Moonlight War


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Gale swallowed a bit, eyes darting to the side. "It's dangerous for me to be seen by the military. I'm known for speaking out against the government and they have a nice little price set for the person who brings my head in for the king. It's a tradition in my family, you know. Haha, stubborn people. It's a blood trait." He groaned, resting his head in his hands. "Remember when we first met, the way I often snuck out? I was sneaking around to... Sabotage... I'm going to stop now. My stomach is getting twisted in a knot just thinking about it. Well, anyway, what I did then is catching up to me. And times of war are especially bad for those like me. Don't be mad, please? You know how I am. Trouble... It's something inevitable for me."

"Apparently the war has been going on for such a long time on the outside, but it's finally sneaking it's way into the safety of our little isolated land. The rest of Earth is finally catching on to our existance as a country far unlike the rest, and they seek to kill all things different. Genocide is something you think would be considered wrong by now, but so much of the world is being plagued by it." Gorv chewed on his thumb before turning away from the view of Marie and Gale. He always got jealous when looking at them. "Let's allow them privacy. They deserve to be untouched, yes?"

"Well then... we'll have to leave. In three weeks. I'll be out of school, we can have a quick wedding, and then run away, far from here. We won't tell father or mother why; that way they will honestly not know about what you did. I'm not mad at you..." She kissed him again, then whispered, "Come to my dorm. Tonight. After tonight, you will need to stay far from here until I graduate. Then we will be reunited. But I want one more night of passion, of reckless abandon-- with you." She released him from her embrace, whispered, "I love you,", then turned and fled towards her first class.

Vriska looked from Gorv to the couple, and a soft smile came across her face. "You're in love with her, aren't you," she asked, walking over to him. "Gorv..." But she stopped short. She didn't know what to say to make things better. There was nothing she could say at all, really. So, she just sighed, and sat down on the sill of the tower. "I'm sorry for all that has happened to you." She looked over at him solemnly.

"Every year I offered to follow her to the school's ball. Every year she did nothing but speak of Gale so fondly and reject me in a way that made her obliviousness more painful." Gorv sighed as he set the spellbook down on the aged wooden floor. He pulled the hood of his cape up over his blonde hair and over his eyes. "It was kind of innapropriate at first, seeing I'm older on the inside than I am 'physically'. I don't know what happened when I died, but all of a sudden I was young again. But yeah, it was innapropriate in the beginning, but then I began to fall for her. It's... I don't know. It's not worth speaking of. I just... I'm done. So, how about that weather?" He chuckled nervously, pulling the hood further down his face.

Vriska simply sighed, silence consuming her, as well as thoughtfulness. She felt sorry for Gorv, she truly did. But she also knew that he needed to move on, for his own sake. "Gorv... yes, the weather is beautiful," she laughed lightly, then walked over to him. "How about we go to the ocean? Get away from this place. From the war and it's ravages. From her. It's what you need, you know." She patted his shoulder gently, then looked through his books.

The evening, Marie waited at the balcony, in her finest, most revealing dress. She was nervous, because it would be their last night together for a long time. She sighed softly, wondering when he was going to arrive, tapping her foot impatiently. She couldn't take all this waiting, worried that something had happened to him. She looked at her ring and her eyes grew misty. If anything happened to him, she would die. She wouldn't be able to go on without him, it was certain.

Gorv was silent at first, watching the woman rummage through the spell books. He considered her offer a bit before nodding and silently making his way to stand behind Vriska. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He wrapped around her, his chin resting on her shoulder. "How do you put up with a sad old man such as myself? All I do is sit here all day and brush up on my spells and then 'magically introduce them to my son'." Gorv chuckled a bit at the way he actually managed to fool Quinn into thinking he discovered the spells himself. "The ocean sounds lovely right now. My question though- how do I not annoy you?"

"Expecting me?" Gale called up to Marie from the ground, his grin wide at her choice of attire. He waved up at her before nodding and giving her a thumbs up. "Nice nightgown!" He began to climb up the wall with little difficulty- he had done this for a few years now without ever falling, so why would he now? "You look great, but we have to talk first." He hauled himself onto the deck, clearing his throat and shyly looking away.

"ell... because I see you in pain. Pain because of the girl, because of what happened to you, because of what you're going through. I stay because I want to feel that happiness from you that others feel all the time. And I know I'm beautiful, but if I weren't, I would still be here for you," she said softly, tilting her head back to rest against him. "And I'm older than you, so don't even bother with that term. Age is just a number to me, my dear." She pulled away from him quickly, unsure of how she felt about the closeness, when the girl he was madly in love with was just a building over. It unnerved her, and she would not let him in that easily.

Marie shyly turned away from him as well, ducking her head demurely. "Ah, yes... um, please, follow me," she said quietly, turning and going into her room through the large glass doors. She ushered him in like a true lady, then closed the door after he had entered. "Now... what do we need to talk about, my love?" She sat on the couch, then motioned for him to sit next to her. The nerves returned, causing her stomach to flip flop, her heart beating a mile a minute.

Gorv chewed on his bottom lip after Vriska suddenly ripped herself away from his embrace. He was hoping he hadn't been meaning to offend her or anything, but did he? She obviously seemed a bit uncomfortable. "I'm sorry? I wasn't meaning to, you know, disrespect your boundaries or anything. Really, and I didn't just mean outward appearances. You're beautiful in personality, too, you know? Yeah, ugh, let's go to the ocean. That sounds... Errr, pleasant." Gorv cleared his throat as he rested his weight on his one foot, looking up at the roof of the clock tower while making a humming noise.

"I can't leave. We can't flee the country. I'm under Azazel's binding, you see. It's a part of the apprenticeship and all of the contracts that go through with it. We're safe in the forest, but it'll be a bit before we can finally leave. You have a natural magical ability- mine is all being learned still from the books and continuous practice. So I'm sorry Marie, but... We can't be going anywhere."

"Ah, no, it isn't your fault, I promise, dearie," she said apologetically, a sort of smile on her face. "Um... yes, let's go to the beach, I think. It would be wise that we get an earlier start, of course." She moved the pleats of her tattered dress, then took Gorv's hand and squeezed it, before murmuring an incantation, which thrust them through the air at a high speed. They flew, invisible, over the town, then far away, and soon arrived at the beach, unseen by the people who could not sense the dead. "Well... here we are..."

Marie nodded slowly, then took Gale's hands in hers. "All right, I understand," she said, nodding her consent. In truth, she was glad she would have to leave in such a rush anyway. It would definitely put a strain on her father, which she didn't want. She kissed each of his hands and then murmured, "I love you so much, Gale. And I cannot wait until we can see each other all the time." She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, smiling.

Gorv blinked. "I am always impressed with your abilities, you know that? My talent only lies in spells that create things. Teleportation and speedy travel were things never exactly the best things for me to do." He looked up at the sky and then at Vriska, his blue eyes warm and reflective. "It's a nice day- I always liked the way the sky looked when gray. I always got sunburned in life, so avoiding the sun was neccessary, you see." He rubbed the back of his neck and then sat down on the sand.

"Our wedding day will be amazing. I promise you this." He grinned at Marie and then playfully nipped her on the shoulder. "I wonder how your old man is going to react when you walk down that aisle. I can just see him now, blubbering. 'My little Marie!'" Gale placed his face in his hands and sighed dramatically. Not that I mind him or anything. He's better than my dad ever was."

Marie laughed when he nipped at her shoulder, throwing her arms around him and planting a kiss on his forehead. "My father doesn't cry, silly! He'll be standing there quietly, walking me down the aisle, and giving you a look that says 'take care of her'. And I'll be on the brink of tears, because I will be ever so happy, and I won't be able to take my eyes off of you."

"He'll only be silent because he's plotting my death, you know." Gale chuckled, resting his chin on the top of Marie's head. "Every man gets that way- hell, I even act that way over Scott, who is obviously not a girl. But I don't know, that hair of his makes me question him at times..." Twisting his face in false disgust, Gale raised an eyebrow at Marie. "What do you think of my brother's obnoxiously long hair?"

"I think it's beautiful," Marie stated simply, moving to smile up at her lover. "Although it does make him look very feminine. I don't mind it, however. he still looks like a fine, upstanding youth." She giggled, and tugged at his shirt, nipping on his neck.

"Did I tell you about last week when Frito mistook Scott for a girl and ended up getting kneed in the crotch?" Gale smirked at the affection he was being shown and ended up playfully shoving Marie away. "My brother is weak, but at least he's strong enough not take to kindly for having his personal space bubble breached." He licked his lips and then pressed a chaste kiss to Marie's lips. "I'd love to fight that little brat again... But right now is a bit more important than revenge."

Marie giggled and said, "I wish I could have seen that!" Displeased at being thwarted, she climbed onto Gale's lap, leaning in and making the kiss much less chaste than before. "And I agree. Right now is very, very, verrrrrry important." She giggled, then cuddled close to him, resting her head on his collar bone.

"You're a flirty little thing, yeah?" Gale rolled his eyes and then pressed his lips against her forehead. "Sorry, but I want this to be more of a talking situation. Well, at least for now, you see. I just really need comfort that extends passed physical boundaries." He patted her cheek fondly and then laid back, pulling Marie along with him. With a sigh the young man closed his eyes, content with their closeness. "Has Frito been annoying you at all lately?"

Marie cuddled closer to him and sighed happily, taking his hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. "All right, darling. I understand." She kissed his cheek softly, then rested her cheek in the crook of his neck. "Occasionally he'll say something... less than pure, or the idle tug on my clothes. But I choose to ignore it, and I do not delight him with an answer. Oh, and with you, I am very, very flirty."

"I'll be paying him a little visit, Marie. To enforce the 'no touching' policy." Gale rolled his eyes and then laid back. "He sickens me, but this is about us." His lips curved up into a gentle smile as he reached for her hand. "I'm a little hungry, Marie. Want to go get something to eat with me?"

"I'd rather you not pay him a visit. You'll just get yourself into more trouble!" Marie said disapprovingly. But her face seemed to soften when he reached out and took her hand. She squeezed his hand gently before kissing his cheek and nodding. "Of course I would love to get some food with you."

Never before has thunder made me so scared for my life.

"Fine, I'll leave that creep be. But I have permission to rip his throat out if he even attempts to mess with Scott. Hmmmn, food." Gale stroked his chin. "We should get something foreign." He smirked a bit after a few minutes. "Ever heard of Japan? There's a restaurant that I think you would like that cooks food from that country. Plus I have someone there that I'd like to harass."

D: GO AWAY THUNDER! *sun dance*

Marie giggled and nodded in agreement. "Thank you dearest!" She platted his head, then tilted her hand. "I've heard of Japan. It sounds like such a beautiful place! And if you say the food is good, I'll believe you. But... i hope you don't mind me asking... who are we going to harass, love?"

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