My Chemical Romance


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I used to LOVE them, now I don't really listen to them anymore. I heard Bob left though which is sad. Are they making a new album? that would be interesting. I feel like people are kinda over them now. Idk :angry:

I love MCR, they'll always have a place in my heart. Their music's gotten me through some tough times. But ugh, their new album was supposed to come out last year, then it got delayed to January, then March, and now they're saying it won't come out till 2011! DX

Their music's gotten me through some tough times. But ugh, their new album was supposed to come out last year, then it got delayed to January, then March, and now they're saying it won't come out till 2011! DX
Same here :) I didnt even know they were making a new album...

I love MCR, they'll always have a place in my heart. Their music's gotten me through some tough times. But ugh, their new album was supposed to come out last year, then it got delayed to January, then March, and now they're saying it won't come out till 2011! DX
ugh i sooo don't want to have to wait 'till 2011! Thats way too long!

haha "way".... me and my "so-called friends" always laugh when we see something that says way. Oh and last week-end, me and a friend were driving to Cleveland to go see a concert on the AP Tour and we saw a town named Girard. We took a picture of the sign.

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^ I am going to be very unamused if it doesn't come out before 2011. xD

They've already been in the studio for what? Over a year now? I'mma have to shoot something very soon.


^ i agree! it's taking FOREVER! And they haven't released an album for, like, almost 4 years.. But i guess the longer it takes the better it is..? But hey, all their albums have been awesome. (But my favorite is probably "Three Cheers.." =] )

^ Three Cheers is deffo my favourite.

Yeah, at least we can look forward to it being really good, since they aren't rushing anything and just plastering everything into the record.

Yup, it's been about four years now. Kind of annoying waiting for everything. With any luck, the record'll come out soon. The waiting's driving me insane. D:


I havent been paying attention to what they've been doing so I havent really been waiting for the new album. Three Cheers is probably the best I agree :D with black Parade being 2nd

^ Same.

Still waiting on some studio news. Still going batshxx insane about this. xD


^ me too!

Like, every time I'm on the computer I seem to randomly just go to the website and see if there is anything new, like, whenever I think "Hmmm... I wonder if there is any news from the studio..." but usually there isn't... But when there is I pretty much freak out a little then read what they have to say.

^ Haha, I do the exact same thing. xD

I always check the band sites more often if I know more stuff's going on in the studio/on tour.


Yay! there is finally something new on the website! I, like, spazzed out yesterday (I think thats when i saw it) and my friends were at my house and they all just looked at me like i was crazy..

I love MCR! I used to listen to them a lot more like 2 years ago than I do now, though. My favorite songs by them are Helena, I Don't Love You, Famous Last Words and House of Wolves

So i so forgot all about this site for a few months.... sorry about that xD

so... the new album is comming out!! ah i'm so excited. i remember when the site changed on the 3rd of this month and everyone spazzed out on facebook :wacko:

I'm really stoked for the new record. A few of my Internet friends had a freak out over the transmitter on their site when they changed it.

I love the video, and the new song.

Definitely cannot wait for this new record.

Also; Blonde Mikey looks nice. Gerard's hair looks... Interesting, to say the least.

I think he used to have his hair the exact same colours and tones as the red/pink hair he has now, though. xD


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