Sneaking tamagotchi into school


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If it's paused for a long time, then your tama won't age; a few hours won't affect it that much. If your tama is a teen or toddler, checking it every period is advised. If it's an adult, it could last a few hours in your locker.
If it's an adult, it should last the entire day. Accidental discoveriez

Since I'm in a school full of thugs now, I just usually stuck up some tamas in a DSi case and bigger ones in a big phone pouch and check on them only when I'm sure that nobody is watching.

All these new tamas.. I don't even know what half of them are! D; lolol. Even though I'm not that old, I remember back in fifth grade the most current one out at that time was the v4.5.. :p

Just put them in your wallet or purse.. pocket, pencil case, backpack, locker, etc. Those are the most simple ones I can think of. Message me if you need additional help!

I keep my P's in a little pouch I made with felt and I wrap 2 woollen wrist bands around it and put in in a beanie in a little compartment in my bag that nobody sees lol. It takes a while to take out, but I don't care because I know its safe

I have two tamas, a V3 and a V4.5.I usually keep them in my pockets or pencil bag, and play with it under my desk when nobody is looking. I have what buttons I need to press memorized by now (anyone else?) and just feed it and flush the toilet every once in a while. I check on it on the bus on the way home and from school and sometimes during passing periods, although I have to be really careful because I am in the 8th grade so everyone would laugh at me if they saw. It's nice to have a community here where everyone likes tamas!

I was a sophmore in highschool when I first got into Tamas, and since I was a good student the teachers didn't really care. I made sure to only mess with them before or after the bell rang for each class. I kept them in my pocket or side backpack pocket.

The tamagotchi craze with the connection series started when I was in fifth grade. My friends and I (surprisingly, in hindsight, I've realized most were guys with tamagotchis) would bring our tamagotchis to school and connect them during recess. My V3 was once taken away by my fifth grade teacher because she thought I was playing with it when my hand got stuck inside my desk. She had it for six months, and it hadn't been paused at the time. When I got it back at the end of the school year, I discovered she had raised and bred several more generations of tamagotchis! Incidentally, I revived my V3 the other day, and a bunch of my friends' tamas from 7 years ago were still in the friends list.

None of my teachers say anything about tamas now because they're too busy with people playing with laptops, iPhones, etc., since the tamas don't have internet or anything.

My advice:

  • Keep the sound off, for the love of all things good.
  • Check between classes.
  • Pretend you're checking the time on your phone, if people at your school do that a lot.
  • Lots of purses and backpacks have hidden inside pockets the right size for storing some of the older tamagotchis. Lots of people keep valuables in those pockets, so it would look less suspicious.
  • Don't look at it or check it during tests. (DUH!!)
  • Avoid checking it in classes where you have strict teachers.
  • If teachers give you time to work on homework in class, put it in between notebooks or binders you're using and half work, half take care of your tama.
Yeah, my backpack has that small pocket on the back side of the inside. I think it's supposed to hold the phone and some other things or something (I used to put sandwiches there), but it fits tamas in pouches quite nicely.

i havent replyed to this topic in a long time.i need advice for sneaking tamas to school . i am a little nervous about getting caught and i would like a load of tips .i had another of the tama embarressing was a couple of weeks ago. i was checking my tama and then i was listening to the lesson and after a while it beeped and everybody was looking around so i started looking around to. our teacher she was speaking at the time but didnt notice it was so close :D :lol: :D

I was picked on a lot at my old school for liking tamagotchi (other things also like the fact that they are just complete losers that have nothing better to do but tamagotchi too) I used to bring it to class and people would call me out on it and be like "is that a tamagotchi?" I'd brought a tama school and they knew it was how the hell does that look like a tamagotchi? (Also one kid that was being a pain and was all like "you like tamagotchi " and just being annoying in annoying tone is now a BRONY!) even a teacher made a mean remark at me once when I had my idl.

I'd moved schools and things are better but I hate bringing my tamagotchi toys with me anywhere because of that reason and I hate when people ask me I really do I sometimes bring my p's but my school is filled with ALOT of British people and they aren't the nicest of people not being racist but they aren't nice Australian teenagers are no better kids love 90s stuff again but not tamagotchi so I always have my face shoved in my locker when I go to feed it so no one sees or I just leave it in my bag till after school

I have friends that know I play with tamagotchi and watch the anime and they don't really care as they love anime too anyway I talk about it with them they don't have any interest in it but would if the anime had a dub or sub probably.

When I was probably in year 3 (3rd grade) (we call it year instead of grade in the uk) there were plenty of times I got caught, I took my v3 once and when at recess I was playing with it while eating lunch and the teacher caught me and asked to take it, I didn't want to give it to her and refused, and then she gave me a look like she was going to go mental, so I put it in my pocket, and just ran off. Didn't get caught. Then another day the teacher took it off me, put it on her desk so I did some ninja work, when she was outside getting some new pens I ran, took it off of her desk and one of the people in my class that I didn't like very much also had a tamagotchi and they were at the toilets at the time so I took theirs out of their bag and switched it for mine, when they got back they didn't notice and went home not noticing their tamagotchi was gone, and a t the end of the day the teacher said "here you go, take the tamagotchi back" so she handed me someone else's tama, so I got a free tama. And once when I was younger, when the v2 just came out I took it to school and te teacher took it off me and it died and I acted upset, the teacher felt sorry for me so gave me loads of candy!

I have a question. I want to bring my tamas to school the v4 and the I'd l but I don't know which one to bring.please reply

I have a question. I want to bring my tamas to school the v4 and the I'd l but I don't know which one to bring.please reply

I usually keep my Tamagotchi in my bag (wrapped up in a bandanna because I hate it when the screen gets scratched!), and go to the bathroom during break-times to feed it and check its stats. To be honest, I'd rather have my Tamagotchis hidden from the rest of my classmates (apart from my close friends), because I honestly can't stand it when people make fun of stuff I love.
I usually keep my Tamagotchi in my bag (wrapped up in a bandanna because I hate it when the screen gets scratched!), and go to the bathroom during break-times to feed it and check its stats. To be honest, I'd rather have my Tamagotchis hidden from the rest of my classmates (apart from my close friends), because I honestly can't stand it when people make fun of stuff I love.
Then another day the teacher took it off me, put it on her desk so I did some ninja work, when she was outside getting some new pens I ran, took it off of her desk and one of the people in my class that I didn't like very much also had a tamagotchi and they were at the toilets at the time so I took theirs out of their bag and switched it for mine, when they got back they didn't notice and went home not noticing their tamagotchi was gone, and a t the end of the day the teacher said "here you go, take the tamagotchi back" so she handed me someone else's tama, so I got a free tama.
Did the people have it noticed at some point or never? I cannot imagine that. I always look for my Tamagotchi when I left a place (my flat, the working place, my parents ect.)

I always put it into a crochet-pouch to avoiding scratches and because it looks cute^^ and when I leave the house, I put it into my bag within the crochet-pouch.

When I was shopping for christmas, I was sitting at a bookshop and take care of my Tamagotchi and the people around me looked really weird, but that doesn't bother me. I never interested in what others think about me.

Did the people have it noticed at some point or never? I cannot imagine that. I always look for my Tamagotchi when I left a place (my flat, the working place, my parents ect.)

I always put it into a crochet-pouch to avoiding scratches and because it looks cute^^ and when I leave the house, I put it into my bag within the crochet-pouch.

When I was shopping for christmas, I was sitting at a bookshop and take care of my Tamagotchi and the people around me looked really weird, but that doesn't bother me. I never interested in what others think about me.
Well they noticed the next day, but they had about 8 tamas anyway, they just said "I swear I had 8, not 7" the next day. Hehe

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