If you could rate yourself, what would you be?


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Erm...I was thinking G, but then I decided PG.

The reason for PG would probably be because I have an extremely gross mind, but I dont often show it. I can find something wrong with everything. But I only talk about it with my friends. Well I dont often swear and I make a great babysitter xD

So occasionally I can be G, and occasionally PG. Usually PG though.

I don't swear, I do well in school, and I try my best to stay away from sexual humor and the like. I don't like that stuff. :mametchi:

So PG for that. But I do talk about more mature things like depression, anxiety, suicide with my friends because well, a lot of them have those sorts of issues so that would be my PG-13.

Plus, most the people in high school would be R so that brings my rating up a few notches, unfortunately. :/

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I swear. I can get rather violent, I like to run around in my underwear. I have a sadistic mind. I can sit and plan my brothers murder for hours. But i'd never be able to go through with murder, just torture. I have good sexual humour but thats the extent of my life.

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Erm... PG 15-18 for crude humor, heavy topics, sexual humor, swearing, sneaking out, parties, drugs.

I have smoked twice(it wasn't peer pressure, infact both times my peers headlocked me, took the cig, draqgged me around for half a mile, and scolded me.) I have gotten drunk once (then my peers got mad and scolded me), I have also "snorted" Kool-aide and Crystal Light (it makes your fingers tingly!) I swear alot and we have some perverted jokes. One of my friends is also having some problems (suicide-like) and we are helping him get through it. So yeah...

Honestly ?
Probably PG.

I yell, I swear, I'm disrespectful to my parents sometimes, I don't do much homework (I do, but I do it at last minute), go to "bad" parties and I can be mean sometimes.

But I dont constantly swear, do drugs, bad things, and I'm a fairly good student.

So PG. :3
ftw twin?

This is exactly me. I'm a crazy person, though xD

Oh yeah.. I've smoked too :| Not cigarettes though... weed... (if saying that isn't allowed, please tell me and I'll edit it). I don't smoke often.. did today though... with Aaron <3 :] I like Aaron alot...

^ :kusatchi: .....My brother's smoked marjuana...I was ashamed :)
I'm PG. Definately PG...
Weed smells so freakin' good, and it tastes good. Thats the only reason why I smoke it. I wish there was an air freshener that smelled like weed, but then everybody would think you'd always be smoking weed :/

...-cough- Same night has lamp pole dancing 8D
My friend got high off of Sharpie fumes, o.o''
See that will kill your brain cells way worse than weed... unless they've only done it once.

PG probs

I swear sometimes. And me and my firends have some realllllyy perverted convos on msn we were talking about Sackboy of little big planet and Demi Lovato having a baby earlier it was weird

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