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Krystal. That meant such a lot to me. <3

I love you, I really do. A shout-out to you, for being so amazing. And making me feel special. Sometimes I feel more appreciated by you guys than I do in real life.

And now a shoutout to Phoebe. I love you, you know that. Your life is one shining epic moment, and completes mine.


Awwww, why doesn;t anyone specificly love meh? lol
I could specifically love you if you specifically love me ! :3

Hmm.. I must go on to my other account to find the names of sme of my old friends before I make my list. They've probably PMed me by now.. I remembr I made some really good friends on that username. ILY good friends D:

. . .I'm giving a shout-out to FeeBumbleBee and Esther because even though I don't really know you guys, I've seem you around the forums and you seem awesome. o:

Ksenia, Starfire, Krystal, Michelle, Maria, Shayna, Viviee, Feebee, Katie, Huntr, Tess, Esther, Alice, Emilee, Beth, Carlyta, Angiee, Caillie, Oscar, Mikey, ilyy<33

Ksenia - You were my first friend~

Starfire - Super awesome MSNness #infectedfriedrice

Maria - Will your mom let you add me on MSN?

Michelle - You're super nice and just, awesome. 100% awesomeness

Feebee - You're like the best RPer ever...

Esther - You're super nice and always happy.

Oscar - I don't really know you, but you mentioned me. We should get to know eachother ;]

Mikey - Mwahahaha, Me = Stalker. I can stalk you >=D

Ksenia, Starry, Beth, Maria = MSN font buddies

Everyone else - ILYSM <33

Shout out to mah newest friends:

Tess-You're so kind <3

Tyler-You're gorgeous [XD], you have awesome hair and you're so niceee! <3

I'm giving 3 shout-outs.


You were my fist friend. My first true friend ever on TT. I always read your posts. I was pretty much cyber stalking you. We soon became twins. Then you posted a pic of yourself, and I realised how much alike we look. That soon followed with a video. ILY to death. You complete me.


I also cyber stalked you. We became friends quickly, and then I kept on pointing at you (if you remember that, lololol). I was and still am of how incredible you are. You're amazingly pretty, and you have an amazing personality. We've had our ups and downs, but I'm sure we'll be friends for life <3. ILY.


What can I say? ILY. Anything to do with Star Wars now officially reminds me of you. At Target, I saw a Star Wars bag --- I wanted to buy it so I could sent it to you, but ya know, mummy said no. My whole family knows about you. Even the teacher does. That's how much you matter to me. You also complete my life.

More shout-outs coming soon :)

Ksenia. You almost had me in tears from what you said. 8D You are so amazing. I love you soo much. You're so much fun, my Gabba lovely~<3 I'm always stalking your posts. Forever and always~

Huntrr; 8D Goodness. You're so epicc! Someday we will go to Hunter Village and party until it's 2020~ Gah. I don't know what else to say. You're just the best. ILY~ 8D

Vivienne; My TamaCHAT buddeh! You love me because I'm strange. xDD

Brittany; My other TamaCHAT buddy. YOU CALLED ME KENNETH IN YOUR VIDEOO! Lol, I love you, Britt.

You guys are so amazingg.

I love you too XD

.....Just kidding.

If internet friends don't count...






.... ;_; I'm not a very friendly person. That should explain my lack of friends.

Unless we're talking about the internet as well. Because I have too many international friends to count x_x

Krystal - There was a Star Wars thing in a magazine and I actually yelled "OMG. KRYSTAL" And I was in a supermarket. Weird looks as usual.

^ Awwuh. Michelle, I was thinking of you last night when I couldn't sleep. xD You're one of the epicest friends I have. <33


I'm giving a shout out to Oscar.

ILY me :eek: you rock. WB BTW.

Self-centered FTW.

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