Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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Lorne became an Androtchi yesterday. Pretty soon I'm going to have to be careful of the matchmaker. Though, he will be either on a lanyard or chain around my neck until he becomes an Oldie this time!

All my tamagotchis are on the same lanyard, so that's a great idea. Zebra is 17 today! Holy cow that seems like such a long time for a tamagotchi to be running, to me at least.

Great to hear about Clay! I hope you have better luck with Lorne this time around JLou :) . Milo is 13 today:


I embarrassed him earlier by forcing Milo into a pretty bow! Shhh, don't tell him I'm showing you this picture...


I don't know if I told you guys this but I have all oldies! :D and if I did tell everyone, sorry for my stupidity. XD Oldies seem so laid back compared to the other evolutions and it's really easy to care for them. I like Izzy's idea with the age so here are their ages!

Debby: Age 14

Chuck: Age 12

ABBAB: Age 11

Mall: Age 12

Here's a family photo!


And here is chuck playing around!



aww mimitchi your tamas are adorable :) . Milo is 14 today:


Here he is learning the trumpet:


Hey guys!! Micky is now 5 years old and an Ura Mametchi! Half way to an oldie ^_^ Check my log later today for pictures of him if you want :)

Milo has reached the grand old age of fifteen:


Check his log as usual for updates :D

since I can't find thorn I decided to switch him with Tamfi and switch also their hatch groups so Tamfi is now 3yr and he is Pyonchitchi!!!

More... upcoming...[too busy with my homework] -_- -_- -_-

Milo is 12 today:


Here he is sitting in his new throne looking cute:


I know this is off topic but Moussette, did you get your v4.5 from a seller called johnnywong (or something like that lol) on ebay? I brought my v3 from him and when I was looking through his other items I noticed he'd sold a v4.5 with a shell just like yours recently. It's a really pretty shell btw :)
Yes that's him ^^ I've been looking for this particular shell for almost a year. Oddly, they seem pretty rare.

I think this is kinda nice thinking our little oldies came from the same guy ^^ They were close once , can you imagine ? haha , that thought makes me smile ^^

Wanna get yourself a 4.5 ? ;)

As for Mamie, she is doing fine ! We have our little routine together. She is the first thing in the morning I take care of, In the afternoon we eat, and play alot together. My mother in law is living on my flat for awhile so I show her Mamie playing around with music instruments and all.

I have to admit I have never thought of getting so attached to her, she is really something that makes my days better ^^ that's kinda cute I guess... Or rather creepy xD

The other day I overslept and she got sick, I got sad/scared. No i'm affraid it has counted as a "care miss" and I have to be super careful no that it doesn't happen again :/

I really want to have her around for a long time.

Pictures will come tomorrow as she turns 20 !

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Yes that's him ^^ I've been looking for this particular shell for almost a year. Oddly, they seem pretty rare.

I think this is kinda nice thinking our little oldies came from the same guy ^^ They were close once , can you imagine ? haha , that thought makes me smile ^^

Wanna get yourself a 4.5 ? ;)

As for Mamie, she is doing fine ! We have our little routine together. She is the first thing in the morning I take care of, In the afternoon we eat, and play alot together. My mother in law is living on my flat for awhile so I show her Mamie playing around with music instruments and all.

I have to admit I have never thought of getting so attached to her, she is really something that makes my days better ^^ that's kinda cute I guess... Or rather creepy xD

The other day I overslept and she got sick, I got sad/scared. No i'm affraid it has counted as a "care miss" and I have to be super careful no that it doesn't happen again :/

I really want to have her around for a long time.

Pictures will come tomorrow as she turns 20 !
Aww I guess that kinda makes them tamagotchi siblings in a weird way lol :D . Good to hear Mamie's doing so well!

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Milo had his Sweet 16 today:


We went fishing and managed to catch a lot of tin cans and 1000 points!



Is it okay if join this a little late? I have a V4 named Jace that's 5 and I want to see if I can keep him until he's an oldie; I've always married my tamas off, never gotten them to the oldie stage before.

sure I guess ^^ Since it will be a long group hatch log, I guess you can join too ! =D Welcome here !

So here are pictures of Mamie who enjoyed her 20s. At first I wanted to kinda... i dunno... Celebrate it. But I didn't have the time to think of something to make funny pictures.

I think i'll be celebrating for her 30 or 40 years. I have an idea i'd like to experiment hehehe ;)

Welcome TAMAFAMILY08! And aww happy birthday Mamie :) . Milo turned 17 today:


Just look how happy he is! And I'm glad to still have him around too.


I think Mamie is in love with Milo. She won't tell , because she is too shy but mhhh I'm quite sure of it xD

Really cute oldie Izzy ^^

I think Mamie is in love with Milo. She won't tell , because she is too shy but mhhh I'm quite sure of it xD

Really cute oldie Izzy ^^
hehe I think Milo is blushing, he may have a bit of a tama-crush on cute little Mamie!

Lorne is 10 and became an oldie tonight! Pics tomorrow.

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