Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Ophelia opened the door, wiping her nose on her sleeve as she looked up at Luna. "Hewwo," she said with a sniffle. "Did my mommy send you for me?" She sneezed, hiding her face in her little pink bathrobe.

Aurora gasped when d0g started talking. "It's me, Aurora! Don't worry, we're going to find a solution to all of this, I promise!" She didn't touch him, afraid that she could break him easily.

"Yepp~" Luna smiled, "I'm gonna look after you for a little bit, kay? I'm Luna."

Zurui jumped back just a tiny bit, startled by d0g actually doing something. He decided to not mess with the wires any further, because he didn't want to make him unable to speak anymore.

Name: Twila

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: sensitive and friendly to most people, hateful to enemies

Looks: Long wavy black hair,skinny, has small mole under right eye

Outfit: knee length midnight blue jacket, dark blue skinny jeans, grey tank-top

Power: Creating storms

Birthmark: tornado looking birthmark on left ankle

Crush: yet to be discovered...

D0g's voice chip finally managed to stabilise despite the fact everything else was either offline or sparking violently. "I can't quite move...How bad is it?" he questioned as his lens shutters creaked against the rust as they 'blinked'

Zurui looked him over a bit more. "I guess it's possible. It would take a while but it'd be easier to do than to fix this one. What of your parts are you know, you? Your AI?" he asked, "I can put you in something temporary while I work on the new one."

"My personality chips as well as my AI, which are just behind the pow-Kzzzt core. I'll leave it to you if you wish to fi-Kzzt my voice chip.". D0g looked around once more before finally losing all power, returning to his shell-like state.

Zurui made his finger a screwdriver and went to work carefully pulling out the powercore to get the parts mentioned.

The core really did have a chunk taken out, revealing most of the inner workings on the component. Many of his chips were missing but the major ones were still there and intact.

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but you said there was a chunk taken out of the power coreeee

Zurui inspected the chips, then got the temporary body out of hammerspace and began installing the chips into it.

I am a lazy roleplayer today.

people are reading over my shoulder D;

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haha it's okay xD I just read that one post a bunch thinking of how to reply, heh

Zurui eventuallly got it functioning, and installed the voice chip.

and you can decide what the temporary body looks like.

After a series of whirrings, sparkings and motor strain, the tiny cube body came to life.

"System scan in progress. Voice chip online, Motors online, Optical Sensors online." He droned, systematically inching around on his new tiny legs. "Nice work, although i don't worthy in this..."

"Yeah... sorry about that." Zurui said, "But at least it's something, right?" he turned to d0g's old body and looked around for salvageable parts.

Zurui began disassembling the other body, "I know, I know. At least you're conscious."

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