I have every right to be shocked...Anyways, I guess its not that bad. I mean, their sorta cute, I guess...Okay, not really, but I'm trying here! Well she's 3 so soon she'll marry, and thats a happy thought!





Missvioletchi, Rapunzel, Prince Charming, and Candy


(PS Sorry for lack of pics. Tiny Pic is not working.)

Where has the time gone?! I haven't updated for a while...

Okay, well, until I can get the video uploaded (ehem, tinypic!) you wont be seeing the Royal Wedding, sadly :( But after the happily married couple moved off to Tamatown, a baby boy remained in their place. The only new theme exciting theme at the shop was the column one, so I chose that, but now its Greek themed, so the boys name is Apollo, god of light. He's currently a Mattaritchi with bad care (so that I can hopefully get a new teen!!!) and 3 training points. I want Urutchi, but we'll see what happens.

My little Masktchi has gotten married! After much regection in the job department, I decided to set the time to take her out of her sulky state. Matchy showed up with a fine Togetchi and it was love at first sight. They had a baby boy which I will be naming Dough. :)










Missvioletchi, Apollo, Candy, and Dough


(PS Friday is Sports Day-GO RED!!!!! :D :D)

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Hey hey hey! :)

So Candy is gone and Dough is under my care. Halleluya! I mean, as much as I LOOOOVE having a Masktchi around (that was sarcasm, btw ;) ) it's nice to have a new character upon my screen. Depending on what family he gets into, I dont really know what character I want. But I do want a Nonbiritchi very much, so I better start getting those skill points up now! ;)

I'm a little worried about what Apollo is going to evolve into tonight. He evolved into a Kilalatchi last night and has 7 training points currently. That should mean either an Ururtchi (hopefully!!) or Shimshimatchi, both of which are cute. But close to the points of Urutchis and Shimshimatchis are Tarakotchis, which I seriously do not want at all! We'll see, though. (I apologize for the bad pictures-I had to use my webcam and I'm kind of tired right now. :p )








Missvioletchi, Apollo, and Dough


(PS Thanks to Violetchilluvr3 for the nice comment on my profile pic! :) I drew it myself. You like?? ;) )

O.M.G. Sorry about the non updatingnessness...I feel really terrible about it!!! I was in Arizona (again) for a dance competition (again). It was a lot of fun, though, and I got second! :) Now on to some much-needed logging!!!

Apollo evolved! Into...Shimashimatchi. Its okay. Like I said, I'm happy with whatever I get, as long as its NO-OT Gozarutchi!! He was paused while I went for my dance competition, but now he's unpaused, and happily married to an Uwasatchi! He also got the cozy log cabin theme, and tried on a wig ;)







Dough is doing, well, universal. He evolved into an Obotchi. I've been trying to take better care of my v4, but guess thats not working. At least I can try for Pynotchitchi, right? They're pretty cute. And so are Obotchis :) So I'm not all too entirely upset. I will be, though, if I see yet ANOTHER Gozarutchi floating on my screen... *shivers*








Missvioletchi, Apollo, Uwasatchi, and Dough

I'm really sorry for not updating! But its the weekend which can only mean one thing (or possibly two, considering I'll be doing some other stuff this weekend, but I'll just shut up and get out of these parenthesis): Its gonna be a Log-a-palooza!!!! :) :)

Time has flown by! Apollo and Uwasatchi had a baby named Kate who is on her own and a Hoshitchi. I know, I seriously have not updated in forever! She should be evolving soon, and I've kept her stats/training bar low to hopefully get another teen besides Shelltchi and fill out my roster on TamaTown.

Dough is a Gozarutchi. Man, really?! Next generation its perfect care, high skill points, and high training bar. I swear if I get a Gozarutchi again...lets just say, things will not be pretty. ;) Actually its all good. Me and my friend joke about ninjas all the time ever since we made a movie about ninjas at camp together, so its funny to always have a ninja on my screen.

I want to post pics but everyones sleeping! Maybe later I'll edit this post and add some pics. Toodles for now! ;)





Missvioletchi, Kate, and Dough

Yay!! Its the weekend!

My tamas enjoyed watching The Boy Who Cried Werewolf with me! :) They've also both enjoyed trips to tamatown and some shopping. Its the start of an awesome three day weekend!!! :)

A Shelltchi is on my screen, yet again. I seriously dont see how this could happen. I mean, I give her HORRIBLE care, always had her stats at 2/5, and absolutely no friendship or training points whatsoever. I'll probably get ANOTHER Pipotchi and end up with the same character again and again, because Kate is evolving tomorrow morning right when I wake up, so I probably wont get any training points at all. 8th generation, 3 out of them being Pipotchi, or, if I get lucky, possibly a Kunoitchi.

Kate helped me pick out some stuff to redecorate her tamatown room with! :)


Dough got married, thank gosh! After the matchmaker showed up with a Pyonkotchi at Dough's door, he immediatly fell in love, and they had a baby boy which will be named Eggy. I will take good care and that is a promise!!











Missvioletchi, Kate, Dough, and Eggy

Today rox!!!

I got an awesome hat and I get to sleepover at Violetchilluvr3's tonight!! :)

I am SO SO SO happy!! Guess what Kate evolved into?? A Marotchi! She's so incredibly adorable!! I'm so glad I didn't get another Pipotchi! Marotchis are totally awesome and I'm super happy! We went on TamaTown and I was a little disappointing to see that there was only one 'stume for Marotchis, but that okay. She tried the mirror and wig today :)







Dough is leaving Eggy tonight. I know, its crazy of me, but I'm NOT setting the time! I know, its shocking, but I'm going to be at a party and stuff tonight, then at Violetchilluvr3's. Not much happened besides the fact that Dough got a job today as a Travel Agent! :)


I wanted to try running 3 tamas this weekend because its a 3-day weekend and I thought it would be fun. So I popped a battery in my Music Star and saw a Dreamtchi floating on the screen! 5th generation! His name's Nathan and he plays the headphones. Hopefully I can get him married to Violetchilluvr3's, but he's only 2. We'll see later :)






Missvioletchi, Kate, Dough, Eggy, and Nathan


Not much happened today besides Kate got to connect a little with her friend, Violetchilluvr3's Pipotchi. :)

Eggy was born this morning and soon later turned into Mohitamatchi. On my way to getting a good care character, finally!!!

Yeah, not much happened with Nathan either, except he got to connect with his future soulmate (Violetchilluvr3's Music Star, Pancake) who recently evolved into a Chantotchi! Thats so awesome! :)





Missvioletchi, Kate, Eggy, and Nathan


(PS Sorry for the suckish update, I'm tired :p )

(PPS Congats to my best friend for fixing her tama!!! :) )

Hi! This is gonna be quick 'cause I'm in a hurry.

First of all congrats to Violetchilluvr3 for her 199th/200th log post!

Kates getting married tomorrow. Yay! Hopefully I'll get a girl!


I'm a little disapointed, I must say. Eggy evolved into an Obotchi. Gr. I really wanted to get a good character this run! I actually tried! I'm getting pretty tired of this, so my v4 might not have a battery soon. I'm still thinking about it, but its a possibility.


Nathan didnt get the 2:30 Pro Debut, but hopefully he'll get the 4:30 on! His band is Passion and has Daniel the Tosakatchi who plays the Boombox and Penny the Memetchi who plays Bass Drum.






Missvioletchi, Kate, Eggy, and Nathan

I wish we had a 4 day weekend...

Kate got married this morning to a handsome Necktietchi! First it was Nonopotchi. They ALWAYS come up, huh? Then there was a Gozarutchi, which I would rather not see on my screen again in the near future. Finally a Necktietchi came and it was love at first sight! They got married and upon returning home, got a new remodel theme which I regret getting a LOT. Why, you ask? Well its a jail. I thought it looked like a circus, but after Kate went to the bathroom and I saw a security camera and locked bars, I knew this was NO place for a tama!! I just bought one of the four "normal" remodel themes and I'm actually really enjoying the homeyness! :)

The happy couple!


Eggy evolves tomorrow morning around 9ish, when I'll be in school, so I'll have to wait until lunch to see what he becomes. Hopefully not another Gozarutchi!!

Same old, same old


I rather like running my Music Star! But there are seriously too many tamas running in the family right now! 2 I can manage, 3's a little out there...What to do, what to do! I sadly watched Nathan run off to TamaTown yesterday-I'd been at violin rehearsals for two hours and when I came out, I saw Nathan angry on the screen and the door icon lit up. I couldnt press any buttons and I didnt have anything to reset it with. I knew it was the end for poor Nathan. But a few minutes ago I started up my Music Star again and out popped a baby girl I named Gracie! Along with her arrival was a toy duck and a Karaoke machine! I couldn't be happier, frankly :)

I caught her going to the bathroom and I just had to take a pic! ;)


She's so cute!






Missvioletchi, Kate, Necktietchi, Eggy, & Gracie


(PS I'm not sure how much I can update this week-I have a violin recital on Thursday and I'm going to AZ for another dance competition. Sorry about this! I'll update when I can ;) )

Hi! Sorry about not posting. I really really am!! I'm just very busy and, well, this happens. I know, you've heard this whole shpeal before, but I'm on summer break soon which means more logging! :) I cant believe this log has no posts in June yet, my birthmonth!!! (Yeah, thats right, my birthdays coming up soon so expect a partayy!! 15 days! ;) )

My TamaGo's been on pause for a while now. It was just hard lugging that big thing around, especially to AZ with my for the weekend. There's a new baby boy now and his name is Lightning (dont ask ;) ). I think I'll keep him on pause for a while, just cause I've found life much easier only taking care of one tama. Sorry!

I've switched over to my Music Star now (no v4, as I sadly got ANOTHER Gozarutchi!!) But Gracie is doing awesome!! Last time I talked about her she was just a baby/toddler I think. Well time has flown and she's now an adult! After turning into an adorable Ringotchi, Gracie finally evolved into...VIOLETCHI!!!! Wooo!!!! :D If you dont know already, as it is pretty obvious in my screen name, my fav character is Violetchi so I was seriously jumping out of my seat on the plane in happiness!! (Okay, not literally, but I was still excited ;) ) Her band evolved also, but lets start from the beggining of her band. Gracie went to school one morning and saw her friends Penny and Colleen in music class. They instantly found a connection, argued a little bit, and finally came up with a band: Swirls!! :) Penny is now a Mimitchi and Colleen is now a Sebiretchi (aka Duckasaur)! I'm pretty happy with this :) No Pro Debut yet, but I'm gonna keep her around a while and hopefully get her into 1st :)









Missvioletchi and Gracie

I know its not the usual time I post, but I'm not sure if I can later 'cause I have some people coming over and blah blah blah.

Gracie had 5 great practices with her band in a row and is still going back to be with Swirls! Gotta get that Pro Debut! She doesn't really have a lot of money right now, so it'll be good for her to get some and finally be able to eat actuall food besides baby food and actually treats besides baby's milk!! Anyways she's 6 right now but I'm waiting until Friday to get her married, just in case a very nice Mametchi/Tosakatchi is interested. :)

She's so cuteee!!


What a good girl, practicing!


Currently Gracie loves Pop music, my fav kind of music!






Missvioletchi and Gracie

Today was AWESOME!!!!

I went to Pirates of The Caribbean today with Memetchiluva464 and it was an A-M-A-ZING movie!! :D :D :D Gracie also enjoyed seeing it and connecting with a new TamaGo and Music Star! (Also we went to the park and while swinging on the tire swing wackily we saw Jasmine the disney princess!!!! :) )

I feel so aweful 'cause I messed up big time...Let me start with some good news, though! Gracie, after 8 million band practices (okay, not that much, but you get it) got Pro Debut! I'm so proud of my little girl! Swirls is in 154th. I know, but its an improvement from 999th, okay? ;) Now for the bad news: I *sigh* accidentally married my beloved Gracie. She was seven, it was mailtime, and Guitartchi showed up. I saw him bring a Togetchi, went to press "no", and accidentally pressed "yes" instead! They had a pretty wedding and a baby girl which I'm naming Katy (I've been listening to too much Katy Perry not to ;) ). I feel terrible, though, 'cause I promised my friend, and yeah...

Sorry, no pics tonight, they're already sleeping ;)





Missvioletchi, Gracie, Togetchi, and Katy

Hi everyone!

I'm really tired and going somewhere soon, so this log'll be short, and I dont have my laptop with me, so there wont be pics tonight. Sorry!

So pretty much all I have to say is that Lightning, who I decided to unpaused for the weekend, evolved into Monpatchi!! Yes, this was on purpose ;) I'm super happy! My roster is getting closer... :)

Tonight Gracie and Togetchi leave and Katy is alone. :( I'll miss my little in-55th-place-superstar-violetchi Gracie! :( But I'm looking forward to caring for Katy! :)

Sorry for the suckish update. 'Till tomorrow! :)





Missvioletchi, Lightning, Gracie, Togetchi, and Katy


Probably one of the best days with my TamaGo! This morning I was playing on my iPod when I heard my TamaGo beeping, so I picked it up, and Lightning had a circle around him. I expected to see another Gozarutchi because I had gotten Monpatchi, but instead I was super happy to see a: NECKTIETCHI!!!! :D :D I guess his 7 training points and purposely horrible care payed off! I logged him into Tamatown and found out his outfits are actually his tie changing! :D





Katy is now under my care! She plays the bass drum and plays with the horse. She soon evolved into a Hitodetchi and Miss Frill came to offer her a spot in Preschool! :)






Missvioletchi, Lightning, and Katy


I'm really tired and I'm going to bed soon, but I thought I'd make a quick update to keep ya'll posted. I have finals this week, so my posting might not be as frequent.

Lightning is 4 and will be looking for a partner in 2 days! I might have him marry my Music Star :) Yeah, thats pretty much it. I loooooove having a Necktietchi around! :)

Katy evolved into a Ringotchi sometime last night and should be evolving sometime tomorrowish. I'm kind of excited to see what she becomes! :) She hasn't gotten her school offer/band yet, but I'll letcha know when that happens. I think I'm going to name the band Summer, 'cause it almost is!! :)

Sorry for the suckish post. 'night, and thanks for clicking! :)





Missvioletchi, Lightning, and Katy


First of all, happy B-Day to Tamatalk!!! :D


Second, clutzy moi had a bad day today (I slammed my wrist in my refrigerator and smashed my hard-heeled dance shoe into my ankle which is now all swollen and bruised (I'm not joking, I'm THIS clumsy!!! XD)), so this post might be just as suckish as the rest, but tomorrow is the last day of school, so it'll only get better from here! :)

Lightning got married today! I saw the date place was open and he hurried off to meet his future wife! When he got there, super psyched, he found love at first sight-an adorable Makiko! The shared a quick kiss, thanked all of there many guests, and returned promptly back to Lightning's house. :)







Nothing new with Katy. She'll be evolving soon, but since I've been pausing her a lot (curse you finals! :p ) she wont be evolving right away.






Missvioletchi, Lightning, Makiko, and Katy

Hi people!

It summer break now, and this log is going to be better than ever!! :) :)

This morning I woke up to Lightning and Makiko along with an egg! Soon after, a little girl popped out! I'm going to name her Evie and try to get a Lovelitchi! :)


While waiting for Katy to evolve, the music teacher showed up at her house and she followed him to where she met her band, T.G.I.F. (Which stands for Thank Gosh Its Friday). :) It was part of a Katy Perry song, so I thought "Why not?" :) :) Then when she returned home, she evolved into...Makiko!! :D :D I thought it was a little weird that this happened because I was thinking of getting Lightning and Katy married, but I ended up not doing it, and then she evolved into what Lightning married.

In T.G.I.F. is Toby the Kuromametchi that plays Karaoke and Dino the Dorotchi who plays the Keyboard. They still haven't gotten Pro Debut, but they've been practicing, so hopefully it'll happen soon! :)











Missvioletchi, Lightning, Makiko, Evie, and Katy (the other Makiko ;) )

My friend and I were talking about something earlier, and we decided its a little old. What was it? This:


No, not my TamaGo. The fact that its in black and white. Since the begging of tamagotchis here in the U.S., all of them have been colorless, and I was thinking that it might be a good change to get color tamagotchis here (in English, of course! ;) ). So what did I do? Write Bandai! :) My friend says I probably wont get a response soon, but I still wanted to send it out and wait.

Here's what I wrote:

Dear Bandai,

I'm a huge tamagotchi fan! I love playing all of the versions and hope you never stop coming up with more! ;) I've heard of color tamagotchis in Japan, and I was wondering if a color tamagotchi was going to be released in America any time soon (where I live). That would be super awesome! Thanks for reading, and an information you can give me will be greatly appreciated! :) Have a fantastic day! :)

Then this popped up after I sent it:

Thank you for taking the time to contact Bandai America. Your request has been sent to a Bandai representative. After your comments have been reviewed, you may be contacted and provided with additional information through the email address that you submitted.

I'll keep you posted on anything they say. Hopefully they'll write back soon!






(PS Not that I have anything against black and white tamas (I LOVE THEM!! :D :D) but I just think it'd be pretty cool for us to get some color ones, dontcha think? ;) )
