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^ Awwuh. Michelle, I was thinking of you last night when I couldn't sleep. xD You're one of the epicest friends I have. <33
I'm terribly sorry for effecting the quality of your sleep. You made my day with that comment. I can't go past anything Star Wars with out saying your name.


Michelle - I love you to death. I believe you were my 2nd ever friend. One of the only people on here that actually talked to me. You've been so amazing through this whole time. I've thought of you so much while not on TT, seriously. I always think of you whenever I see real lamas, hear the name Roldo or just hear the names Michelle or Sarah. You're a huge part of my life, one of my best friends, and one day I'll be sure to meet you.

Starry - Ahh, my Thai, Typo-n00bi buddy. You're just plain epical. I remember the exact day we met. Well, not the date.. but I invited you to TC, and asked ou if you had MSN... you said you'll make it. From then on, we've been amazing friends. You're also one of my bestest friends. I love you. You're the little red power puff girl that completes the ICSPPGOM and Frog 2 in TSUF. I'll love you till the end.

Weiwei - My special RWN buddy. We both either fail/win at sports. We're both nerds. We're both Asian (well, I'm EURASIAN). We're just so much alike! I remember when I PMed you, saying hi. We've just become such great friends. Words can't explain my love for you [friend love, lawl]. You also complete the ICSPPGOM. You're my computer. My beloved laptop, one of my most prized possesions. ILY and will for life.

Beth - Ahhhhh, Mary. Our fun times with Joseph. Our Twitter adventures. Our TSUF meetings. All of these equal up to our friendship. I remember when I saw you on webcam, I was thrilled! I'm so happy to have such an amazing friend like you. You complete my life. You're my pink sunnies --- which I love to death. Bethie Boo, I'll never forget you. Never ever ever in my whole life, and grave-life. <3.

ILY all~




Katie [katie_bug]








Beth [Red~Rose]

Beth [The Script]








Yus!!!! Now I feel special!!! You're the first one to post my name!!!

Well... the first time (that time up there ^) you did and then you forgotted me again.. =(

Well... maybe I'm not that special anymore. D=

Ily Ksenia :lol: My only TT friend, and my lamp =] I'm so glad you added me on msn, lols.

I'm pretty shy around these forums so not many people really know me, but I'm nice and will be friends with anyone who wishes to get to know me :p

Ok shout outs.

Miracle- Joo is teh bomb and sooo kind

KRYSTEH~ Yus, yus we will most deffinatly go to HUNTER VILLAGE one day. We will spray paint out the E. Don't think I would'nt xD You're my Vouge girl. And I love ya! <33

SHAYNA~ Myy dear pickle, what else do I have to say? Yew were my first eva TT friend<33 You rock and Ily :]

KSENIA~ Yew are myy Tadpole && myy frog rug. Double threat =O Well, yer a kewl one && I L Y ~

Goodness, I will post more l8r %)

Even more shout-outs:

Lara - Oh yes, my lovely toothbrush. I love you to death. Your videos amuse me more than a video should amuse someone. I'm so incredibly glad I added you on MSN too. I hope to one day come to Wollongong (sp?) and we shall make a video. You make my life better, and make me happy. You're definately one of my best friends on this forum, and will be for life <3.

Huntr - MY LOVELY KITTY. You are meeting Fred. You taught me about Fred. You make my little TT adventures happier, and better. Whenever I see a post by you, I rush to see it, and if my computer doesn't respond, I swear at it. My friendie Jen says she is your friend and mentions you, haha. I've told my mummy about you, and she's seen your pictures. She thinks you're epical. We all love you. I'll never forget about you, I promise.

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Esther ~ You think I'm gorgeous. Bahahah!

Feebee ~ You're my big sister. xD -inside joke-

Hayden ~ You're so epicallll <3

Mikey ~ Rawr, you're a cutie.

Oscar ~ Ha. We both have our flaws. You haven't seen my teeth!

ILY Sup[p]erman <33 Ksenia will make you a cape and chef hat =]

^^Oh Weiwei, ILY for making a special shout-out to my dear little toy doggy.

You named him; so you are his mother. Nahh, you're his.... step mummy 8D

How much do you know about me?
^ Your name is Michelle, you live in New Zealand, your previous account was cluck_cluck_chicken,your school ends in December, your'e going to Adelaide to see your uncle and your'e gonna try meeting Ksenia...........and allot more but I gtg I'll post more laterXD

I know allot right??? :blink:

*edit- You dont know french :p

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