Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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Name: Naia

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy towards new wolves but can be very cheerful and friendly to friends. Can be very defensive or protective towards strangers. She is also sensitive and can be hurt easily.( But she doesn't show if she is.)

History: She was born in a very kind and loving pack. Her parents were both hunters so she is a great hunter. Her pack was destroyed by humans and she survived by running away when she saw the humans coming.

Rank wanted: Huntress (If needed elsewhere please put her there)

Crush: None yet

Mate: None

Pups: None but REALLY wants them

Looks: Naia

Naia had been traveling for months now ever since her pack was destroyed.

Her legs ached from travel and finally collapsed under her. She felt like this was the end for her but suddenly she smelled wolves in the distance. She howled out all her pain in hope that someone would hear her.

(Exciting isn't it :) )

Svetlana looked in the direction of the mournful sound. Inwardly, she scowled, she didn't want to deal with new wolves at the moment but her being second in charge and Chloe being busy, she really didn't have a choice. "Aire! Come with me, please." She said as she shook herself and began walking to the sound. The walk turned into a trot which turned into a canter that soon grew into a bounding run. She was trying to rid herself of anger by running and it helped a little bit but the feeling still grew. She had just returned from being gone for a few days. She hadn't told anyone at all, she had simply left while she was 'hunting.' No one even asked her where she went, if she was okay, or why she left. It made her sad but also angry. It was incredibly foolish to feel angry at them but she couldn't help it.

"...Pathetic..." She sighed, "Practically begging for help. What is your business here in our territory?" She lowered her head to look at the stray, her eyes hard and hostile.

She flinched but stayed put while Aire treated her wounds. "My skills are rare with hunting. I could stalk with precicse movement that it would sound as soft as your breath. If I were in your pack you would have grand meals in your bellies more often." She

stared at the ground waiting for the mysterious she-wolf to reply.

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"You're are far too prideful for my liking. Cocky too. We have more than enough hunters and we have 'grand meals' as you say. We do not need your help." She growled.

"And still you continue begging! Fine. I'll test you tomorrow at dawn. You shall sleep here, not with the pack." She snarled, irritated by how pathetic the wolf was.

She dared not growl or show how her temper was flaring so she nodded and sat down. She simply pondered if this was how all new wolves were greeted in other packs. Naia felt tired so she slept getting ready for dawn.

I'm going to eat so I'm not going to be on until like 4:45 or so.

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Chloe smiled. "I'm sorry dear. You will have to stay with someone. You don't have to consider them your mother, but you will be respectful, do you understand me?" Chloe said in a stern, but kind tone.

Sterling greeted Cooper with a masculine bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir. Your sister is a lovely girl. The man who holds her heart is lucky indeed," Sterling said with a bit of disappointment. She had a son. That meant she was taken.

Chloe walked away from the pup and started to go look for Svetlana. Now that she wasn't busy she wanted to talk to Svetlana to see where she had disappeared to for three days, but she was gone yet again. Chloe considered going to look for her, but decided that it was best to stay. There was a pup that needed someone to look after her and she needed to find that someone as soon as possible.

Svetlana stepped back into the camp through the bushes, shaking her body to get off the leaves and twigs, scratching off the ones that resisted to be shaken away. "How aggravating.." She muttered, digging her claws into the ground.

Chloe spotted Svetlana suddenly appear and bounded over to her. "Hey Svet. Where have you been?" Chloe asked. "I wanted to talk to you earlier, but as soon as I woke up from my nap, I had to handle Alexa. So where did you run off to? I was beginning to get worried." Chloe laughed.

"I had some...things to attend to. I'm sorry but right now I am in no mood to speak." She said, trying to keep from growling. She snaked around Chloe to return to her den, her claws digging and tearing up the earth as she did so.

"Oh, alright then," Chloe said before Svet slithered away. "I hope you feel better soon. Let me know if you need anything." Maybe Aire will know. "Hello Aire. I hope you are doing okay. Would you happened to know where Svetlana has been? I tried asking her myself, but she's not feeling too good right now."

"She is rather...aggravated at the moment. Ms. Sventlana belives greatly in honor and she detests any wolf who breaks their honor. We met such a wolf today. The wolf also happened to be very prideful and arrogant, cocky too." Aire replied, "If you mean her three-day absence, I suspect she went outside the territory for some reason. While gathering herbs I followed her scent, I stopped at the border of our territory but the scent went on."

Jack hopped off of Cooper's head and sprinted off before Sterling could speak. Grace shot him an apologetic look and chased after her son. Jack had an uncanny ability to sense things that hurt his mother, even thouh more often than not he didn't understand it all.

Cooper sighed softly and shook his head. "Grace doesn't have a mate. Jack is her adoptive son, she saved him from a lone wolf a long time ago. Currently, she is a single mother." Cooper explained before she returned

Chloe nodded her head. "Thanks Aire. It just seems weird that she would just up and leave like that without telling anyone. But then again, maybe not. Svetlana is rather unpredictable," Chloe said with a laugh.

Sterling was disappointed that Grace had to leave, but he didn't show it. It amazed him how this little female could captivate him so. He simply nodded his head at Cooper. "So tell me," he said to Cooper as he sat down, a small cloud of dust rising off of the earth around where he sat. "Do you have a special someone?"

Alexa was sniffing around, she sniffed a small rock, it seemed a bit.. strange.

Alexa ran to Chloe and gave up.

"I-I want a mummy miss," she admitted.

Name: Kale Wilson

Age: Young Adult

Gender: M

Personality: He is the brave type of guy, if he has to protect a pack he will.

History: Kale has had a rather, rough childhood but a great adulthood so far, As a child he was the 'runt' of his litter, when he got to teenage hood he fled, up to now he had been all alone.

Rank Wanted: Hunter

Crush: When he knows Chloe, he'll crush on her big time.

Mate: used to, but his mate took off.

Pups: he did, but his pups went with their mother.


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