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my mom makes me
I'm kinda emo cause i do cut myself and punk because i wear alots of mascara,listen to punky music and wear black.
But you listen to Hannah Montana's music, don't you? Hannah Montana isn't punk. She is pop.

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Okay, we all know how fascinating emo's are, but can we please try to stay on subject? >.>

ZOMg, A~R, you aren't please with the way you look?! You are really pretty! :D
Thanks ^^


And, About this Emo thing. Will Everyone Stop judging each other? I have nothing against being, or people who are Emo. (Heck, i'm sort of, like, 3/4 Emo myself, I dont wear all black (but mostly though), But i Definantly dont wear Pink(, not anymore, last year i did a lil bit, then now In my opinion, Pink is Barfage), I don't and Probably never will Cut myself. (I'd Faint at the Sight of the blood. o_O. If i see lots of my own blood, i faint). But my cousin Cuts, I watched her cut one day and i was thinking two things at once "^.^, That looks cool....And painful o_O". She Also Carved Words in her Ankles, like "SlipKnot""MCR", alot of random things. ...Even drew a Smiley Face o_O.

So, It DOESN'T matter how a person Acts,Dresses,or looks. It's That Person's Perogative to live the Lifestyle They Choose. Beauty is only skin deep. So, Maybe People should Think,before they Snap back about Emos,and things like that.

-Thats just My Opinion Though.


Alright, everyone. If I see ONE MORE post about who is emo/who is not/emo superiority/ANYTHING off-topic at all this is getting closed, and some people are getting in trouble. I gave you guys a very fair warning and you are ignoring it and taking advantage of my tolerance of this chit-chat. I don't appreciate that at all, and I thought you guys could handle it much better than this.

I don't enjoy cracking down on anyone here, but I will certainly do it if this goes on any further. It's up to you to make the choice.

I can't post a picture of myself, so I made a doll.

*the URL didn't work for some reason and it was stretching the page*

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