So wat is your hair color?


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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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Well, mine is fair-hair, (which means brown/blonde), so don't vote other just because im not very detailed with the choices... ^_^ :D :D

sorry if there's a topic like this already, so otherwise, yeah... :D :D :D

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Shiny, blonde, soft, VERY fair, smooth, sometimes wavy, sometimes curly, side bangs, layered, long....

Mines dark brown, wavy, and sometimes kinda crazy and frizzy! :D

But I think its really pretty sometimes... ^_^

Mine was born black, but kind of got bleached by the sun, so now it's just extremely dark brown. It's straight and short. (Well, when it was long, it was rather wavy. I liked that, but then I shaved my head for that cancer research thing. Well, at least I don't have to care for it.)

Long sandy blonde hair with natrual highlights (Never dyed)

Its odd. If I let it dry natrually its curly

If I slepp on it wet its fizzy and needs to be straightened

And if I blow dry it, it has heaps of volume and is wavy and the ends flick up.

I have short brown hair that's in need of a cut (I look like a shaggy dog, I haven't had a haircut in a long while). My hair touches my shoulders on the sides when I straighten it, otherwise it doesn't becuase my hair curls.

Dyed and Straight.

Dyed dark brown.

It was originally light brown/blond with natural highlights of every color.

Now it's faded dark brown with dyed natural highlights.

Up to an inch/two below my shoulders.

Dark brown with natural highlights [Light brown, blonde, red..], naturally wavy, a bit below my shoulders, side bangs.

I usually straighten it in the morning, though. :3

I wish I had known what fair-hair was before I posted. Craptastic.

I have fair, curly hair. But I voted for blonde // curly.

And when I say curly, I don't mean six-foot-long-locks-that-are-mainly-straight-but-have-some-curls-tangled-in, I mean Orphan Annie kind of curly.

It's horrific.

I wish I had known what fair-hair was before I posted. Craptastic.
I have fair, curly hair. But I voted for blonde // curly.

And when I say curly, I don't mean six-foot-long-locks-that-are-mainly-straight-but-have-some-curls-tangled-in, I mean Orphan Annie kind of curly.

It's horrific.
Fair-hair is brow/blonde hair...... ;) ;) :D

I wonder wat hair color and texture memetchi's hair is? :( ;) :eek:

My hair is a golden blonde color and it's a relaxed straight. It goes to about the middle of my back, and I have bangs the whole way across my forehead. They are long and are usually in my eyes.

Sometimes I straighten it. Other times after my shower I'll moose my hair up, put my hair in a bunch of buns on top of my head, and sleep on it. Then it's all wavy in the morning. :3 But if I'm lazy, I'll through my hair into a sloppy bun and pin my bangs up. And maybe I'll add a black or white ribbon to it.

So I voted blonde/wavy. Although I meant to click blonde/straight. x33

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