If you could rate yourself, what would you be?


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R. xD

I say some things around my friends that younger audiences really shouldn't hear.

I'm rated R...

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Oh yeah.. I've smoked too :| Not cigarettes though... weed... (if saying that isn't allowed, please tell me and I'll edit it). I don't smoke often.. did today though... with Aaron <3 :] I like Aaron alot...
OFF TOPIC: You really are stupid, aren't you? If you don't mind me asking, where did you get weed from?


Sexual and drug references.

Teenage Romance, heartbreak and fighting.

Family and friendship dysfunction.


True friendships.

And being b***hy throughout it all. (Sometimes anyway.)


PG13, because I really say bad words not REALLY bad ones like F*** and yeah but i do say some I am a night mare...

(those people who smoke how old are you? you are dumb. sorry)

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I'm still R18.

I've never smoked anything and a guy laughed at me and didn't believe I've never been stoned on done anything further than kiss. He offered the oppertunity for both but I like my sexual innocence.

(those people who smoke how old are you? you are dumb. sorry)
Well, excussse me! Unlike the myths you have been fed all your life, smoking in small ammounts does not cause lung cancer, addiction, or shortage of breath! Not all of us on here are cheerful, happy lumps full of sunshine who eat rainbows and puke butterflys! I have smoked twice and I am fifteen.

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