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^ Bwahaha. xD

I'm literally terrified of snakes. I had a nightmare about them last night that really reminded me how scared I am of them. x_x

^ I know they're soo scary! I was walking outside once, and i thought it was a twig and i almost stepped on a snake! and then it moved and i freaked out and screamed!

And rollercoasters are amazing. My friends were scared of them, but i forced them to go on every single one at Dorney Park and now they love them.

-nodnod- this reminds me of Indiana Jones, lolz.

You know what else i is scared of? getting a shot at the doctor's. i had to get both flu shots this year at the same time, on my same arm. the next day my hand on that side kept going numb for no reason. and then i got sick. i blame the gross germy doctor's office....

Yes me too. xD Rofl, I'm wearing an Indiana Jones shirt now. I'm a big fan. *shot*

That reminds me. I hate doctor's offices, hospitals, nursing homes, anything like that in general. It gives me an uncomfortable feeling. Of sickness and death. It's unnatural. D;

Robbers, once i was at my dads place i thought i heard someone knocking really slowly and i heard the door opening then i got so frgging scared i screamed at the top of my lungs "DADDY!!!" Turns out, it was a really bad storm, and my dad accienaly left the outside door open and branches when into the other door. xD

Eh, I'm afraid of soo many things.

As for trucks, kinda. My mom drives all crazy like and I always freak out on curbs.

Like where dump trucks come out of, they drive so horribly!

We had a bad accident when I was a baby.

And I don't do this, but I would be terrified to ride a bike down the road.

A few days ago, a guy was riding his bike and he fell off, and a truck hit him.

It was so horrible,

Ahh..Let's see here.

Well, my biggest fear is the dentist.I am freaking terrified of the dentist.Seriously.And bees.

I'm was once scared of Heights. When I was on the Eiffel Tower, I would start hyperventilating and sobbing. But when I finally got to the top, it was such an amazing experience, I don't hate heights anymore. :rolleyes:

But, I'm scared of death of loved ones, when People are using knives (to cut food), Eggplant, sometimes Chickens and my tamagotchi dying. ;)

I'm not completely mortified of large vehicles, but they can, to an extent, scare the crap out of me. I guess that happens more when I'm in a tiny car and this huge eighteenwheeler comes zooming past in the lane next to me. xD

I'm horrified of getting older. It's gonna happen, but it just scares me sometimes. Dead people creep me out, especially if I'm at a funeral with an open casket and I've actually seen them alive. Blood creeps me out if it's someone else's. Like, a tiny cut doesn't give me a heart attack, but, for example, I get really, really horrible nosebleeds sometimes. The blood doesn't bother me. But if one of my friends would get a really bad nosebleed, THEN it would creep me out. Or if they started bleeding really bad for one reason or another.

Thinking about death scares me so bad. xD

Other than that, I'm not sure if I'm really horrified of anything else.


I'm not completely mortified of large vehicles, but they can, to an extent, scare the crap out of me. I guess that happens more when I'm in a tiny car and this huge eighteenwheeler comes zooming past in the lane next to me. xD
I'm horrified of getting older. It's gonna happen, but it just scares me sometimes. Dead people creep me out, especially if I'm at a funeral with an open casket and I've actually seen them alive. Blood creeps me out if it's someone else's. Like, a tiny cut doesn't give me a heart attack, but, for example, I get really, really horrible nosebleeds sometimes. The blood doesn't bother me. But if one of my friends would get a really bad nosebleed, THEN it would creep me out. Or if they started bleeding really bad for one reason or another.

Thinking about death scares me so bad. xD

Other than that, I'm not sure if I'm really horrified of anything else.

Well, everyone dies sometime. Dying is just another adventure. Besides, would your really want to live forever? First, it's not possible. Second, you would get insanely sick of living. Third, You're only living one life.







Oh, and did I mention bees? Yes, I absolutely HATE bees. I was stung by one when I was 5 an been scared ever since. Even if I hear a little buzz, I jump and/or run away. Sometime a little scream in there.

Authority figures. Especially cops. They always eye me funny when I'm out. They probably are trained to keep an eye on teenagers since they can be troublemakers. Cops make me feel so nervous. x_x

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