New Angelgotchi Petition


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I've been a bit curious and I've been wanting an Angelgotchi quite recently and my friend just showed me an angelgotchi that she got from her cousin and it looks really cool! It's so small and cute and I really like them even though they can't connect with other tamagotchis!!!



i've never seen an angelgotchi before they sound interesting please make them bandai

Id just LOVE to see a connexion with the angels! I hope they make them...

Some of you may have read a petition to bring back angelgotchi's a while ago. It was closed because we are not supposed to bump up old topics and this one had been untouched for a year until someone replied, but if we keep this one steadily going, then admin said it wouldn't be closed.
Anyways, we are trying to get Bandai to release angelgotchi's again. So please sign this, and put a link to this in your signature.

Please include your...


the country you live in,

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.

Once we have a considerable amount of signatures we will send this to Bandai, and hopefully bring angelgotchi's back!

the country you live in,USA

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.I never got to enjoy the angelgotchi but would love to have one.

Name: I want it to be private.

country U.S.A.

comments: Bandai, if you could please bring back the angelgotchis so the people who never have had one can have one. I would buy all the designs!

I'd rather not put in my name so...uh, Bob, yeah, let's go with Bob.


never played w/ one but i really want to try older tamagotchi's so, count me in!!

Name, Elizabeth

Country, Canada

Comments, I have a Angelgotchi, but it's sort of slow and it would be wonderful to make a Angel Connection, which would be faster and just as cute! :3 And it could connect :mellow: And, it Bandai does make one, please let it connect with normal Connections!


name: pyonchitchi XD

country: USA

i would really like to bring the angel and the ocean back. however, i wouldnt like to see any new characters on them. :eek: maybe stick some wings on some, but no new characters, PLEASE!

Some of you may have read a petition to bring back angelgotchi's a while ago. It was closed because we are not supposed to bump up old topics and this one had been untouched for a year until someone replied, but if we keep this one steadily going, then admin said it wouldn't be closed.
Anyways, we are trying to get Bandai to release angelgotchi's again. So please sign this, and put a link to this in your signature.

Please include your...


the country you live in,

and any comments you may have about what you would like to see in the new angelgotchi's.

Once we have a considerable amount of signatures we will send this to Bandai, and hopefully bring angelgotchi's back!
exuse me but what is a Angelgotchi?

dont think ive had one!!!

Name: May H.

Country-Province-City= Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver

This is from 5 people May, Carmen, Janelle, Amy and Benjamin

Dear Bandai,

May= I'd really like an angelgotchi, I almost got 1 and it was *SOLD* old >_<. I'd like you to remake them with new features like connections.

Carma= I really want to get 1 angelgotchi, I might get 10, IM serious.

Janelle= "Same as May"

Amy= "Same as Carma"

Benjamin= I super duper want a angelgotchi. Im waiting for the Version 4 Jinsei's to come.>_<

not putting real name


i have never ever had an angel so it would be nice to see them again

Name: Miora Allen

Country: USA

Comment: Not much of a comment about how they could improve upon the new angelgotch, but I would like to see some new characters and I'd also like for the connection feature to be there, along with the ability to connect to a pc. Pretty much like a V4 or Uratama/Entama type of angel.


country i live in:U.S.A.

comments:in the new angleotchis i would like there to be a conneting feature.i would also enjoy new shell desines would be nice, thats all i guess

Name : Locky458 (don't want to give name)


Comment : You could send this to Ban-Dai! ;) I think they should remake Angelgotchi's and update it! :)

User : kaosMIMI

Name : Ashley

Province>Country : Ontario, Canada

Other : I've never played with the angelgotchi but have heard many nice things about it, my friend has an angel and it's awesome. I wish they could be re-released so people without them can experience the angels, as some younger collectors/fans like myself never got the chance to purchase them when they first came out. I hope they could make new features on top of the old ones in angel, such as connection, points and shop too. ;)

Name: Garion

Country: australia.


I think we have enough signitures to send to Bandai. when we send them, we better remember to post we want them to have a shop, games, and the ability to connect, too!

Name: Tamaguy#1 (I can't give out my real name :p )

Country: U.S.A.


Comments: I really like Angelgotchis. They're very cute and very cool. If they do return, I'd love for them to be able to connect like the newer Tamas. Maybe some new characters and the ability to have babies (like Connections).


-Tamaguy#1 :)

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