How often do you take a shower?


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How often do you shower?

  • ..............shower? whats that? O_O

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  • OMG! I havent had a shower in like....AN HOUR!

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  • Every other day cuz.............O_O

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  • Everyday cuz -looks at above answers- O).(O

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  • Uhhhhhhhhhhh...............No comment.

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I shower and wash my hair every night...habit. And when I miss one I take it in the morning...I just really like taking a shower. :p


If I go somewhere, I shower twice a day. Once in the morning and again at night.

If I stay home I shower once a day, at night.

I almost always take two or more showers a day.

I wash my hair everyday just because if I don't it feels really greasy x.x' I hate the thought of greasy/dirty hair.

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o_O o_O Ok I know its a ttly random poll! I take one everyother day usually but sometimes everyday and sometimes -cough cough- I forget for about four days................
i have one every 2 days. :huh:

I shower every other day actually.

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I Havent bathed in a week *thumbs up* Only cause I dont get that dirty XD And I use a good bath soap brand
*gives a high five* I HAVENT BATHED SINCE *counts back* DECEMBER 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys seriously need to bathe o_o' Do you know what can happen to your hair and skin and a bunch of other things? That's really gross x_x

i take showers in the morning.

it wakes me up- and i need that at 6 AM!


*gives a high five* I HAVENT BATHED SINCE *counts back* DECEMBER 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, ew.

I can understand if you're on break, and you skipped like four days at the most, but ew. That's disgusting.

And MB, no offense, but even if you can't feel it or smell it, you're still dirty. x_x

I take a shower every day.I never skip one. That's icky.
I yup nummy. I just can't skip one 'x.x. I take one in Morning,Noon,Night. Thats alot yes, but we live in a barn. (my faminly and I) Not really in one, But ya'no.

If I go somewhere, I shower twice a day. Once in the morning and again at night. If I stay home I shower once a day, at night.

I almost always take two or more showers a day.

I wash my hair everyday just because if I don't it feels really greasy x.x' I hate the thought of greasy/dirty hair.
I usually take a shower every day at night, too, and I use a TON of shampoo and body wash and stuff too... I have to, because my skin is really oily and I get zits and greasy hair if I don't. x_X

I try and shower everyday. But, some days I'm too busy and don't have time- but it's not the end of the world. Sometimes I'd just pop in to wash off sticky stuff or bacteria.. some other times I'd go in and have a nice hair wash for like.. an hour. xD B)

I use like.. 5 shampoos whe I'm in the shower, because I do 6 sports a week, and I'm all sweaty. xD Plus my hairs pretty tangly and stringy sometimes, xD :D )

Weird poll....... Anyway I wash my hair and shower daily. My hair tends to look oily if I don't wash it everyday. Oily look = Dirty in my eyes. Sometimes if I'm lazy I just throw my hair up in a ponytail and skip the shower but for the most part I shower everyday.

At my job there was this guy who used to work there that never bathed. He would wear the same clothes to work everyday also. He stunk of B.O. so bad that eveytime I had to walk past him I would hold my breathe or I would feel nausas from his bad odor. I was glad when he got fired for cursing out a customer which meant no more smell.

Weird poll....... Anyway I wash my hair and shower daily. My hair tends to look oily if I don't wash it everyday. Oily look = Dirty in my eyes. Sometimes if I'm lazy I just throw my hair up in a ponytail and skip the shower but for the most part I shower everyday.
At my job there was this guy who used to work there that never bathed. He would wear the same clothes to work everyday also. He stunk of B.O. so bad that eveytime I had to walk past him I would hold my breathe or I would feel nausas from his bad odor. I was glad when he got fired for cursing out a customer which meant no more smell.
Augh x.x' There's a guy like that at the teen center I go to. He reeks and his hair always looks greasy. He wears the same pair of pants everyday and only wears two different shirts. A few other girls and I are convinced he never bathes or does laundry. *shudders*

Augh x.x' There's a guy like that at the teen center I go to. He reeks and his hair always looks greasy. He wears the same pair of pants everyday and only wears two different shirts. A few other girls and I are convinced he never bathes or does laundry. *shudders*
Oh that's disgusting!

It's sux having to be near someone who stinks.

I take a shower every other day. (Like monday, wednesday, friday - you get it! ^^) And I wash my hair every day.
// Yumi_82
Thats what i do

unless i like got muddy on Tuesday

Augh x.x' There's a guy like that at the teen center I go to. He reeks and his hair always looks greasy. He wears the same pair of pants everyday and only wears two different shirts. A few other girls and I are convinced he never bathes or does laundry. *shudders*
x.x omg thats discusting. I wouldnt be surprised if he changes his underwear only once a week. x.x x.x x.x

- eye twitches - OOOOOOOk thats disturbing and disgusting :X i took a morning bath just now i liked it :nazotchi:

I shower everyday and wash my hair every other day, but I'm itst bitsy lazy and forget to clean away makeup. So evey morning when I wake up I look like Alice Cooper. :nazotchi:

There's a girl in my high school that drinks seriusly a lot of soda. I also drink seriously much soda, but I brush my teeth two times a day ;) . She never brush her teeth! The teeth are black and she has gold on them! I'm not critical, but it's not very attractive when you're seventeen! And she dresses like a sl... (excuse me :blink: ) and she does not have very good personal limits either. She comes to class and have a face full of yesterday's make up, smells like vodka and swaet. If she doesn't do anything soon her teeth will grow mossy! EWWW!!! :angry: I tried to tell her once, even though I'm shy and afraid to hurt people's feelings. She didn't respond, so I figured that she had heard it too many times before. :kusatchi: ;) .

I take a shower everyday in the morning :nazotchi:

Its heathly for your hair, and you don't want to be the smelly kid in your class right? Its also really important, if you wear Deodrant (sp?) cause then you will smell even worse, cause then you'll smell like B.O and no one likes B.O if you know what I mean..When I was little I would take a bath every other day, but once I got older, my hair got oilyer (sp?) so I took a shower everyday, and now I smell nice and squeaky clean! :kusatchi:


EDIT: Sorry for the miss spelling.. ;)

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