stuff you regret doing to/doing with your tamas?


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When I was younger I was getting a five hour train back home from holiday. I was sitting with my dad playing on my v4 and a girl about 4 years older saw it and asked if we could connect. For a large part of the journey home we kept connecting until our tamas were best friends and she was telling me how to look after it better. A couple weeks later I got Kuchipatchi and I really didn't like him (weird because now he's one of my favourites) and I wanted to reset it. My brother was with me when I was about to and he kept telling me I'd regret it but I didn't care and reset it a few days later at a friends house. I now think it would've been really cool if I still had this random girls tamagotchi in my friends list from 9 years ago.

I'm sure no matter what it would've died by now but it still would've been cool :) ))

Not making double sure that you have them paused (did that to my friends and was lucky they were alive the next morning, I have them on different times, so they go on pause when I sleep. They grew while they were unpaused to unhealthy characters as a result, but I was shooting for something other than cosomochi but to get them that way was not the way I planned>

Putting them on pause but not checking to be sure they stayed on pause while moving them and 1 of them getting unpased (1 of my IDLEs) luckily to have the ability to reset and not lose anything.

i regret trying to debug a v4.5!!!!! it was moving too fast when i put it back together and i couldnt get it to go back to normal, so i took out the battery and left it to rot. after a while i forgot that it was debugged (a few months later) and i put the battery back in and the screen was all black nothing would work! so i took it out back and smashed it with a big rock because i thought the design was ugly anyways lol (the argyle one)

Marrying off my Kuromametchi today while I was groggy from waking up without thinking about it. I didn't get all his clover pieces and he was my first tama on my 4U so... I'm pretty upset about it. That and dropping my 4U .__. it has a tiny dent, and not making it a screen protector before it got a small scratch on the screen. Although you can't really see it.

I made two care mistakes because I sleep in and forgot to pause Egg... I still got a Perfect Care adult, though. I also regret not letting Egg marry. maybe he'd be happier.

I got the v4.5 PC pack when I was young and only played with the little tree and the figurines. I think I might've thrown away the actual tamagotchi because I thought it was useless. :angry:

I really regret dropping my first tama ever (a v3) in the toilet, after this it stopped working.

practically destroying my connections and 2 iD Ls? the connections are okay now, just need to re-solder the sound wires on 2 of them but the shells are pretty much destroyed. as for my iD Ls.. they're in horrible condition and i can't find one of them. ;A; i should dig it out sometime! but i tried looking for it a week ago and couldn't find it ._.

Spilling milk all over my only V2 when I was like 9 or 10. It still works fine, but I'm an idiot. :p

A few years ago when I had first gotten my iD L, I had it on a lanyard all the time. One morning it called for attention and it happened to wake me up. So I reached for it, still half asleep, and the lanyard got caught on one of my desk drawers. Then my iD L was ripped from my hand and slammed against my desk really hard. (That, of course, shocked me awake.) After that I never used a lanyard on it again. :p (It was fine after that by the way.)

My V4.5 had a stripped screw for the longest time. Being a child and not knowing what to do, over series of months/years I tried every now and again to open it, jamming in the screwdriver harder and twisting it very hard each time ("This'll get it open!" thought I). Eventually I got so sick of it not opening that I somehow :eek: managed to pry open the back, taking the screw out of the tama in the process. Of course, I was really happy about it until I put a battery in and realised - oh, now I can't put the back on.

So, instead of perhaps taking it to a jewellers and getting it fixed (or something) I instead have a perfectly intact V4.5 that has a taped-on battery cover. :mellow: I didn't break the plastic or anything though, so that's something.

I don't really have anything else, since I was always really careful with my things. I guess the worst thing that's happened is leaving my V2 at the table in a restaurant and only finding it once an employee had swept it up. :D

I absolutely regret painting my yellow P's black with a sharpie... I wanted to make it look more visual kei...(if you didn't know it yet I'm very into visual kei stuff) and coloring the back of the faceplate paper with black sharpie, it stayed on the plastic and made it look bad after I got bored of the black faceplate... I promised myself once to never touch a sharpie again but I got so ragingly bored that I colored my precious P's with black sharpie and like I said before I solemnly regret it...

Giving my Royal Famitama a dent when trying to open it up. The dent is small and in an obscure place, but I just can't seem to let it go. :angry:

I guess throwing away my v4? I don't really remember what happened to it, but I think I spilled water on it. If I remember correctly, it also went on my v3 but it is still working to this day.

I really regret carrying my Tamagotchi Friends in a pocket that also contained other stuff, and now it has a nasty scratch right next to the C-button. It's nothing huge or anything to worry about, but it still bugs me whenever I happen to see that scratch.

Once I dropped my Tamagotchi Mini in some lemonade I was drinking! I believe it still works but I'm embarrassed that it happened. :wacko:

I have a Vintage, and when I was trying to change the batteries one of the screws got stuck. Then the other got stuck. I snapped off the back. Then I scratched that round copper thing in the process of finally getting the screws loose. UGH. I hope I haven't broken it.

My first tama was the same design as my current v2. I took it to a kiddie play center called "Kid City". It was like a whole place with climbing frames and ball pits. I had the tama on a lanyard around my neck, and when we left Kit City, I noticed that the middle button had fallen out. I was completely devastated.

Opening my NIP tamas. I started wanting to be a proper collector about 4-5 years ago so would get NIP stuff but then open it and pretty much ruin the packaging in the process... Oh what I would do to get them again at the low price they were

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