It made me laugh...:)


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Hung out with family, boyfriend, and his family yesterday and lots of funny stories were told and laughs had. :)

Well... My Mama was going to cook some sausages, and there were 13 in the packet. One started to fall out, and you know how sausages are all connected? Well, that one sausage fell out and because it was attached to all the others they ALL came tumbling onto the floor. My Mama just picked them all up with her hands and washed them in the sink. I laughed my head off, but I ate the hot dogs anyway and didn't tell anyone else. XD

Today, my sister was straightening up her skirt, and just when I walked into the room, she said to my mum "Am I straight?" so as a joke I said to her "No, you're gay!" xD

The weird dream I had last night;

I was talking to jack Quaid when he turned into Marvel and started chucking spears at me and I ran into this mansion and the Argentina rugby team were there so I passed out.

Fish. Everytime I think of fish, I think of my avatar. I was playing Animal Crossing. There were fish. I turned on the computer. There were fish games. I had a tune sandwich. FISH. FISHHHHHHHH?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?







My best friend decided that he wants to learn three languages before he gets out of High School, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. The other day when he came to church with me, he told me the only phrase he knows in Japanese. "I am a man." (TT wouldn't let me copy and paste the Japanese. Sorry!) For some reason, I just started laughing. You had to be there.

Also, he might get an acting career. (Same friend) And we were talking about some of the things he might star in. He then said, "It would be cool if I was in a movie! Then, you could point and it and scream, 'That's my best friend! The one falling off the tree in the background!'" This was also funnier if you were there. :)

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Well I was browsing the web, and I had TamaTalk open on another tab (I was on TamaMum's profile). My speakers were on really low, and I started hearing this quiet, strange music and I couldn't work out where it was coming from. Then I realised it was the music on TamaMum's profile and nearly died of laughter. XD

Well I was browsing the web, and I had TamaTalk open on another tab (I was on TamaMum's profile). My speakers were on really low, and I started hearing this quiet, strange music and I couldn't work out where it was coming from. Then I realised it was the music on TamaMum's profile and nearly died of laughter. XD
This made me chuckle. :D

LOL-ing thanks to a historical K-drama episode I'm watching.

Well. One day, someone turned off the lights and I yelled, "Power cut!!" And everyone almost laughed so hard they wet themselves.

I was reading about "British Humour" and our general capacity for "understatement" in other circumstances and the following example made me laugh out loud:

During the KL to Perth leg of British Airways Flight 9 on 24 June 1982, volcanic ash caused all four engines of the Boeing 747 aircraft to fail.

Although pressed for time as the aircraft rapidly lost altitude, Captain Eric Moody still managed to make an announcement to the passengers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress."

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I was watching Tamagotchi episodes and pausing at random times and sometimes the characters go in REALLY weird positions. xD

It was in 4th grade....

In a spelling test, we were spelling lots of different words. Then, the teacher asked us to spell the word 'Cough'

Teacher: Now spell the word 'Cough'

Me: **coughs**

So I coughed by accident when she told us to spell cough....XD All of the class laughed.

Well, in primary school, me and my friend used to play tag in special playtime. We played with this awkward girl and she was it, and she pointed a cricket bat and walked like a zombie. We ran so fast and it was so funny that our faces went red and my tummy hurt....XDDDDDDD

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My school bus has some awful people on it. They are into drugs, vandalism, and bullying. (I don't promote vandalism but this one made me laugh.)

One time, their vandalism went wrong.

Someone stabbed a seat on the bus, but then someone else carved "SUCK DUCK" into one of the seats. I'm pretty sure it was some awful insult/swearing gone awry. Why can't people spell??

In English at school we did this random role-play about people running away from a fire, and half of us were reporters and the other half were the people running away. One of the questions the "reporters" asked was "has your house burned down?" to which someone answered "well, it was made out of paper, so yes...". Also, when asked if she had tried to stop the fire, she replied "yeah, I threw paper into it, but it didn't seem to work. Maybe not such a good idea, that was." I think she was randomly obsessed with paper that day. XD

The thing that makes me laugh is when Rayman does the Grimace face. It's almost like Sora's funny face. XD

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